Missed me?
Been a week since my last blogpost, which's an eternity according to the norm. Sorta.
It's been quite an intense week, w/husband at the hospital and all that hoopola, but luckily that one got a happy ending once the docs finally decided to do an op, w/him at home now and very quickly recovering - YAY!
Kk, over to the scrappy stuff! I finally got around to play w/my new Luxe stash - Ecology is such a lovely line!
This project has been on my mind for quite some while now -- but I didn't seem to find the time to do this until quite recently... I searched the web for possible templates for this for a few hours before giving up and deciding to make my own... I wanted a kind of card-box in which I could mail off little teabags to friends...small samples of tea I love....(and ofcourse, I'm outta all my fave-teas and only have the sucky tea left so I'm gonna have to wait with mailing this for a while - it's not nice mailing people tea you don't like yourself..I think...but then again, how will I ever get rid of these, hmm... and people do have different taste,..... :p)

Materials used: Luxe Designs - Ecology, American Crafts - brads (LOVE the color!), Bazzill - thread
May means confirmation-season here in Norway and this is a card I made for my sister-in-law's oldest son. When I first started scrapbooking back like, 3-4 years ago, one of the coolest cards I saw back then was one that resembled a wallet. I haven't really seen one since then - maybe it was just a fad back then?? but anyways - figured it fit with the confirmation-theme and all (haha ;p). The wallets I saw back then were way more detailed and with more flaps (from what I can recall), but ohwell - I was just experimenting, and I didn't bother googling for templates. In retrospect I don't think I should have used the sewing machine here - didn't come out too well & ugly on the inside - rather maybe a ribbon folded over the edge or something instead, mhmm.. also, should have created a closure for the wallet, ahwell - next time!
Materials used: Fancy Pants - Summer Soiree, the Daily Grind and About a Boy + chipboardalpha & felt
And yes, thats chocolate-coins :p
Not sure whats up with my obsession of doing altered stuff/cards/random templatestuff atm. I do still scrap layouts too though!
Title: Twilight (I can totally see the appeal in this one - but man, the movie s u c k e d. Guess I should have started w/the books mm? Dakota Fanning is onboard for the next installment- hopefully it'll be better - she can't do wrong can she???)
Så kanonstilige Ania, digger te boksen!
Om du skal på treffet på onsdag, vil jeg gjerne få låne malen din, om jeg kan *blafre*
Bare digget denne :o)
Flott at Simen har kommet seg, gjør nok hverdagen litt enklere.
Wow, så god idé med teboksen! Beats mine plastic baggies med ymse løs te som postverket kanskje tror er hasj, haha!
Filmen er feil ende å starte i, ja :P Jeg tror helt seriøst disse bøkene er noe for deg, altså! Og jeg sier det ikke bare fordi jeg vil ha noen å nerde sammen med, men fordi de er fantastiske! Stephenie Meyer er ikke akkurat Jane Austen reincarnated, men det er noe som gjør at obsessivheten begynner å tikke.
Og ja... se Coraline! Beste filmen jeg har sett på flere år, faktisk!
Så bra at det går bedre med Simen! Har prøvd å få tak i deg hele uka men har skjønt at du har vært opptatt. Vi må treffes en dag - alt for lenge siden sist! Må hilse han og ønske fortsatt god bedring. KULE ting du har laget!! Kjenner jeg må ha det woodgrainarket altså *hm....* KLEM
Utrolig kule prosjekter alle sammen! Håper jeg får lov til å "stjele" ideen en gang.....:) Og gratulerer så masse med seieren hos scrappemania. Bidraget ditt var ultrakult, så det var en fortjent seier og jeg håper du blir med en annen gang også:). Jeg har akkurat kommet hjem fra en helg i "byen din", Bergen, masse hyggelige bergensere og strålende regnvær, he, he. Godt å komme hjem til sol og 20 grader....klem
Great project. Check out the Bits and Pieces blog for a different take on a wallet simply for photos. Agree with you on Twilight. Each book got so much better so perhaps the movie versions will also. Love Dakota Fanning in everything she does!
what a very very good and original idea !! I love it !!
Janique from Switzerland
Noe så kult da!! Dette er første gang jeg ser et lommebok-kort. :) Veldig stilig, og det passer jo perfekt til en konfirmant.
wow! what a cool idea and project! will there be any tutorial? (: