Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Dear hospital-diary ~~

Posted by Ania On Saturday, February 17, 2007

16022007153.jpg, originally uploaded by aniia.
How does the pic look? I took it late in the evening with little light..and the graph-card of this laptop sucks so I can't even judge the

Dear hospital-diary!

I had the most weirdest dream tonight. It involved water, a whale whom we could enter and play with in the tummy just like a water-landtoy kinda, some dolphins, a mammoth and...a unicorn. As all the animals were leaving into the big forest-sea (I know...weird dream :p) the unicorn came and tapped me thrice, making me brighter. Anyone knows what a unicorn stands for? It seemed so real. It's been ages since I had such dreams.

I'm being a nice girl. Grateful for the painkillers I can get my hands on and goes to sleep fairly early. I'm helping the other nice old ladies in my room with cleaning their foodtrays and bringing them coffee. My diet isn't going too well, my plan of eating barely enough to get stuffed but no more (cause the food really isn't all that most of the time, ugh) kinda was ruined by Simen bringing me takeaway pizza yesterday. Italian style pizza with blue of my faves....damn! :p The two of us eating takeawaypizza at the end of the corridor ...does that spell "your food sucks" loud enough to the nurses passing by? Hm. Nurses&docs: no offense but the hospitalfood really isn't...uh....all that. :p They say I'll most likely go home on monday. Yay! Hope I'm feeling good enough to scrap some once I get home! Been drawing some sketches and looking at ideas in the mags. Just hope I'll get enough painkillers with me so that I can scrap...cause tbh I don't feel like doing too much at this state atm..but dunno...maybe scrapping will do me good..I miss doing creative stuff for sure. Just a few more days....

Simen and the kids will drop by today. Looking forward to see the kids. Hope I don't scare them too much...

Jada..kjeder meg her på sykehuset...har tatt noen mobilbilder av random ting men er så usikker på kvaliteten..lasta de opp på flickr men får ikke sett bildene skikkelig på denne laptopen..all grafikken ser like elendig ut...selv på bilder jeg vet på forhånd er fine..jeje. Simen kommer innom med ungene idag..det skal bli hyggelig...bare jeg ikke skremmer de for mye..? :s Har iallefall ønska meg en "morsdags-valentines-sykehus-gave". Det er nå bare rett og rimelig? :p Tre i ett....det er jo...billig det...:p Så får vi se da....:p

5 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Dear hospital-diary ~~'

  1. Linn Said,'> 8:31 AM

    Håper du får en rask recovery! Høres kjedelig ut å være på sykehus, men godt du har pc da. Du lager så maaaaasse fine ting - og er en stor inspirasjon. Takk for hyggelig besøk i bloggen min - du har også veldig søte barn :-)


  2. Anonymous Said,'> 7:05 PM

    hope you're well and as I don't know what you've got, hope it's not too serious.

    good vibes to ya.

    {ThE fReNcH tOuCh}


  3. Unknown Said,'> 12:37 PM

    Hei og god bedring....
    Nå er du vel snart på vei hjem, for det var vel i dag du skulle komme ut av sykehuset... Skjønner godt at tiden har gått litt sagte, for der er ikke all verden å ta seg til på et sykehus, men samtidelig er det jo greit å være der når man har en grunn til det.
    De gangen jeg har vært innlagt har jeg lest, lest og lest.....

    Håper du har krefter til litt kreativt arbeid når du kommer hjem....

    God bedring... :-))


  4. Åshild Said,'> 8:18 PM

    Håper formkurven er sterkt stigende - og at kreativiteten blomstrer nå når du er hjemme igjen :) Gleder meg til å se, jeg!


  5.'> 10:44 PM

    Get well soon.:)x


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-