This was a memory which oughta be preserved, regardless of how much it sucked.
And it wasn't that bad really, as Amalie was a nice little girl all night - but I woudln't want to repeat that - not if I can help it (or is it can't? Hm..) :P Anyways. As all the pictures were taken with my mobile I figured smaller pictures were better as the quality aint all that - it's nice (especially for being taken from a mobile) but the colors are somewhat off and the odd flash..ugh I hate direct flash...Anyways...as miniaturepictures they doesn't seem that bad uh... & I really like this sketch provided in DW2007 - jan 22nd - I haven't had much luck with sketches lately (as in things never really clicked), but this one really seemed very nice to work with. I need to work more with sketches aside from just doing them whenever there's a challenge or contest involved. And the 7gypsiespapers! I LOVE them!!! I so wanna order the rest of the 7gypsies-papers from Papirloftet, but something in me tells me to be sensible and wait for the Basic Grey CHA news at least....hmm...I have to ponder about that one for a little more....
I dropped by FotoVideo today to fetch a Nikon D50 - yep - I checked around on the net and found out that I actually was entitled to borrow a camera of "similar quality" as the one I handed in for rep. Hmm. Now, why didn't that woman just say so when I handed in my cam or in the email-conversations later on? Ohwell. Nevermind that. I haven't been impressed by their "service" from prev. experience, so that really shouldn't have surprised me - the "don't say more than you absolutely have to"-attitude. And. When I mailed and asked about borrowing a cam I was lucky - they did have one cam available for rental - so I'm really happy about that. The pictures from this weekend plain sucks - I'm a bit sad and disappointed because of that - but ohwell. No more. I got another SLR now! Wohoo!
I also checked out their calibration-stuff - the cheapest is like, 150$ - but man - I *so* want one! I'm so sick and fed up with being happy about pictures on the screen just to find out it's too dark or too bright in print. Drives me crazy - and with all the printing I actually do I might just aswell buy me one someday soon. Soon.
Og da var flyplass-"marerittet" scrappet. Måtte jo det da. Og siden bildene ble tatt med mobilen og dermed ikke sååå bra så passet det jo greit å forminske de såpass sånn at det ikke helt synes på de fleste bildene :) Skissen er fra 22. januar i DW2007-kalenderen min - en ganske artig og flott skisse å scrappe! :)
Ellers har jeg fått låne et Nikon D50 kamera fra FotoVideo - YAY! Litt lei meg for at jeg ikke oppdaget dette før - at man faktisk har rett til et lånekamera - men det var faktisk helgas mildt sagt ELENDIGE bilder (tror bare 2-3 er scrapbare i 5x7 format - resten bør helst være i miniatyrbilder for å ikke avsløre den elendige kvaliteten så mye) som gjorde jeg ble lei meg in the first place og bestemte meg for å undersøke hva jeg egentlig har rett på mht kamera på reparasjon. Vel. Ikke akkurat "service" av FotoVideo å ikke opplyse meg om dette da jeg leverte inn kameraet mitt eller i de senere emailutvekslingene, men det var vel ikke annet å forvente jf tidligere erfaringer med de. MEN - de hadde et lånekamera inne og det var ikke noe problem å reservere det til meg når jeg først spurte. Det skal de ha! Så... me happy again! Litt så! :)
Hehe, skjønner godt at du var lei!
Morsom side å ha da!
Det er ikke særlig god service å ikke opplyse om alle rettigheter nei! Men jammen bra du har et ventekamera nå iallfall.
Love the page. Really colourful but the design is uncluttered.
Think your banner of all your pages is very clever & original.
Så bra du har fått et lånekamera, men kjipt at de ikke opplyste deg om at du hadde rett til å få det før...
Flott LO du har laget! Kule papirer og bildene ser jo veldig fine ut!