One of the adorable weddingguests at the BBQ the day before the wedding.

Well, it kinda feels like that to me - haven't blogged since weds :P
Been busy doing stuff - and also trying to wrap up the weddingphotoediting - which I finished about 2am sat night. Yay. Also got a little flashthingie setup for webpresentation for the family & their friends aswell - think I'll take some of the best photos & do an own separate presentation when I get around to it cause I'm like, sorta proud about the photos & wanna share even though I've got loads to learn. I also want to be more bold with the editing/colors of the photos, but I had the potential processing in mind and that's always tricky -- I mean - just because the colors/photos looks good on my screen doesn't necessarily mean it will at others screen/when theyre processed. Ohwell. As I said - got lots to learn.
Sharing some more random weddingphotos for now just because I want to :p
And! Sunday = PLday = new layout to share! This time we were sponsed by SIStv & Jeanette - got the fabby Candytown-kit :) Can't say I'm too satisfied with my own attempt on this sketch - I think I did two or three different versions before deciding to just go for this one -- so please just ignore this one and rather head over to the Pencillinesblog cause the other girls just totally blows your mind with their layouts from the same kit! Seriously! Anyways - this is the 'I "heart" candytown' collection from SIStv & I did some glossy accent on the embellishments which ofcourse doesn't really show here in the scan.
Also sharing the layout I did for the Casino contest at Minneriket - yay - the contests at Minneriket just totally rocks :) And I love this layout because it reminds me of the wonderful times we had during our recent vacation - here's the breakfasts we had in Wien.
Btw. Did you see the Bad Girls Design Academy? The contest is on now -- first class was by Ms. Rago herself and was about Color Theory. And there's already a lot of great homeworks already delivered in the gallery! Wohoo! :D
Anyways. Stay safe & behave - tomorrow I'm off to the hospital once again for another surgery -- this time I'll be gone for one day only - so I'll be home again on tuesday. See yas :)
BTW. Did you know that Happy Scrappin Scrapbooking are hosting a fabulous Scrap Pink Crop Sept 28th -30th? If you sign up by donating to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Foundation through their site you can win one of these prizes:
1st Prize Cricut Expression Machine
2nd Prize Cricut Machine
3rd Prize Cuttlebug Machine & many other prizes!
Yay! See ya there..? :)
Digger All in-lo'en din, altså! Og bildene dine er helt nydelige! Lykke til i morgen. *klem*
Skikkelig flotte bilder Ania! Himmel som du har jobbet da - står respekt av. Håper at de som skulle få se skrøt en hel masse!! Flotte LO`r og! Lykke til i morgen.
Her er det WOW til alt!!!
Du er kanonflink med kamera!!
Lekre bilder fra bryllupet!
Likte godt frokostlayouten også :)
loving those photos aniia, btw did you think RAW was worth it?!?
love the layouts as well
Gorgeous layouts Ania!! And your photos... omg your photos... sigh :)
bildene dine fra bryllupet er helt fantastiske! jeg elsker editingen! og det bildet av han lille gutten var helt utrolig! elsker fargene!
tror ikke du trenger å bekymre deg sånn alt for masse om hvordan fargene ser ut på din skjerm, om/når de blir levert til fremkalling så blir jo fargene og densityen på bildene justert, det gjør vi hvertfall hos oss :) men tror ikke du trenger å bekymre deg!
og for et flott bidrag du hadde til all inn, den ser helt smashing ut :D
Kule og flotte LO'er som vanlig fra din kant!
Og bildene diner er nydelige! Wow!
Lykke til i dag! *klem*
LO'ene dine er så flotte!
Og for ikke å snakke om bildene dine... Nydelige bryllupsbilder...:)
great stuff, girl! i love the photos too!!!!!!
Jeg er helt "in love" med midraget ditt til All in! :D
Utrolig flotte bilder fra bryllupet!
Lykke til med operasjonen!
all very nice photos :) congrats!!
Not only do i adore those layouts but the photos are AMAZING