Okay, the bags are..uh..oh wait, no, they aren't right yet - but will be soon - packed, that is. I am heading off to Oslo to my father to do some serious and much-needed studying. Well, as much studying as I am able to muster for the moment being, but I am getting better and better for every day and well, it's not like I'm gonna run a marathon or something like that so I am feeling pretty positive that this will be a good week. And since my mother is gonna visit us next weekend because of some senior-thingie she and my stephfather was gonna attend here in Bergen, I am going to travel back home with them, yay.
Actually, if this post has made it it means I am on the train as I am scheduling it and obviously would be home to edit/interrupt the sceduled post or something kinda :p
In the meantime...am sharing a few ATC's I've made lately....I really really am starting to fancy the whole ATC thingie...such a great thing to send other scrappers instead of little notes or cards kinda. I think anyways :) (note to self: these atcs needs something extra - like more alphaletters on them. Ohwell. Will remember that for the next times :) )
Skikkelig flotte ATCer!
Takk for deltakelsen:)
Brita - ScrappeMania
Så flotte ATCer!!
Digger alt du lager!
Kule ATC'er! Trodde ikke det var plass til bilde på de, men det klarte du jo bra!! Ha en fin uke!!
Jeg ble hvertfall veeeeeldig glad når jeg fikk min ATC av deg :D Skikkelig lekker!
Those atc's are darling!!
oh they are so shabby!! love them hun xx
Åh, så lekre de var!!! Nyyydelige ATC'er!
Tusen takk for at du ble med på utfordringa :D
Lekre ATC'er du har laget!
Takk for at du deltar på utfordringen vår.
Kjempestilige ATCer! Knallflotte!:D
Those ATC's are awesome! Hope your trip to Oslo was productive
they are so beautiful !!