Read about Kristys challenge (march 10th entry) at Cathy Zielske's blog (one of my fave scrapping blog along with Donna Downey, Elsie Flannigan and Ali Edwards ), and it really got me thinking. I've seen plenty of BoM challenges (Book of Me), even tried one once, but still, been very unwilling to continue scrap about myself. In fact, two of the 'less-satisfied-about' layouts I know of have been about me and me only.
I prefer to scrap about my children, my surroundings, my family. And I absolutely hate - hate - hate pictures of myself. Well, it's not that bad, but I don't feel comfortable with most pictures of myself....don't want to and don't need to be reminded about how awful I'm looking most times. Silly isn't? Cause, it's like, me...it's really myself....and after like, 26 years I shoulda grown customed to see myself, no? And on good days I feel like, well, I'm an average looking woman and not that bad off, and at bad, which is, like most days, I don't get how I managed to get Simen (he prolly don't either :p) & to get such cute and goodlooking children (yes they are! :p).
But then again - I think it'd be nice for the children and maybe other people aswell to have some memoriabila about me after I'm gone. Who knows, life changes fast and we never know what happens next. At least I'll be in control of what kind of pictures they'll remember me by, kinda. Because yes, I need to control and be able to enchance the pictures I'm less happy about. Who knows - one day I might be bold enough to just scrap a randomly untouched picture about me - but for now, they'll be happy with what they get :p
Anyways...played some with brushes in Photoshop - so much fun! And when it was done and well, pretty much messy - I realized that hey, this is really how I feel inside. The title reads "I am ME" - simply because - the challenge suggests us to use titles as "I am a Mother" or "I am a Woman" - and although yes - I am a mother most of the time - I still am me - I want to be defined by myself, not by my children - even though it's much easier to do the latter. Weird I know. But when you're a fulltime mother, no matter how much you do love your children, you sometimes want to be just...you. Think I'll try color the word "ME" with some chalk later today, to make it slightly more standout kinda.
Enough rambling. Amazed you read through all this nonsense ;)
Btw. Wanted to be the first Norwegian to enter this challenge - but had to discover minutes before starting this entry that Gudrun was first. Damn! :D
Ps. Thank you again Kristy for this challenge - which really was a personal challenge aswell.
Ania!!! Thank you so much for taking the challeneg - I get to **meet** you and girls from all around the owrld who should embrace the fact that it is ok to "scrap yourself"
I love the brush work on your photo and your doodling is so pretty - I love it.
Ill update my blog tonight and put the link on - belss you darling... have a great day xx
Love all the swirls and flowers. A great Lo.
hi ania
the link to the "bum" layout can be found here along with all the UK girls artwork - you have to join though but its free!!!
Kirsty x
I don't know why you don't like photos of yourself - you are beautiful!! Awesome brushwork too!
Så nydelig side, Ania! Kjempeflott drodling og bildet ble utrolig flott med brushes´ene du har brukt!