Just thought I'd show the layouts I made for my article at scrapping.no - about adding minialbums to your layout. Here's three different variations, and you can read and see pictures of how to make them in my article there. I gotta admit -- I'm a sucker when it comes to take a LOT of pictures - and I'm an even worse sucker when it comes to try and pick only 2-3....I usually want to use them all! The double layout titled "ambush" is full of pictures I've actually printed out more than two months ago - but haven't gotten around to put together in a layout cause I wasn't sure how to do it. Not too spetacular, just some funny pictures of the children doing what they love for the moment -- playing World of Warcraft-like games. Nice memories, in other words. I also finally got around to use these cool K.I. papers -- loved them from first sight, but had yet to use them until now. Yay!
"Your first shoes" -- boring pictures imo, but still I wanted a "your first shoes" layout -- hence I decided to keep the boring pictures hidden, yet accessible. It was also the last layout I made for this article and I was a bit fed up tbh, hence the simple layout. I'm thinking some pink or white buttons would be nice here - maybe I'll add that at a later point (Need buttons! Have like, NO buttons at all :( )

And I just love these pictures from "photosession" -- silly pictures? Sure.... I wanted to show that alright, for each "perfect" picture, there's zillions of silly, "nonperfect" pictures -- like this layout shows. Besides, I'm using Scenic Route Charlotte papers here - and I'm really starting to love the line just as I do Northshore. Silly uh :p
Anyways. I've been a good girl again. Been doin the lawn. Yay. Hooray for me. Etc. :p

Tenkte å vise layoutene fra artikkelen min på scrapping.no -- alle har minialbum i en eller annen form på. Det er jo bare så typisk meg (og jeg er nok ikke alene om det :p) å ta ørtenhundre bilder av en og samme begivenhet, for så å ikke skjønne hvordan jeg virkelig kan ta og plukke ut noen få-få bilder som skal scrappes -- som regel skulle jeg ønske jeg kunne få med nesten alle bildene som egentlig er ganske så like sånn objektivt sett... såå....har du lyst til å vite hvordan man lager disse minialbumene skritt for skritt, så ta gjerne en kikk på artikkelen min :) Og mislykkede bilder? Vis de gjerne frem den siden også - sånn som i "fotosession" - bak ethvert vellykket og "pent" bilde står mange ikke alt-for-perfekte :)
Ellers har jeg vært en flink jente og klippet gresset i hagen idag..yay... litt kjedelig, men vi har i det minste en noenlunde flat hage da så det er ikke så ille :) Og så har jeg fått clearstampsdilla....tsktsk...:p