Firs off; discovered this lady yesterday - I'm so outta the loop so I dunno if I'm just particular slow or if she's not that known *blush* but - I liked what I heard! Do check out her myspace spot and listen to some of her tunes: Regina Spektor. Pretty similar style like Tori Amos (who by the way will be out with a new album soon!!! YAY!), I actually almost thought it was Tori - just that her (Reginas) voice is a bit more clear kinda....I think the chances of me buying her album will be pretty high if I happen to see it in a store....(I've only bought music on the net once....because the cd wasn't available otherwise *blush*)

This wonderful lady. Jessica Claire. Wow! If you've been to my blog for some time now you may have noticed me "complaining" that I'm so lousy at taking photos of other stuff but my children. And that I want to be better at taking cityphotos and stuff. Well, have a look at her place - it's so SUPERinspiring!!! I've *almost* decided to take a walk and try and look at my surroundings with new eyes! Wowowow. Really. Check out her photos!
And how fun. Just as I was done writing this and thinking I should post I checked Em's weekly challenge & found out it was about what inspires you - so here it is; my card about what inspires me: I don't really have a constant source/muse - but lately it's been all about the colors. All colors bright and shiny and yummy. Like Jessicas pictures. I'm not a colorful scrapper, at least I do not think so. BUT. It doesn't mean I can't get inspired by others/things that's colorful still? :) I borrowed a picture from Jessicas site (I hope she forgives me :p) and well, I thought I'd try altering it somewhat with some 3d paste & white paint but it didn't turn out the way I wanted, but ohwell...thats what this challenge is for too? Trying new stuff....not necessarily be perfect or do everything right always..as long as you try? My other inspirationsource are the pictures themselves. The pictures I scrap. The pictures that MAKES me wanna scrap them. Boring know :)
Tenkte jeg skulle dele noe av det som har inspirert meg i det siste og som bare gjør at jeg har lyst til å dele det med andre og :) På musikkfronten har jeg nettopp "oppdaget" Regina Spektor. Liker du Tori Amos burde du vel også like henne kanskje? Jeg vet ikke om jeg er treg eller, men hun er iallefall ny for meg :)
Her space: My space er en interessant bildeblogg med et kult konsept. Jeg har prøvd meg litt jeg og for de er virkelig inspirerende!
Jessica Claire. Wow! Dyktig til å redigere (?) og en enda dyktigere fotograf....ikke minst fordi jeg synes hun tar så interessante bilder.....ikke mennesker (som jeg har sett)..men feks...sjekk låsbildene.....vindu- og dørbildene..... gosj! Jeg tror jeg må ta meg en tur ut snart og ta noen bilder jeg også! har jo hatt lyst til å bli flinkere til det å ta bilder av ikke-unger..... :p
Jeg begynte egentlig på denne posten igår men så så jeg Em's utfordring denne uken; hva inspirerer deg. Gosj. For et kult sammentreff, akkurat det jeg satt og skrev om jo. Så da måtte jeg bare lage kortet ferdig før jeg postet denne posten ;) Bildene inspirerer meg i scrappinga....å kjenne at jeg har lyst til å scrappe bildet...yay! Og så farger. Sterke, inspirerende farger. Sånn som på de to fotositene jeg linka her. Og som i feks Corinne Delis kule nye papirserie Cosmic Energy. Eller Rogue de Garances intense farger. Det er ikke nødvendigvis sånn at jeg scrapper sterke farger - jeg tror ikke det iallefall....men de inspirerer meg! Det er vel lov? :)
Hi Anai....thanks for dropping by my blog. Love your card. Its fab.
I see your playing along with the My Space prompts too....awesome arent they :)
oh wow!!! love all the reflections you captured in the photo!
i like your card and the photos are great too!
Fantastic card.Love the colours.
I am now 3 weeks behind but have the desire to create.
My mojo went walkies when I got poorly recently. I've done nothing but read. I want to create more canvases for the 4 seasons & get caught up with my AJ cards.x
love this weeks card the flowers and buttonsare fab cool colours
thanks for playing ania
loved checking out your space xx
Great card, love the colors!
I love the white paste, it looks great with the flowers and the background and I know what you mean by being inspired by colour even if what you then create is'nt particularly colourful.
Love your card and the flowers on it!!
Love your card, gorgeous!!
love the card!!!
Beautiful card :)
Beautiful card. I love the texture you added!
Så fint kort Ania!
Og kule bilder! Du er så flink å slenge deg med på ting!
Nydelig kort du har laget! :)
Jeg må sjekke ut de fotolinkene og en dag.
Så kult kort. Jeg mister nesten pusten når jeg er inne på sidene dine - sprudler over av kreativitet og inspirasjon. Spennende å se hvor du henter alt i fra.
Ha en fin dag!
this is awesome!!! love the texture and the dimension it has. AWESOME