This weeks Pencillines-sketch is up - a fabulous artist from Australia guestdesigned this week; Sara van Wijck. She's also getting ready to launch her new stamp-line, so the favoruitelayout from this sketch will get a chance to win some stampinggoodies! The sketch is yummy - so there's no excuse to not do this one ;) (I mean - chance on winning some stampingstuff plus the monthly chance of winning which this month are some SIS-TVgoodies...).
Personally I made this layout twice - wasn't satisfied with the first one so last week I decided to have another go at it and used an oooold photo of myself - I was surprised to see that this photo actually is from 1984. I guess I was four or five by then - we had a cottage high up in the mountains where there were no electricity nor running water - ahh the lovely summers spent there... to get water we had to walk like 3 or 4 minutes across a small hill (to me who was little it seemed like a HUGE hill...I dunno, maybe it wasnt..we sold the cottage when I was around 11 or so)...and there were usually sheep and goats around...the sheep were shy, while the goats were playful and curious. I miss that cottage - although I guess the grownup version of me would freak out of the amount of bugs and flies and stuff around ;p
I've used bazzill, prism (for the journaling) & basic grey papers - along with some prima flowers, printed twill I had here and some Heidi Swapp ghostclocks which I thought kinda fit.
Am not quite feeling well atm so I guess I'll quit writing for now. Had a surgery a week ago and was all fine & dandy until this weekend - suddenly all the missing pains and ouchies kinda hit me. So playing with my classkit for Papirfesten will have to wait until tomorrow I guess. Bleh. It's delicious!
God bedring Ania!!!! *klem*
Nydelig og nostalgisk layout!!!! Du beviser nok engang at du behersker ALLE stilarter!!!!
heia på deg, så fine ting du lager!! jeg er også veldig glad i den nostalgiske stilen, sukk...masse blonder og gamle papirer...
ha superfin deg!!*
Nydelig Lo ania- så flotte farger!
Fikk så lyst til å scrappe gamle bilder jeg og nå!
Håper du er bedre nå!