Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Yes I know what you think of me ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, May 01, 2009
Fancy Pants Designs: The Daily Grind & Splendid
Template from Mirkwood Designs

Ahhh..I am starting to see the end of the tunnel re: tweaking this blogtemplate - thank you so much for your patience & feedbacks :) :)

I really am loving this slider at the top and am starting to see the possibilities -- sharing general infos, peeks and snippets of photos I love for the moment being and stuff :) As you may notice it now also contains info re. tomorrows NSD (Hambly Blog Hop! Yay! :) )..

Right...nuff talk about this template - I just get so consumed&excited when in the middle of tweaking and, if I only could fix the comment thing too....

I can't really believe we're now in May -- y.i.k.e.s!
And it's been a while since I played five friday faves (HI Dena!!) - so I think I'm totally gonna play along today :)

  1. Butterflies!
    It took a while for this butterfly-craze to hit me, but in the end it did!! Am so in love with this Hambly-transparent- lots of yummy butterflies to cut out and it's in this lovely limegreen color!!!

  2. Border punches. From Fiskars. Namely apron lace and upper crest! *swoooooooooon* Cuts like hot knife on butter too! :) :)

  3. Cheap make-your-own-ice-sets in colorful plastic from IKEA:p
    The kids loves to make their own ice outta squash, juice or yoghurt. Cheap, simple & simply genious :)

  4. Spring in the air
    Stuff are blossoming. The days are lighter. Images are waiting to be taken.
    Am starting to feel like taking more photos, imagining images when not having the camera around and yeah, even actually taking more photos too. That's a good sign no?

  5. Earth Day
    This paper from Ecology from Luxe Designs. YUM! :D

Have a nice May 1st and don't forget to drop by again tomorrow for the Hambly Blog Hop :)

Title: "Silent all these years " - Tori Amos ♥♥♥

3 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Yes I know what you think of me ~~'

  1. _Kine Said,
    10:58 AM

    Så fin liten boks! Jeg er jo egentlig livredd for sommerfuler (re: kameraten min som fikk en møll inni øret og måtte til sykehuset for å fjerne den... og sommerfugler er jo bare møll med pynt), men jeg har slått meg på bølgen jeg også. Liker symbolikken :) Digger woodgrainarket fra Luxe! Ha en finfin første mai :)


  2. Anette S Said,
    3:15 PM

    Jeg er også helt forelsket i sommerfugler! Jeg elsker spellbinders sine! Swoon!
    Ha en kjempefin fridag i dag! Nyd den!


  3. Anonymous Said,
    5:00 PM

    Woo hoo for the Hambly butterflies! :) I'm still waiting for more.


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-