Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ I'm in love with a fairytale ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, February 25, 2009 13 lovely comments

Another one of these monster-posts I seem to post lately. Soz!
Pencil-Lines was guested by Denine Zielinski, who provided us with a darn cool sketch :D Loved it! :) I took the oppoturnity to scrapbook some photos of my husbands grandmother, who unfortunately is terminally ill. Sigh. Cycle of life I guess, and she's in a good mood despite the cirumstances which makes it a lot easier for everybody, herself included.
I love how Fancy Pants "Delight" is such a ...delight :p It's kinda perfect for layouts involving err, older people (do I sound ignorant now?? or just silly..), and those nostalgic, old photos (next weeks PL-layout is using "Delight" aswell - just w/childhood-photos of myself). Anyways. Im proud of myself using !!!three!!! rubons on this layout!! And you just gotta LOVE the gorgeous & generous heart-rubon used in the middle of the page...and I adore this little pocket & phototags made outta the cards-paper :)

Spent the past weekend w/some scrapping buddies. Photos galore & stuff..
♥ u! :)

Yes they're downright s i l l y I tell you!!

I..ahem...was told to drive straight ahead!! And it was daaaark. And there were WAY more snow covering the ground!! Totally covered the lawn!! True story!! So, I drove straight ahead...and turned right..cause it seemed that time...the spot looked like a nice lil parkingspace...a lil large maybe, but hey, this is the luxury of living in the county no......only to be told by the dying-of-laugher-ladies behind me that I was on the lawn *cough*. Right! Turned the car and all and crossed fingers the rain would take care of any leftover-evidence of my lil mishap =) The lawn might be a lil bumpy due to the tires but I think it'll be ok ;p

Marie made some yummy icecreamcake :D

Sneaky Marie :p
Fell in love with this sheep ♥♥♥
(I love sheep!)
While grabbing for something in my bag this loose Prima-flower stuck to my uh,wristbands (what is this called in English??). Thought it looked pretty so decided to sew it on :)

Yummy food & drinks!

Silly photos =)

The results of our Round Robin in the middle of the night :)
It's like, pure genious to scrap fresh photos you've just taken and have it scrapped by everybody in the photos :)
(Round robin: everybody gets like 10-15 minutes to add something to a layout before passing it on. By the end you've got a layout which everybody's contributed to :) )

Yeah. It's cold and it's raining but it doesn't stop Marie from enjoying the icecream outdoors!! =)

Right. Mom's coming over tomorrow and Adrian's turning 8 this weekend. And I am struggling w/a nasty headache and have too much I should have done like long time ago. Yay. Have a nice weekend? :p

Title: Fairytale - Alexander Rybak (yah yah. eurovision. wohoo)

13 lovely comments

~~ Life is a maze and love is a riddle ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, February 20, 2009 9 lovely comments

and FFF :)

  1. My schweeeeet schweet schweeeet D700 ♥♥♥♥♥
    Can you freakin believe that the upper photo was taken w/ISO800 and the latter w/ISO640?? And no noiseninja involved!! Totally, totally, totally schweeeeeeeeeet :D :D :D I softened the latter photo somewhat, dragging the clarity-slider to negative (like, subtle blurring) and ran a vintage-action on it (the tulle and her sweater is actually more like fuschia-pink :p)
  2. My nieces
    Miss them already. See photos above :p
  3. Mad Men
    I have to's intriguing and it keeps well, twisting...but not really in the normal twisting way you'd come to expect from a TV show kinda I, twisting the other way kinda, or not twisting at all...just..normal life-twisting or somethin...hard to explain, but I really like do the show despite it kinda annoying me aswell :p (Don punching the man who told his wife that he (Don) was rompin' with his (the punched man) wife?? liek wtf talk about blaming others for your own deeds ><)
  4. Pushing Daisies
    Cute!!!! Kinda hard to explain this show too unless you've seen it, and by just reading the plot it does make you think it's a too silly weird show...but....loooove the style/genre of this show (what is it called? kinda naivenostalgish?? uh??? anyone? Hm. Kinda in the same gate as Amelie I guess..?) And I just adore Kristin Chenoweth :) :) And Emerson's expressions. Priceless :D
  5. I'm not sure wheter to put Gossip Girl ('s my guilty's silly and it's sorta catty and it's sooo soapish and I love it......*blush*) or House MD (Hugh Laurie. Nuff said!) here. Both I guess. ;p

And there you have it! :p
Have a nice weekend :) I will do my best ;p

Oh btw!! Had such luck asking about Lightroom last time so I'm trying again; I did fix the colorthingieproblem w/ Lightroom to CS, but still have a petpeeve left: if I wanna save the changes in CS it automatically gives me .tiff (The only options for file format in external editing in LS are tif & psd as far as I can see) which is sorta not too bad but still annoying cause I want it to remain jpg and have to do "save as" (I hotkeyed it now but it's still a few more steps needed than necessary kinda). Anyone have any quick & smart solutions to that?? *hope*

Title: The Show - Lenka

9 lovely comments

Quick news...and a (large) peek of sundays PL-layout cause I feel bad posting without these kind of images here kinda :p

Got a layout picked up for Memory Makers Special Wedding Issue - wohoo! :D
I am truly happy because I really love this layout myself...lovely, lovely Hambly making it so easy to create elegant layouts and all that stuff......:D

Recieved my Bella BLVD stuff the other day - soo looking forward to play with the papers & embellishments :)

In the middle of reading "the Graveyard Book" and I LOVE it :)

Oh yeah. I cut my hair. All by myself. Not a good idea. BLeh.

And - Luxe Designs have a special "once in a LUXE-time deal" - image says it all :) Click on it if you're interested in this deal :)

Title: "We will not grow old" - Lenka

2 lovely comments
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~~ It takes fuel to light the tiniest star ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, February 16, 2009 7 lovely comments

Sundays Pencil-Lines-sketch was provided by Anna, while Miyuki Kawano guested us this week :)
I took this opportunity to scrap a quite recent photo of Amalie showing off her watch - if you look close you can see how her eyes are crossing because of the watch - haha :p Have to say that the Fancy Pants line "Arctic Chill" is really growing on me - been using it lots lately!! :) I also feel darn good using a lot of rubons (to be me) lately, considering I usually have a hard time actually getting around to use rubons...used five different rubons on this layout..

Okay, lots of photos incoming - mostly for mom and stuff :p
My sister & nieces arrived on friday :)

Å få ungene til å prøve å legge seg - hm - et helt lite prosjekt i seg selv hver eneste kveld....

På lørdag var vi i Askøyhallen for å se Simen spille basket...eller, se og se- noen var mer opptatt av andre ting..

På kvelden feiret vi Tuvas femårsdag med Red Velvet Cupcakes (smakte helt som muffins da :p)

Får jeg bare klær??
Noen ble litt skuffet stakkar...:p

Mor og datter-stund på badet...

Noen var helt uaffektert :p

Kjapp fotosession :p

Og jeg fikset ny header til Pias blogg:

Cupcakene.....Pia ♥ Tommy må vites...

Dagen etterpå sjekka vi ut Åpen Hall....som egentlig er for unger liksom...noen fikk ikke det notatet dog ;p
*hjelp meg istedetfor å ta bilder av meg dumme søs!!*

Friday 13th eh...

Og så dro vi på curling etterpå..

Simen prøver forgjeves å forklare Adrian teknikken - gutta tapte så det sang ;)
(neida..alle var kjempeflinke altså :) )

Amalie insisterte på å ta bilder sammen med en sovende tante Pia..

Wii Fit'en var populær..

..og her prøver Amalie Amaliekjolen fra Banglamarie :D
Passet supert!! :D

Title: Fuel by Marit Larsen

7 lovely comments
    -Get off the cross we need the wood-