I love what they have done with the übertalented Vibeke Spigseth as their main (??) designer - at least I love the direction they seems to have taken with her aboard -
Scrappedugnad was so lucky to be sponsed by
Scrappers Choice this time - a Scandinavian provider of scrapbook-stuff - their spring papers are mostly themed papers - something I normally don't do but hot darn, these are
b e a u t i f u l for reals! I lucked out and got the wedding papers - ahh the quality of this paper and its structure is to die for and it's so beautiful... perfect for the weddingphotos I shot last fall of my husbands cousin. I wanted to make this simple - let the paper and photos take the mainstage while accenting it with sewing & a splash of color from Prima.. oh, and I almost forgot the challenge itself - use stamps - blush - uhm, right - this cute lil stamp in the middle there is cute eh??
Design Linda Mortensen - love it and love it even more that I got to use it - it's too underused!!
Come join the challenge - use stamps ;) - and you can get the chance to win some of these yummy papers & embellies for yourself too!
In other words. Age of Conan is launcing tomorrow. We have preordered so I guess we're ready to play tomorrow. I haven't been playing any MMORPGS in a good while now - longest break ever since I started playing such games at 16. The last game I played was World of Warcraft, and we kinda quit it a few months ago - in the end I was just raiding and it just wasn't enough. I do miss the big games though, the excitement, the cooperations, the people - I guess the game itself just grew..old? I haven't been missing playing too much - so I wonder how it will be playing Age of Conan. Will I get back on track playing hardcore or will I keep on carrying a laidback approach as I have the last year or so? Hm. We'll see. I kinda like having time to scrap in the evenings, but I do miss playing and experiencing&doing things with my husband in the games. Oh. And I'm also looking for D&D miniature sets for my kiddo - he seem to have taken a keen interest in these small figures when my husband came home from a D&Dgame with some friends. He really got it quick and tried really hard to learn the diff stats and stuff - cool. The nerd generation is safe. Sooo to keep him happy I'm looking for D&D sets on ebay...he is reeeeeally giddy about getting new figures and daddy keeps telling him to tell mommy cause it's mommy who's doin ebay! Right! I'm not even sure what I am looking for or what's a good buy or whatever. Hrm. Feel free to help out if you know :p
Ps! Luxe has just gotten quite a few new collections into their store and are celebrating the new lines with giveaways..
check it out :)