Don’t you think life seem to keep accelerating the older you grow?
Time to share some more scrappy inspiration, eh? :)

Here’s a little brown bag filled with surprises for a co-worker of mine who needed a little cheer-me-up.
The stamps are from Craft Origine, adore these! Am also testing out new dew-shaped ink from Tsukineko (called Dew Drop I think..?) – got a few boxes with a number of these – and am very impressed by the performance of the ink & the colors.

I also tried to stretch my style & try a little bit of artjournalish stuff for a tag. Fun, but it’s like, just add random stuff… mist and gesso and then dry in between and add rubons and stamps and more gesso and more drying and ink and stuff… fun though!

Pretty much everything on this card is from Maya Road but the patterned papers.