Oh yes. It's that time of the year again.
The day where I magically become one year older and none the wiser. Or something like that. Something inside of me tells me I should start panicking now if I haven't already. Yey.
Over to lighter things. I got Carnivale season 1 on DVD from my hubby. A little past midnight he asked if I wanted my pressie and I told him sure why not. I think he's proud of having figured out this pressie all by himself - tbh I thought he'd pull out the "let's do our annual Shopping Day where I'll go with you to stores & promise to tell you my honest opinion and won't complain while you use my creditcard for a whole day" pressie again hehe. I love it - I think he's cute no matter what he do :) And mother in law dropped by to give me some beautiful flowers & to let me know she'd give us another night out complete w/babysitting & paying for our dinner/movie. Cool! And we're soon heading out to eat dessert haha....we've been talking about doing that for a while...go out and just have dessert...cause when we once in a while actually take the time (&money) to go out and eat we rarely get to really enjoy the dessert because we're so stuffed by then. So. Today we've had a light dinner here at home and are going to order oreo-cake. Yay! :D
Edit: Okay. In the middle of this post. Doorbell. Flowerdude with another flower to me. Dang I really am becoming old - I usually don't get flowers for my bday. When I open the card attached I see that it's from my hubby. Lol. Aww. He bought the flowers and wrote the cards at the flowerstore and made them deliver it to me. Haha. Ok. He's cute. :p
Ohwell. Off to eat cake! Attaching my 2 last layouts for the grandjackthingie. See yas :)
Gratulerer med dagen :) Nyt desserten! Hørtes smart ut å gjøre det sånn - may have to copy ;)
Bursdagsklem fra Eli
Gratulerer så mye med dagen :)
Ellers må jeg si at det er flotte LO`er du lager. Liker så godt stilen din :)
Gratulerer så mye med dagen :)
Nyt Oreo kaken, noe av den beste desserten en kan få.
Aw, that is so sweet about the flowers! Sounds like you've had a good day!
Gratulerer med dagen :)
Gratulerer med dagen!!! Nyt desserten!!!
Gratulerer så mye med dagen ania!
Høres ut som en fin bursdag! :D
Nydelige LO'er!
*stor klem*
Grattis og nyt kaken!
Happy Birthday, you Bad Girl, you!
Love Carnivale! It's just not right that HBO doesn't want it anymore. {pout}
happy birthday day hun, have a fab day
Happy Birthday Ania!! Your hubby is so sweet. And don't worry about adding another year to your age. You look fab, you scrap great, you have a wonderful family. All the best to you!!
Gratulerer masse!
Kjempesnill mann du har...
Og flotte LO'er du har laget. :)
Haaper du hadde en kjempe dag!
Carnivale er SAA spennende :D