Yey! I'm back in the scrapping-mood (after a short 2day break :p)! Made three finished (one that can be seen below in my last post) and one unfinished layout today! (and also have one unfinished from yesterday) Love this mood! Still doing easymode scrapping. Sorta. Decided to drop out from one contest because I didn't feel the lift we were supposed to do (...although I *did* say earlier that it's good to scrap outside your comfort-zone I'm no sadist :p)... and I have a layout for another contest..no wait, make that two... that is waiting for a nice little packet from the big Overseas (Nisa Fiin alphas!! Thanks a lot to Kine who notified me about these!!!)... I'm silly, I get these ideas that I *need* this or that (which I ofc doesn't have) so I just put layouts on hold until I can get what I need....I hope it arrives swiftly cause one of the deadlines is soon. Ahwell. I may change my mind still as there's a few more days to go :p
Thought I'd show two of my fave layouts from febs M-game at Minneriket. Just look at the picture of the kiddo & his legs!! The title reads; "The big adventage about being a big brother is; personal servant". Haha. And Amalie loves it - for now :p The other one is for my BoM - it's about how I wanted to be 18 when I was younger (so I could like, legally hit the town without having to borrow somebody elses ID, buy beer/wine/smoke and stuff :p)..then 18 hit and I wanted to be 20 cause there wasn't that many places I could go to at 18 afterall....and then 21...for stronger bewerages ...spirits...and more places to hit...and 23...for the nightclubs....and then 25...for my fave spot to hang around at.....and now...I just want the age thing to stop...although I still look somewhat young and still have to show my ID at the ripe age of 27 :p (showing ID when buying beer....wine..and I still got childs fare once in a while (which is like, up to 15yr) until I was 25 and once even had Adrian with me...haven't tried lately though as I usually use my student card :p)
Also updated the slider - with like six or seven new layouts. Yey!
Digger forever young-lo'en! Kjenner meg veldig igjen her, jeg får alltid høre hvor ung jeg ser ut, det er i det hele tatt litt slitsom i lengden. Dog gjør jeg ikke akkurat mitt for å se eldre ut heller, med mine hodeskallegummistøvler, hettegensere med ører og tegneserie-trøyer :P
Jeg har første "scrappedag" på lenge, så i dag skal jeg virkelig kose meg :)
Jeg ville alltid være 10 år eldre enn jeg var jeg - men det har stoppa nå. 26 er helt fint det!
Du har sisten!
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Jeg digger stilen din!!! Du lager helt rå LO-er, disse var utrolig kule begge to. Må le av den storebror-saken, for noen skjønne barn du har!!!
Du har mangen fine Lo'er her inne. Eg er inne og ser rett som det er, men er ikkje så flink å ligge igjen kommentarer!
Håper du har hatt en fin helg (",)