Speaking about Amalie..right now she's yelling for Adrian to come help her.."ADIAN!"...dang...she sure can yell... (until recently it's been "AIAN" so I guess "ADIAN" is an improvement). Actually. Both of my kids sure knows how to use their lungs. Nuff bout that!
Playing catchup with photostuff
Wonder how the (Nikon) cameras are made? Check this one. I guess I sorta thought they were processed all-automatically or something like that. Cool! (feel free to skip to page 2 for the interesting part. Can you say....photogeekp0rn?) BTW. Yes. I want D300 or Christmas. Pretty pleaseeeee. (Liveview? It was weird not having that when I first got my SLR, now it's back..wonder how I would feel about that..) Also excited to know the price for the new 14-24mm and 24-70mm, although I suspect it'll be a taaaad outta my leauge (edit: 1800-1900$ Hm.). Still. One can hope uh. Right. Dream on! (ps. DX vs non DX? Forgot the diff - something about the sensor/actual size of the photo...remind me anyone?) Anyways. A quick review & comparison on D300 vs D200/canon 40d can be found here.
Layer tennis
LOL! I'll be watching this game for sure!
We'll be playing matches using lots of different applications, from Adobe® Photoshop® to Adobe® Flash®, but the basic idea is the same no matter what tools are in use. Two artists (or two small teams of artists) will swap a file back and forth in real-time, adding to and embellishing the work. Each artist gets fifteen minutes to complete a "volley" and then we post that to the site. A third participant, a writer, provides play-by-play commentary on the action, as it happens. The matches last for ten volleys and when it's complete, everyone visiting the site votes for a winner.
Hum nice. First one's up in a week - I'll be checkin in just to see what the fuss is about. The concept behind it sounds pretty cool to me nevertheless :)
More flashstuff
How to utilize the flash properly - kinda illustrating with photos and all. (hey, the raccooneyes are frequent visitors to my photos too!)
Histograms once again.
Hey. They're suggesting an interesting experiment though. I need to do that - I'm guilty of checking the preview after pretty much every shot.
And hm. That's all I had time for today - WOW-raid coming up!
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Så mange gøye og nyttige linker du legger inn Ania. Og et virkelig nydelig bilde av Amalie- gleder meg til å se det scrappifisert:)
Hvordan får du tid til alt dette? Sover du ikke? Mer oppdatert lady skal en lete lenge etter, på blogger, scrappeverden og altmulig annet. Produserer LO'er i fleng, tar nydelige bilder, redigerer en bunch med bilder og har i tillegg hus, mann og to barn *goosh* Du er flink :)
Kjempeglad for at du er en så flink blogger- gøy og følge med deg!
Obs: forrige innlegg var mitt- med en haug av skriveleifer:)
Nydelig bilde av Amalie! Hun er jo så skjønn.
I love that picture of Amalie! And you say you had bad light? Huh? Looks great to me!! Oh can you teach me some tricks please. I don't get much good indoor photos.
Stilig ramme rundt selve bildet.
Får jeg spørre hhvordan du har fått det til?
Samme på de bildene på posten "New classinfo and all is well"
Kunne gjerne tenke meg flere fine photoborder`r... har du et tips??
Hadde vært kjempe fint :)