The Bad Girls Summer Workshop!! YEAH!
Ten amazing & totally fabulous classes.
Challenges, contests & PRIZES. Chatting and fun.
And - we're using the May kit so you'll find TONS of inspo here if you have gotten the kit and not quite sure what to do with it. My class? I am showing a Norwegian speciality. Teeheeeeheeeee. If you don't have the kit - what the frak.... welcome anyways cause it's not like you HAVE to have the same kind of papers and stuff right? You can use whatever you have at hand...and these are superb projects and there will be supply-lists on the message board in advance so you can prepare..some are already out..
More info to come at the messageboard/blog so watch it..
Å! Jeg gleder meg, til å se hva du og de andre har funnet på! Og få tak i det flotte maikit'et!
Håper jeg er hjemme og ikke på jobb når dere kjører klassene, selv om jeg sikkert kan ta det igjen siden også:)
God Helg& 17.maisfeiring til deg og dine !!
Oh what fun, Bad Girls Kits sao totally ROCK !!!!!
teee heee hee cant wait to see the response from your speciality!
Hope your feeling brighter today.