What do you do when your daughter asks you to make her a flower-crown?
You oblige, that's what (you do)!
And then you make her sit still so you can take photos, natch ;p

And what do you do when you don't really own any useful vases in the house for the leftover flowers (cause flowers aren't really prioritized here, soz!) Well, you pick out one of the thousands empty jam-glasses that you save "just in case" (but really rarely rarely use) and dress it up somewhat, thats what! (Hm. Sounds somewhat funny. Can you say that - "that's what"??)
Simple and easy (emphasis on simple :P).
Materials used: Fancy Pants "On a Whimsy", Martha Stewart Floral Lace edgepunch & Butterfly punch.

This is one of the three photos I submitted for EarthMosaic - a collage of photos all taken on Earth Day. I have yet to check if any of my images came with but I'd assume so.
I think the white, overblown sky looks kinda sad and wish I had bracketed this one..maybe. But then again, I'd never bother putting together bracketed shots. Laziness ftw!
ps. I am afraid of underexposed photos. true!
Fancy Pants Designs are releasing another line of their popular (& aaaawesome) Kraft Kuts!! UMM DUDE look at these designs - yes yes please!!! :D Check out their blog for more of the new Kraft Kut-designs :)
Oh, and Papirfest 2009 finally got a date: 16.-18. october. YAY! I'm SO there! :D
Title: "Metropolis " - Seigmenn
Jeg vil også på Papirfest! Håper det lar seg gjøre!
Digger det nye designet på bloggen din Ania!
Og så utrolig herlig bilde!
Håpervi ses på Papirfesten til høsten! *klem*
En vanvittig flott blogg du har. Til stoooor inspirasjon. Takk for at du deler med oss.
*YEY* papirfest ♥♥♥
herlig løvetannkrans :)
ha en fin dag :)
Jeg synes bloggen din ble skikkelig lekker etter at du gjorde den om. Jeg er inne og kikker rett som det er og i dag var det tittelen som dro meg inn. Metropolis av Seigmenn bringer mange minner:o)
now I WANT that crown! give it up Amalie.. LOL.. *chuckles* miss you loads..
You are so stinking cute.
That is all.