Think I'm done - for now anyways.
Things to note/todo:
- Not sure if I like the current way the linkstuff is displayed - plus pondering about trying to trim the # of least it gave me a chance to update some old links and stuff..
- I *think* this format is more heavy on the connection (aka will take some time loading - at least the first time) - which is why I am limiting the number of posts displayed at the frontpage to five at a time plus opted to not have a galleryslider/any blinkies and stuff. Really appreciate feedback from you on this one - does the blog take way too long to load - both first time and the fifth time when you return? Please do let me know so I can evaluate this template (although w/this much time I've put into it atm I don't think I'm gonna swap anytime soon :p)
The comment-section is displayed at the top of the posts now - uh? I *think* I want it where it usually is at - the bottom - but can't figure it out in the html. Anyone knows - feel free to share ;pUM Vin over at the Blog-doctor ROCKS!!! When I couldn't find the right info for my template over at his blog he was so nice&quick to help me out in emails!! YAY!! Thank you so much!!- I can't seem to edit the way the same comment-thingie is displayed (not at the frontpage at least - but I've customized how it looks inside the singleposts kinda) - I've seen several do so - please share any interesting info you've got if you feel like it.
I miss the customized blogger"bar" at the top - the one allowing you to hit the dashboard / quickpost new posts /quickedit layout and stuff when logged in - not sure how to get it back? Added the dashboard manually at least..but would prefer to have the original thingie on top...Edit: it's intact in the "Layout->page elements"-section, called navbar and it's blue, at least here. Yet it doesn't show on the blog itself. Hm.
Edit2: LOL. I added a metadata-tag at the wrong spot in the html-code and lo and behold, the bloggerbar showed itself. Do not ask me why or how - but guess I'll keep that metatag at the wrong place still...doesn't seem to do any harm anyways :pNeed to find out how to edit the timer on the slide on top - prob in the javascript. On the todo-list for tomorrow. It kinda swaps stuffz a bit too fast for me liking....what do you think?
I'm so good ;p. Figured this out (so easy, just had to actually look at the file ;p). Is the timer on the slider ok now? You can click on the "stop" next to the image to stop it.I'd like to add a "follower"-widget, but I don't really want to include who's following and stuff (kinda feels like a pissing-contest to me and it feels a bit awkward to me...or maybe rather embarassing ;p)....I'd love to make it easier for people to follow me if they want to though, so....any ideas? Anyone know the directlink to where to do that kinda - follow someones blog?
Nevermind me again - figured this out. I *think*. Mind testing it for me? (you can unfollow if you want after I guess ;p) Just would like to know that the link I found actually works. Links both on the top of the blog and on one of the the sidebars. It's text-only.- Suggestions to more stuff to add to the "Useless stuff about me" section? I was originally just thinking sb-related stuff like contact and stuff, in case people missed the top bars ;p
- Anything else I've forgotten? I'd really appreciate feedback here folks ;p
- Any questions welcome too :)
NB! If you are uploading the blog-images to photobucket, make sure you upload them in the largest resolution possible (1024x786px 17" screen) to prevent garbling/problems w/images.
And I just can't post w/o photos so....
Wow, stilig, har du laget alt selv, eller brukt template? Digger ihvertfall layouten, og tipper det har vært mye arbeid :o)
I like the new look, Ania. I've been a long time stalker of your blog, since Bad Girls. ;) Love the scrolling banner at the top!
I don't see the links except when you scroll down - but it may be my screen size. It did load quickly.
Love the new look. I haven't seen one like this yet.
Stilig Oppsett og KULT bilde av deg(",)
Laster kjapt og har lagt til som "follower", dette også virker helt fint :o)
Ha en riktig god helg!
oi, kult!! jeg skjønte egentlig ingenting av det her, men det så fancy ut!! enig med de andre, den som scroller på toppen var tøff! hell og lykke med ny blogdesign**
Wow, så stilg bloggen ble! Digger den delen som skifter mellom ulike sider og bilder oppe! Kjempekul! Jeg er alt for lat til å begi meg utpå en så avansert template! Hi hi!
Savnet deg på tirsdag!
Doesn't take long to load. Love the top thing-y. Bises, D
love teh new look blog , have the same template downloaded, but having huge problems uplaoding it :( it wont fit properly!
Have a lovely weekend hun