Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Fun at the airport......not

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3 lovely comments
Title says it all.
This was a memory which oughta be preserved, regardless of how much it sucked.
And it wasn't that bad really, as Amalie was a nice little girl all night - but I woudln't want to repeat that - not if I can help it (or is it can't? Hm..) :P Anyways. As all the pictures were taken with my mobile I figured smaller pictures were better as the quality aint all that - it's nice (especially for being taken from a mobile) but the colors are somewhat off and the odd flash..ugh I hate direct miniaturepictures they doesn't seem that bad uh... & I really like this sketch provided in DW2007 - jan 22nd - I haven't had much luck with sketches lately (as in things never really clicked), but this one really seemed very nice to work with. I need to work more with sketches aside from just doing them whenever there's a challenge or contest involved. And the 7gypsiespapers! I LOVE them!!! I so wanna order the rest of the 7gypsies-papers from Papirloftet, but something in me tells me to be sensible and wait for the Basic Grey CHA news at least....hmm...I have to ponder about that one for a little more....

I dropped by FotoVideo today to fetch a Nikon D50 - yep - I checked around on the net and found out that I actually was entitled to borrow a camera of "similar quality" as the one I handed in for rep. Hmm. Now, why didn't that woman just say so when I handed in my cam or in the email-conversations later on? Ohwell. Nevermind that. I haven't been impressed by their "service" from prev. experience, so that really shouldn't have surprised me - the "don't say more than you absolutely have to"-attitude. And. When I mailed and asked about borrowing a cam I was lucky - they did have one cam available for rental - so I'm really happy about that. The pictures from this weekend plain sucks - I'm a bit sad and disappointed because of that - but ohwell. No more. I got another SLR now! Wohoo!

I also checked out their calibration-stuff - the cheapest is like, 150$ - but man - I *so* want one! I'm so sick and fed up with being happy about pictures on the screen just to find out it's too dark or too bright in print. Drives me crazy - and with all the printing I actually do I might just aswell buy me one someday soon. Soon.

Og da var flyplass-"marerittet" scrappet. Måtte jo det da. Og siden bildene ble tatt med mobilen og dermed ikke sååå bra så passet det jo greit å forminske de såpass sånn at det ikke helt synes på de fleste bildene :) Skissen er fra 22. januar i DW2007-kalenderen min - en ganske artig og flott skisse å scrappe! :)

Ellers har jeg fått låne et Nikon D50 kamera fra FotoVideo - YAY! Litt lei meg for at jeg ikke oppdaget dette før - at man faktisk har rett til et lånekamera - men det var faktisk helgas mildt sagt ELENDIGE bilder (tror bare 2-3 er scrapbare i 5x7 format - resten bør helst være i miniatyrbilder for å ikke avsløre den elendige kvaliteten så mye) som gjorde jeg ble lei meg in the first place og bestemte meg for å undersøke hva jeg egentlig har rett på mht kamera på reparasjon. Vel. Ikke akkurat "service" av FotoVideo å ikke opplyse meg om dette da jeg leverte inn kameraet mitt eller i de senere emailutvekslingene, men det var vel ikke annet å forvente jf tidligere erfaringer med de. MEN - de hadde et lånekamera inne og det var ikke noe problem å reservere det til meg når jeg først spurte. Det skal de ha! Så... me happy again! Litt så! :)

3 lovely comments

og vi venter og venter

Posted by Ania On Saturday, January 27, 2007 5 lovely comments

og vi venter og venter, originally uploaded by aniia.

20.55-21.30-23.30-00.00-00.20-00.45 and counting...

Heldigvis er amalie i et fortreffelig humør og leker og tøyser og nå de siste 20 minuttene har hun hørt på musikk på mobilen min. Jeg har funnet ut at flyplassen har en masse gode lenestoler. Yay! Og nå skal vi faktisk inn til flyet! Jippi!

Edit: Sorry gals! I was bloggin from my mobile and thus chose to do so in Norwegian only. Nothing exciting went on - apart from the fact that my flight kept being postponed whole five friggin times during the evening - from 8.55pm to 00.45am........ fun...NOT! All this just because of some moron with a suspicious suitcase which the guards didn't notice until he was gone from the controlpost and thus had to close off the whole airport and bring all the passengers outside and make them go thru the securitythingie once again ....and when they found the dude again it turned out to be....nothing *rolls eyes* - and it affected pretty much whole the Norwegian aircraft.....and us......bleh..and Im mad at the airportguy who told us on the phone that no, the flight will go on as sceduled (my ass), go to the airport as normal.....(we called right before we were about to leave from home just in case my flight would be delayed so we could like, wait at home instead at the airport...alas.. no such luck :p ANyways. Finally arrived mom at 2.30am or so.

-Ania mobil

5 lovely comments


Posted by Ania On Friday, January 26, 2007 2 lovely comments

26012007093.jpg, originally uploaded by aniia.

Gah! Før vi dro hjemmefra sjekka vi nettet og simen ringte til og med til flyplassen for å sjekke at flyet gikk som det skulle. Joda. Da vi kom frem til innsjekkinga var det utsatt til 21.30 (fra 20.55). Da vi passerte sikkerhetskontrollen var avgangen utsatt til halv friggin tolv! Gah! So far all good dog...håper det holder...

-Ania mobil

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~~ Blizzard! ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 26, 2007 0 lovely comments
Funny. It's alternating between like, total blizzard & calm serenity outside atm. And just my luck - there was some fake terrorist-alert at the airport in Oslo, so several flights are delayed and stuff. It *seems* like my flight have stayed clear of the delayment, but you never know...Amalie is asleep atm - decided to put her to bed at six considering her grumpy mood and the fact that our flight is late in the evening w/the added treat of being even more delayed. I've only seen her fall asleep just like that once or twice like, without being in her own bed or carriage. And we'll travel light this time.

Anyways. Been tryin to wrap up some stuff last-minute. I'm terrible that way. So typical me. Some pictures I just had to scrap for DW2007 (frame a large picture with small pictures around) (please ignore the silly "fish"), a card for Adrians friend (bdayparty tomorrow) and a card for dad. Time to fly! Cheerio~

0 lovely comments

~~ Freeeeezing!!

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 26, 2007 2 lovely comments
Alright. I know I asked for snow some weeks ago. I know I was worried that Amalie would go another year without knowing/recognizing what snow was. Well. I needen't worry. It's been snowing for at least two days now, the snow isn't going away for the moment being and IT'S FRIGGIN COLD HERE!!!!! And tonight I'm going to Oslo with Amalie and it's like, even colder in Oslo and I'm *so* looking forward to that (notice the sarcasm?). Oh, another thing to look forward to: I'm gonna take the nine o'clock plane tonight - alone - with Amalie - who'll most likely be very awake...and overtired....and probably not in a very good mood (she's been kinda grumpy & touchy the last few days - hope it won't be a part of her personality/traits). Oh how I look forward to that! Simen will be busy with a larger basketarrangement tomorrow, while Adrian will be attending a bdayparty for someone in the kindergarten.

Jeje. Here's two new layouts: "Brother in arms" which I made yesterday after yellin loud on Minneriket for a challenge (and boy I got answers and challenges alright - I snapped 5 challenges in this one - use a songtitle, lift this layout, use blondes, use pastels (Oh Baby IS pastel to me :P) and DW2007 from jan 15th: use stamped bullets for the journaling :P)
The other layout, "Play that funky music baby" was my contribution to Scrappefeber but didn't make the audition. And tbqh, apart from the layouts which really stood out and deservingly got many votes, I suspect that a very few of the layouts which made it just did so because to put it..a few "friendly votings". I know it's not nice to say so, and I know that hey, it happens and that's the way it is - and always has been (If I have the choice of two LO's I think are equally smashing I tend to go for the LO whose maker I know - so I'm not better off myself) - but I'm allowed to say it's slightly annoying in this case. But. The taste of people really IS different, I've learned that LO's of others I've been gushing about wasn't all that for some of my friends. And as a disclaimer, I'm not disappointed about not making it, I'm just annoyed that it's most likely the reason why some LO's actually made it over others imho ...more deserving ones (I saw at least three-four other great layouts which I find weird didn't make it against these :p)
Anyways! I seem to whine a lot lately, but it's unintentional...honest ;)
I love these pictures of Adrian and Amalie - it makes me think of that song which goes "play that funky music white boy"...the expression on her face when she finally makes the tune, and how caring her brother is trying to show her how to blow - I'm very happy to have been able to capture that :) Now. Off to pack for the weekend!

Snø snø snø. Kaldt kaldt kaldt. Sånn kan de to siste dagene oppsummeres iallefall. Brr!
Har iallfall fått laget en LO igår etter å ha ropt høyt etter en utfordring på Minneriket - og fått grundig med sånne og :p Her er hele fem utfordringer fluet sammen! Yay! :) Legger også ved bidraget mitt til scrappefeber...å safe det var ikke så lurt gitt, den skilte seg ikke akkurat nevneverdig ut - og det visste jeg jo egentlig på forhånd :p Kan ikke akkurat si jeg er enig med alle LO'ene som kom videre - de fleste var fabelaktige og fortjente det, mens noen veldig få, ikke min smak..og jeg hadde gjerne sett andre LO'er i deres sted... men sånn er det bare....smaken er som baken og godt er det vel? :p

Anyways!! Nå MÅ jeg pakke til Oslo og prøve å scrappe sjokoladeplata (to uker på en sjokoladeplate og enda ikke begynt...right!)! Og så HÅPER jeg at jeg får til å treffe Gyda, Kristin og Kathrine imorgen før jeg drar til pappa! Jeg MÅ det - selv om det bare blir fem minutter...*fnis* *vinkevinke* *stikke av* :P

2 lovely comments

~~ Oh yes...

Posted by Ania On Thursday, January 25, 2007 6 lovely comments
Gotta admit I'm pretty darn tempted...Cathy linked to these tshirts, and well, the segment is uh...true...I'd guess...not that I'd know cause I woudln't have anybody else to compare with :D Might order one. Might actually wear it aswell on like, bulletproof no-show-grandparents-in-law-days. Or something like that :p

Anyways. Uh. Yes. Finally got around to do Emily's cardchallenge week#3. The question was: "I am..." Well. I immediately thought of Pearl Jam's "I am mine" song - then proceed to think about one of my all-time fave quotes from Tori Amos: "She's been everybody else's girl, maybe one day she'll be her own". Alright. Didn't feel too inspired to figure out cool things about my card this week - sorry - but I did feel like trying out my new chipboardshapes (a lovely RAK from Earane on minneriket :) ) so. Daisy D papers, MM stickers, Cherry Arte chipboardalpha & painted Plain Jane paisley. I wrote Tori Amos' quote around the edge. Not very visible nor easy to catch with that pp, but *I* know it's there and that's good enough for me :)

Still in a low-flow scrappingmode - but I've recently played around with the Bare Elements Josh Wood Blocks. SO CUTE!!!! SO MUCH FUN!! (and so much waitin for the glue to dry for each side :P) Anyways. Here's one look. My blocks has three different looks, and I'll alternate them whenever I feel like doing so. Here's my family at row 1 (yeap, that's me too), Simen's bro's kids at row 2 (all boys :P) and my sis' cwute girls at row 3. It really makes me happy looking at my family and all our nephews and nieces close to me like this - this one is also placed upon the shelf above my scrappingdesk. Yay! I'll share my fave block look in a while. Save the best for the last, no? (and yes, I had three diff. looks on these blocks, but I didn't like how the third turned out. One good advice: Don't stamp and emboss stuff on the papers AFTER they're glued to the blocks. It'll be kinda too late to save the look if it didn't turn out the way you wanted. *cough* :p)

Anyways. I've decided that I'll scrap something tonight. I think it'll do me good. I hate going several days without actual scrapping :p

Her er mitt bidrag til Emily's tredje uke med kortstokkgreia. Denne uken skulle vi skrive noe om oss: "I am..." - vel, tankene gikk øyeblikkelig til Pearl Jam's sang "I am mine", som jeg liker veldig godt, og deretter spant tankene videre til mitt favorittsitat fra Tori Amos: "She's been everybody else's girl, maybe one day she'll be her own". Jeg hadde på forhånd delvis bestemt meg for at denne utfordringen skulle stå i impulsens tegn - dvs - at jeg ikke skulle tenke eller gruble for mye - bare gjøre og skrive det som faller meg inn når jeg ser promptene fra Emily... så. Følte meg ikke så veldig inspirert når det gjaldt utformingen av kortet dog - no ideas - men ville iallefall bruke en av chipboardshapene jeg fikk i en RAK fra Earane Oronar på Minneriket.

Ellers har jeg puslet litt med Bare Elements fra Papirloftet i det siste - her er Josh Wood Blocks - det kule med disse blokkene er jo at man kan lage seg forskjellige mønstre og "looks" - og her er et av de; bilder av min lille familie (inkl. meg :p) og våre nevøer og nieser. Guttene er Simens bror sin, og jentene er min søsters. Digger blokkene - går jeg lei av å se på det samme så bare omarrangerer jeg de og får noe nytt å se på. Favoritt"mønsteret" mitt skal jeg vise litt senere tenkte jeg. Kan ikke vise alt på en gang heller..eller? :p

OG!! Scrappefeber's avstemning er igang!! Over 40 flotte LO'er - og kun 20 går videre. Bli med og stem du også! :) Avstemningen avsluttes fredag 26. :)

6 lovely comments

~~ New record? ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, January 22, 2007 8 lovely comments

Wow. This one took me like, uh, close to one week to finish off. That's pretty much a new record for me, as I usually spend one to two days on a layout - maybe three including the preparation of the pictures and some pondering on the journaling and stuff. But this long? For just one layout? New record I'm sure. The journaling was the hardest part of this layout - and when that part was fixed & set I suddenly needed the help of someone with QK for some parts ("same" and "mix" - thanks Dinna!) and that took some days aswell. Ofcourse it's not helping much that I'm bizzi bizzi bizzi trying to level up in World of Warcraft in the evenings - we're falling behind and it seems like we actually -gasp- have more "real life" now than we used to in the good ole' days. Kids and lots of other responsibilities kinda. Terrifying. We're growing old! But I digress. Right. This layout. I'm *blush* trying for the Scrapologie DT-spot. Not a chance in hell ofc, but you never accomplish anything without trying, no? Their kits looks totally yummy yummy. And at least it made for some good fun on the journaling side. Haha. Especially that "scandinavian simplicity with few but interesting details" part - LOL. A prettier way to say "I-have-no-clue-nor-ideas-what-to-do-now-so-that's-just-it". Thanks for the help & brainstorming Gyda/Katta/Kathrine. *chuckle* As soon as I've finished deciding what other layouts/projects to send in I'll do that. Soh!

I really adore lettersize these days. So easy (normally :P) to scrap & complete! And oh - CHA is fast apporaching and I totally, totally envy those who'll get to go there and get lost at that convention. Woah. Ofcourse it'd so suck to just see and not be allowed to immediate purchase, like, for own use - but still. All the new and fresh and funky stuff!! *drool* So looking forward to especially Scenic Route and Basic Grey. YEah! And MME - I have no idea what they'll do for CHA but I'm sure it'll be great!

Wow - ny rekord for meg gitt - å bruke cirka en uke på en og samme LO! Vanligvis gjør jeg unna LO'ene - selve arbeidet på de - på en-to dager, toppen tre inkludert litt tenking på journaling-delen, oppsett sånn før jeg setter igang og redigering av bilde. Denne gangen var journalingen en hard nøtt å knekke, men det gikk tilslutt med litt brainstorming og QK hjelp fra msn-damene. Og så må det innrømmes at det at kveldene går unna til WoW spilling og levling for tiden kanskje spiller inn og :p Men. Da var den LO'en laget - skal bare sjekke litt rundt etter hva slags LO'er jeg skal ta med og så skal jeg ta og sende den inn tenkte jeg....til Scrapologie's DT search. Fat chance, men det er da en sjanse enn ingen enn om jeg ikke skulle sendt inn. Eller noe sånt.

Kathrine skrev forøvrig i bloggen sin om det å lage layouter og formålet - og det er forøvrig noe jeg og har tenkt litt på og har skrevet litt om på minneriket - jeg klarer bare ikke å "bare" lage en layout sånn helt uten videre gitt. Jeg må ha et sideformål, "noe" jeg kan lage layouten til. Nettkurs, utfordringer, konkurranser. Og DT søknader *blush* Sånn innimellom er det ganske forfriskende å bare lage en layout "just because", noe jeg gjorde for noen uker siden da jeg følte det ble litt mange konkurranse-og utfordringsLO'er - men utover det - jeg synes fortsatt det er gøy, drivende og givende å lage LO'er til et eller annet utover det at de skal inn i albumene mine. Jeg føler meg heller ikke så fryktelig begrenset av oppgavetekster eller noe med tanke på type bilder jeg bruker - er da sikker på at jeg bruker variert med typer bilder og sånn...tror jeg da? :) Men for all del - det er viktig at dette skal være gøy og noe en kan være stolt av å ha i *sine egne* album - så jeg håper virkelig Kathrine og andre som kanskje begynner å "tvile" finner ut av det *uten* å slutte å scrappe! :)

Anyways. Blir visst en kjapp Oslo-tur for meg til helgen gitt. Hurra for pappa og hans 60-årsdag. Og kameraet mitt er i Estland! *dåne* *sukke* Jaja. Jeg vet iallefall hvor i verden det er nå. :p

8 lovely comments

~~ Whinewhinewhine ...and some actual wine :p~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 19, 2007 5 lovely comments

*grumble* Our car is officially broken. I have *no* clue on cars whatsoever, and neither has Simen - which means lots and lots of internetreading for me about which car's good and affordable for us. We don't really care about how strong or fast the car is - all we care about is that it has got room for the four of us (and our luggage - which means that Toyota Yaris, although a nice candidate otherwise, is out of the question because of the small luggageroom), is cheap in use (as in cheap on the gas/everydayuse and solid enough to not break down once every six month or less :p) and should be at least only 2-4 years old. Or something like that. People say different things - and the younger the car is the better obviously, but I haven't yet understood what the "limit" or "edge" is - should 2003-and older cars be outta the question? Or is it ok to look at 2002 cars aswell maybe? *boggle* Ohwell...

And while I'm on the whinefest and the topic of lovely extra-expenses - still no word on my SLR yet, which I turned in thirteen days ago from now for reparation. And I'm missing out on so many pictures!! No pictures from the Christmasparty (or well, After-Christmasparty) that the kids were at twelve days ago, no pictures of the supercute bunny Amalie got at that party and how she keeps insisting to bring it with her everywhere and the cute way she hogs it to not lose it, no pictures of the increasing interaction between her and her doll (uh yeah..she's only got one real doll for now...two ragdolls tho..but she never cared that much for them) as when she's feeding the doll and shares her drink with the doll, no pictures from the "familyevenings" where me, Simen and Adrian are all playing the same game (WC3) before Adrians bedtime (yup..we're such a nerdfamily...instead of good oldfashioned ludo we play a game or two of WC3 with Adrian :p) GAH! I MISS MY FRIGGIN CAMERA!! :(

I made another netcourse for Papirloftet while missing my camera. Had to take more pictures and do more editing as yeah - more whine - the little digital cam isn't suitable for indoors-photographing in the dark of the winter. Managed to get somewhat okay but imo dark pictures tho but for the last one - the displaying of the winecase itself. Ohwell. I love the look of Daisy D's Modern Romance, but find it hard to scrap - but for altering they're LOVELY! Think "suitable for presents for uh..grown-up people". Older people. :p

Not much actual scrapping lately for me. I'm stuck on a project for two-three days now - curse the journaling :p Should be able to wrap it up after the weekend tho, as I need some outside help on some of the parts on the layout. BUT! Have you seen the new backgroundpapers from Scenic Route! LOVE!

*mumle* - bilen vår har offisielt avgått ved døden nå. Ser oss om etter en ny bruktbil - men i og med at verken jeg eller Simen har noen som helst peil på biler, så famler vi litt i blinde for øyeblikket - og jeg leser og leser og leser på bruktbilguides og sånn på nettet til øynene blir store og tårevåte og jeg skjønner like lite etterpå. Rett inn og ut med kunnskapene, mao. Håper på hjelp fra andre, mer bilkyndige om hva slags bil vi egentlig er på jakt etter - vi bryr oss ikke noe særlig om hvor fort bilen kan kjøre og sånn - alt vi trenger og ser etter er at den kan ta alle oss fire + ha greit med plass med bagasje (Toyota Yaris er altså utelukket her pga bagasjeplassen - men vi vil ikke nødvendigvis ha en stasjonsvogn heller da), at den er billig i drift (både mht bensin pr mil og med tanke på vedlikehold og ant. verkstedbesøk) og at den kun er maks 3-4 år gammel...eller noe sånt - skjønner ikke helt hvor grensen for hvor gammel bilen "bør" være går da..kan noen fortelle oss det? Det var visst noe med bensinforbruket eller noe sånt, at de nyere bilene var atskillig bedre sånt sett etter uh, 2003 eller kanskje det var 2004...eller noe sånt...?

Fortsatt ingen tilbakemelding ang kameraet mitt heller - 13 dager siden nå - gah! Alle de flotte mulige motivene jeg går glipp av! Really! Grr!! For ikke å snakke om den mulige regningen da. Gah. *klageklage* Lurte en kort stund på om det var meningen *jeg* skulle ringe verkstedet, men nei - på lappen jeg fikk fra butikken står ingen tlfnr - men jeg skrev opp mitt til de + emailadr min. Grr. Får vel ringe i ettermiddag selv om jeg denne gangen hadde tenkt å ikke virke masete (har en særdeles dårlig forhistorie med FotoVideoamøbene :p), dette er alt for grr - 13 dager - det er vel lov å ringe for å høre om det er noe nytt da eller......

Men. Litt positivt. Nytt nettkurs hos Papirloftet :) Digger virkelig disse Bare Elements tingene - så kule og lette å jobbe med! Og så greit å ha "alt" på et sted da (eller vite at "alt" finnes hos et merke) - slipper lete på ørten Rimi eller Rema butikker fordi X sa de hadde kjøpt den og den tingen som egnet seg til altered item men som selvsagt ikke finnes i *mine* nærbutikker - og sånn :p

5 lovely comments

~~ Chicken ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5 lovely comments

Ahh..there. I just mailed my contribution to Scrappefeber. I chickened out. I had the choice between two layouts, and I didn't have the guts to send in this layout. I personally think it's kinda cool in a grungy way, but uh....maybe a bit too different...too..weird? I dunno. I sent a "cute and pwetty but somewhat dull" layout instead. The mainstream one. Ohwell. If I don't make the audition because people are sending in similar layouts so mine won't stand out I'll blame myself cause this woulda certainly made it - least stood out...maybe.... (yeah right:P). Anyways. Notice the rubon-numbers on the photos? That'll do for "add an embellished rubons on a photo" from jan 24th, no? No, I haven't sneakpeeked (or well, I had to doublecheck it :p), but several of the 2p ladies are making layouts from "all over january" and thus I know a bit of what's ahead. Personally I'm more into looking at one new tip each day. It's more fun that way to me :D

Onwards to another issue; Seems like most of my spare time with Simen from now on will be focused on World of Warcraft, not part-time scrapping like before. The new expansion looks nice, and more important - there's finally a purpose, a point in playing - the quest to get to level 70. I'm not the pvp kinda gal - every time I die because some meanie hordes thinks it's fun to take out the priests first (ohwell, that's a good rule anyways..take out the healers :p) I tend to blame Simen cause he's supposed to like, protect me, and that makes the game no fun for little dead me :P
Anyways. I like playing with Simen. He's been kinda neglected lately because of the scrapping. It's nice finally actually playing together having fun doing stuff together. Soh! Just need to get in some scrapping now and then - so not gonna give up this wonderful hobby :)

Da var mitt bidrag til Scrappefeber sendt inn, og jepp, jeg feiga og gikk for den "pene" LO'en istedetfor"interessant for få" LO'en :p Kanskje? En vet jo ikke da. Men! Denne hadde jeg såklart fluet med en DW utfordring - fra 24. jan. Rubons på bildene. Jepp. Det er tallene det om du ser nærmere ;) Altså, jeg snikkikker ikke - jeg digger det å kunne se et nytt tips hver dag - men 2p jentene i den ene DWgruppen lager altså LO'er fra alle dagene i januar, også fremover i tid - så da får jeg med meg det ene og det andre ang. hva slags tips som kommer, da :)

Forøvrig - kan du tegnspråk, bor i nærheten av Ålesund og kunne tenke deg et scrappekurs eller to i mars - ta kontakt med Helle (eller meg). Hun undersøker interessen for dette før vi eventuelt avtaler noe nærmere om jeg skal komme over og holde kurs. Tenker også på flere kurs både i Bergen og Oslo - planene blir nok klare om ikke alt for lenge - gi meg gjerne tilbakemelding på hva dere evt. ønsker :)

5 lovely comments

~~ And the Dark Portal opens.. ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, January 15, 2007 20 lovely comments
Yay. The Burning Crusade releases tomorrow. Or well actually, midnight tonight - here's the countdown site (and the place where you can register your expansion). That's the expansion pack of the game World of Warcraft, if you weren't aware :p Our copies were mailed two days ago - so I *assume* it'll arrive sometime tomorrow. Yay. Looking forward for more xp grinding and leveling and new stuff. I think :p

Anyways. Week 2 of Emilys cardchallenge has arrived - yeah! Sure have been looking forward to that new challenge :D "What's powerful to you?" Hm. I guess that'd have to be love. The love I feel for my children, the love I have for my hubby (at times :P) and the love I hope he'll still have for me for years to come. The background is a collage of various distressed newspapers. I've elaborated on the word at the backside of the card. Not happy about the stamping, shoulda done a little more of that *before* the word was glued on the card - but I know :p

Uke to av Emily's kortstokk utfordring: "What is powerful to you?" Det må vel være følelsene - båndene og kjærligheten en har til ens barn og den en er glad i. Har forklart det litt nærmere på baksiden av kortet :)

Håper alle får en finfin scrappeuke - har et lite "luksusproblem" jeg, har laget to LO'er til Scrappefeber og aner ikke hvilken av de jeg skal velge..urk. Har jo litt lyst til å være med videre og, da. Den fine og "klassiske" eller den tøffe men litt veldig rare LO'en. Mainstream eller uvanlig. *klø seg i hodet* Jaja. Har noen dager på meg til å bestemme meg da :P Begge er såklart fluet med DW2007 utfordringer ;)

Nå er det forresten ni dager siden jeg leverte fra meg kameraet&den ene linsen ...uten noen som helst tilbakemelding...... de skulle jo ringe når de hadde tatt en kikk på kameraet..urk...*abstinenser*

20 lovely comments

~~ you just look away in the distance

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 12, 2007 7 lovely comments
And we're back on track!
Did this layout for the KI blog & DW2007 Jan 1st challenges. I love it when I can do two things at once :) KI Blog: I used the fall papers & alpine hip chip. The pictures are from a visit at Simens the spring :P As for the DW2007 - Jan 1st was about cropping smaller pictures making a collage. I think the journaling is a bit unbalanced, other than that the layout feels okay. One of them decent layouts - not too satisfied, but not dissatisfied either :)

These pictures reminds me of another thing though. I keep thinking that I'm not that bad at using everyday-pictures, but truth to be told - I *suck* when it comes to making layouts of others but my own children. The interaction with other familymembers is just as important as the pwetty little faces of my children ( :p ). To preserve memories is also about showing the children who they were surrounded with, and that's what I'm determined to do better in 2007. For what I know they might get bored with seeing closeup portraits of themselves when they grow up, and rather want to see more pictures of their beloved grandparents, grand-grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousins, distant relatives, friends and so on. (Alright I think that'll be too true :p). Actually, I think the cue is to balance out all these different kind of pictures and motifs. And I *will* be more aware of the pictures I feel are less scrapable - but just as important (The real challenge would be making them scrapable, no? Besides..I think it's just in my mind. The feeling that these pictures are less scrapable.). Soh!

Og da var enda en LO komplettert - denne gangen til den artige utfordringen på KI bloggen - som jeg fluet med en av DW2007 oppgavene. Utfordringen fra KI bloggen var å bruke papirene/produktene til andre typer bilder enn det temaet for arkene gikk ut på. Her er noen familiebesøkbilder fra våren parret med høst-kolleksjonen deres (som jeg forresten bare digger - så rike, varme farger! Nydelig!) DW oppgaven gikk ut på å croppe bilder og lage en collage ut av de. Det ble ikke så verst - og viktigst av alt - jeg ser det at selv om jeg synes jeg er ikke så verst til å bruke "hverdagsbilder" i scrappingen min så er jeg helt ELENDIG på å "inkludere" andre enn mine barn i LO'ene mine. Og det er jo helt ....shameless egentlig? Jeg tør påstå at når ungene blir store så blir de like, om ikke mer, interessert i LO'ene der de kan se sine slektninger og venner, som i LO'ene der de får servert closeups av trynene deres over hele LO'en liksom. Slektninger som kanksje ikke er lenger når de har skjønt poenget med album (om de kommer til å gjøre det da :P). Så. Jeg har funnet enda et scrappeforsett for 2007: Scrap flere bilder som jeg av en eller annen grunn føler ikke helt er scrapbare - men som inkluderer flere enn mine unger og som er like verdifulle å bevare.

Ellers. En liten kuriositet. En ganske fascinerende en synes jeg - om det med kulturen og sånn faktisk stemmer, og at det er anerledes enn slik sånt sees på her i Norge og vestlige land.

7 lovely comments

~~ Early winter ~~

Posted by Ania On Thursday, January 11, 2007 4 lovely comments
One of my fave songs from Gwen Stefanis new CD is "Early Winter". When things go bad it helps me listening to songs. It kinda helps putting words on the feelings this way. I also love songs that puts me in a certain mood, songs that reminds me of past times either just because I listened to that song at a certain time/period or because the words reminds me of a situation.

You, you know how to get me so low
My heart had a crash when we spoke
I can't fix what you broke
You, you always have a reason
Again & again this feelin'
Why do I give in?
& I always was, always was one for crying
I always was one for tears

The sun's getting cold, It's snowing
Looks like an Early Winter for us
Looks like an Early Winter for us
An Early Winter
Oh I need you to turn me over

It's sad the map of the world is on you
The moon gravitates around you
The seasons escape you
& I always was, always was one for crying
I always was one for tears
No, I never was, never was one for lying
You lied to me all of these years

The sun's getting cold, It's snowing
Looks like an Early Winter for us
Looks like an Early Winter for us
An Early Winter
Oh I need you to turn me over

Why do you act so stupid?
You know that I'm always right

Anyways. Just saw this commerical for this calendar from SEI: "
Looking for a unique 2007 calendar?" Well really. Sure it looks nice, but unique? When the whole thing is like, premade and ready to go - just add pictures, stickers and journaling? Wouldn't really be *that* unique then uh? :p Just asking :p

I recently finished up a bunch of layouts for various contests just so that I'm ready for new ones you know, and needed a breather so I made this layout just for fun. Think it'll fit with the DW2007 challenge from Jan 3rd - add a splash of bright color to a neutral background. I'll settle for that :) I wanted a no-brainer layout tonight, hence the pretty naive and simple style on this one.

Yay! Endelig ferdig med bidragene mine til Scrapbookmästare, og med alle LO'ene bortsett fra sjokoladeplata (som jeg tenker jeg tar imorgen :P) til the M game på Minneriket. Det har vært spesielt gøy å lage LO'ene til den svenske konkurransen - har ingen illusjoner om å nå opp, men det er jo klart - en må jo våge...kanskje jeg har flaks og klarer 25. plassen? Det hadde vært gøy :p Dessuten er jeg skikkelig fornøyd med LO'ene jeg har laget her, så bare det i seg selv er supert - fine LO'er i albumet mitt! :)

Nå trengte jeg en liten "pustepause" mellom LO'ene jeg lager til div. utfordringer og konkurranser, for jeg må jo innrømme at ja, det er sånt som jeg synes er gøy å lage noe til :p Så derfor lagde jeg denne LO'en ikveld - veeeldig enkel og litt naivistisk kanskje? Først tenkte jeg på den gamle freestyleutfordringen om å IKKE bruke lim til å feste ting så fikk jeg lyst til å prøve maskeringstape til å skrive journalingen på...og så fikk tapen meg til å tenke på barnehagen min og hvordan de brukte denne typen teip og skrev ting på og sånn med tykk tusj og voila... en layout down the memory road :p Og ja, jeg meldte meg på DW2007 på LM. Det må da vel være overkommelig å flue utfordringer og konker og sånn med DW2007? Satser på det :) Tenker denne kan gå for utfordringen fra 3. januar - å adde en dæsj farge på en nøytral bakgrunn :p

Ps! Nå har de åpnet for påmelding på :)

4 lovely comments

~~ AEzine challenge & SNOW! ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10 lovely comments

Ah! Playing with cards is fun! So when Ali E posted her weekly challenge in the AEzine about displaying your (or well, in this instance, mine :P) word easily spotted at the workspace I looked at the cards and thought it'd make a nice miniplaque to stick on my shelf along with some other minipictures that's uh, leftovers from layouts where I didn't need them afterall. Anyways. As my cam still is away (no word on wassup yet), I had to use my mobile to take this picture. Not too bad a substitute no? Here's a closeup aswell. Oh. And don't worry. I took one of the jokers. Still got 52 cards just for Emilys challenge :)

There's actually snow outside right now - but for how long - well, that remains to be seen. It stopped snowing now for a while and it's pretty wet outside. Still. Wish I had MY CAMERA to capture the little whiteness so I'd have a proof that YES we actually got some snow this year :p Ohwell. I think there will be an official word on it soon, haven't seen any yet - but since Kathrine already posted the link at her blog I hope it's ok that I am too: Scrappefeber by Hobbyhimmelen! Sounds like fun, no? Another challenge to add on my gotta-join list. Phew. It's starting to GROW :p (10 days into january and I've got 11 layouts made. Not too shabby :) Hope I can keep up with the growing list of things I wanna do and join :p )

Ali Edwards har en ukentlig newslettergreie der hun utfordrer leserne til å gjøre forskjellige små ting. Forrige ukes utfordring var å finne et ord som skulle være ditt eh..ledetrådord liksom, for 2007. Jeg falt helt og holdent for hennes ord for 2006 - "play". Denne ukes utfordring var å ha dette ordet lett synlig for en - jeg valgte å lage et kort (fnis...kort er gøy for tiden :D) med ordet PLAY på og klistre det på hylla over scrappepulten min. Altså, "lek" - det er jo egentlig det jeg gjør allerede da, med scrappingen min - men en reminder er alltid velkommen. Lek mer med farger. Lek mer med oppsett. Lek deg gjennom hele prosessen. Ha det gøy. Nemlig.
Våge mer kanskje. Vi får se. :)

Ellers - den har ikke startet enda og jeg har ikke sett noen offisiell word ang den noensteder, men siden Kathrine postet linken i hennes blog så våger jeg å poste den her jeg også: Scrappefeber! En ny konkurranse der Hobbyhimmelen står bak. Spennende! Dette må jeg definitivt få med meg :) The M game på Minneriket (Som forøvrig er verdt å sjekke ut! Digger reglene der - akkurat den konkurransen er kjempefin for både de som har mye og de som har lite scrappetid :) ), og Scrappefeber. Det burde være mer enn nok til å holde meg opptatt om kveldene fremover, eller? Og så pushe inn litt DW2007 greier innimellom, og flue så mye jeg kan. Og gjerne få med meg noen effers-greier og. Yep. Plan!

10 lovely comments

~~ Instant inspirations & uhoh's..

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, January 09, 2007 6 lovely comments
Ahh..I love blogging, and I love checking out what's going on at my blogger friends. They always inspire me in one way or another, and enlighten me on small and big fun things going on. Thanks to Lene who's doing Emily Falconbridges card-challenge. It was so inspiring and looked so fun that I just had to run to the store to buy myself a card-deck too and start on my own cards :D This is week one: "What are you proud of?" Well, I honestly think of anything else apart from the obvious, my family, which I think is pretty much a given - at least for me, but my hobby. Scrapbooking. I'm not necessarily always proud of anything I make (two recent layouts come to mind heh), but I'm proud of having found this hobby in the first place, thankful for what it gives me, for the fun I'm having in the process of creating stuff.....and so on and so on ;) So. Here's my take on week one. Which I now see is pretty much inspired by Lene's card now that I checked hers again *blush* Hope you don't mind Lene! :D Now. I know I'm NOT the best at keeping such long-duration journals. BUT. This really do seem doable. Decorate 52 small cards in 52 weeks? No problem! We'll see how I'm doing 52 weeks from now. If I'm not on this art-journal anymore then something really is wrong with me :P (or that I've finished the whole thing already :p)

Anyways. Checking in on Kristina Contes blog I noticed a worrying post. About people - other bloggers or forumwriters or whatever calling her names and stuff. Ugh. I don't know what's happened. I just know it seemed very unfair and uncalled for, from her post and view at least. And now her blog is gone. Gah. What's wrong with people who always have to do mean personal attacks? *sigh* I hope she'll be back soon. She seem like a cool and spunky kind of girl, and I really like what she's doing scrapwise. EDIT: Ahh..she seem to be back :) Maybe it was just a little random downtime, a coincidence, or she actually closed it then changed her mind... I dunno. She disabled the ability to comment tho. Glad she's still posting :)

Oh. I joined the Calendar Girls DW 2007 group. Maybe I'll join LM's too. I'll try to combine stuff so it won't be that difficult keeping up in time :)

Jeg digger å følge med på hva som skjer rundt omkring med andre scrappere - og jeg er takknemlig for at de fleste deler villig med seg av ting som skjer - både når det gjelder scrapping og ellers. Jeg blir ganske ofte inspirert og synes det er gøy å kikke litt rundt - og denne gangen ble jeg skikkelig inspirert at jeg stakk av til butikken med en gang :p Lene er nemlig med på Emily Falconbridge's art-journal - å dekorere 52 kort (kortstokk-kort :p) i løpet av året. En gang i uken poster hun en oppfordring - og denne ukes oppfordring var å fortelle hva som gjør oss stolte. Jeg har ærlig talt lite å være stolt av føler jeg bortsett fra familien min - men jeg er faktisk ganske stolt av hobbyen min om jeg kan bruke det ordet. Stolt over å ha funnet den og over gleden den gir meg underveis selv om jeg ikke alltid er like fornøyd med sluttresultatet. Men det å endelig ha funnet noe som jeg faktisk trives ganske bra med å gjøre - og som attpåtil er "artistisk" - det er jeg stolt av.

Ellers har jeg blitt med på DW2007's utfordringsgruppe med the calendar girls på twopeas. Fluer jeg denne med andre utfordringer og gjøremål burde det ikke være alt for uoverkommelig, eller...? We'll see :)

Forresten! Lyst til å bli en godterismaktester? Send en mail til :) Har vært snopetester for de i uh, iallefall over ett år, kanskje to snart..? Artig "jobb" og så er det litt kult å få snop tilsendt hjem til seg :) Skulle bare ønske de også hadde sjokolade i sortimentet deres.....jaja :)

6 lovely comments

~~ Can somebody please explain me...

Posted by Ania On Monday, January 08, 2007 5 lovely comments
Hrmf. Can somebody please explain me *why* exactly I have 8, possible 9 different gaffer-tapes (you know, the cool ones from 7gypsies :p), and NONE of them are the one with the months!?! *GAH* *brilliant idea down the drain* I'm fairly positive there is one with the months on. Jeje. Anyways. Been scrapping a bit lately - and just wanted to show this picture I found. *sigh* I know I'm *so* biased, but seriously, look at that cutiepie! :) Ahwell. I miss my camera. Had to deliver it to the cameradoctor. Hope it'll be well soon. And that it won't be too expensive (hah who am I trying to kid?) *sighs* Too many expenses already (did I mention the car had a breakdown again? It's barely been a month since the last reparation :( ) and we're just in January :(

Er det ikke så typisk? Jeg har 8, kanskje 9 gaffer-tapes - de kule fra 7gypsies - men ingen av dem er de med månedene på...utrolig nok! Grr. Er helt sikker på at det finnes noen med alle månedene på, og den hadde vært perfekt for en ide her - men alas - no such tape - iallefall ikke her. Jaja. Scrappet nettopp dette bildet, og måtte bare dele det med dere - hun er jo bare til å spise opp - helt objektivt sett såklart ;) Sukk. Savner kameraet mitt - måtte dessverre levere den inn til kameradoktoren - har et ørlite håp om at det ikke skal bli alt for dyrt (eller at det kanskje kan gå på evt. garanti/forsikring) - men dessverre - jeg tviler sterkt på at regningen kommer på et akseptabelt belø er AVHENGIG av kameraet mitt, så jeg får vel bare bite i det sure eplet og punge ut :( :( :( Den har mest sannsynligvis falt ned i bakken mens vi var i Oslo (å finne kameraet på gulvet er aldri noe sjakktrekk når man ikke kan huske å ha lagt det fra seg der....), og det har muligens blitt litt verre siden....urk. Urk. Urk. Håper bare det går kjapt og at vi ikke må spise grøt i tre måneder fremover eller noe :p

5 lovely comments

~~ GAH ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 05, 2007 1 lovely comments
Ugh! After long-ass waitinghours both yesterday and today I was sent home today at 1pm. Or well, told that I could just go home. Due to various delays they wouldn't be able to do the surgery today after all. So. I got a new date next month and an apology. And food :p And as they had drugged me already they suggested I called someone to drive me home. So while waiting for Simen to finish work so he could fetch me from the hospital I just slept. And slept. And slept. *yawn* And the best thing - I get to repeat this next month - a whole day of waiting and talking to the (pretty much) same docs, hotel sleep-over (which wasn't that bad) and then finally the surgeon itself...I hope...WTG!

1 lovely comments

~~ B.O.R.E.D ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 05, 2007 4 lovely comments
Alright. It's 07.55am and I've been awake since 06.30. Had to meet up at 07.15 and am still sitting here in the corridor surfing around the net while listening to Tori Amos and Janis Joplin on the iPod. Note to self: need to add Gwen Stefani in there. Not having a netconnection at the hotel was okay, watched TV and stuff and hit bed early. Anyways. Starving. Dizzy. Getting a headace soon cause I'm not even able to drink water. BLeh. Hope something happens soon before I pass out of all this excitement. Or lack of food. Or drink. Or something like that. Thanks for all the support btw. Really appreciate knowing you're thinking of me :)

4 lovely comments


Posted by Ania On Thursday, January 04, 2007 1 lovely comments

Today.., originally uploaded by aniia.

I waited and waited a lot. Oh, and I also managed to chat with five docs and a nurse in between. Six persons in six hours, that's not too shabby now is it? That's an average of one person an hour. Luckily I got to borrow mother-in-law's laptop, making the wait quite tolerable as I hit the hospitals wireless net. Unfortunately there's no such net available here at the hotel. Gah. Back to mobile blogging then. Wish me luck tomorrow. Until then, ciao.

-Ania mobil

1 lovely comments

~~ Very well.... ~~

Posted by Ania On Thursday, January 04, 2007 7 lovely comments
Never liked how this one turned out, but I still think the pictures are somewhat adorable :)
Adrian insisted that I should bring my camera along to scrap him and the suitcase.
Right. Can't say no to that request :p

Some pictures from the registery 'sign-in' at the elementary school.
Peek-a-boo! Children just can't resist huge cardboard-boxes now can they? :P
Aww look at them! Amalie *loves* kethcup (such a feinsmecker I know), and Adrian loves helping her out :D
Look at her! Such a cutiepie even when protesting against my "no". Love these pp from Scenic Route!
Love these pictures of the pumpkin-carving, and like the subtle way the pp is used here :)

Well. This is it. I'm leaving for the hospital shortly. I'm gonna undertake a strange, scary journey this year. Originally I was just gonna write that I was gonna start doing this complicated, four-part (I think) surgeon spread all over the year, but it'd be strange just writing surgeon without saying what kind of I guess. So. I'm going to get myself an ear enchantment. A physical one. That's the best way I can describe it I guess without actually describing it, because I find it slightly gross and very personal so I don't wanna. Don't ask, I'm pretty embarrassed about it. Ohwell. You'd think I'd be happyhappycheerycheery about the whole thing, but...I'm not. I'm just embarrassed. Would prefer to alienate myself from the whole thing. But I'm looking forward to the end result. I think. It'll be strange. I should be happy. I probably will. But for now I'll stick to thinking that it has to be done for me to feel free. Hopefully I'll be able to quit being embarrassed of myself and stop being pretty much always on guard when outside/with others when the whole thing is done. Will be gone for a week or so. They weren't able to tell me for sure how long I'd be gone.

Anyways. I've stocked up on magazines for almost two months now. 2x Scrapbooking mm, 2x Creating Keepsakes and 1x Det Nye. Been hoping to obtain Scrapbooks Etc and/or Scrapbook Trends for a while now, with no luck (the airports really ougtha have them but no). I'll even bring a mediabook or two along. Maybe my all-time favourite: "After the death of the childhood". Love that book. If anyone wanna bring me a book or two I'd appreciate anything scraprelated and I'd love books by Sherry Turkle (anything but "Life on the Screen" which I have). One of my fave professors :p Or maybe one of Neil Gaimans two last books. Anyways. I'm babling. See you in a week or so. Was told it'd be possible to hook up at the wireless net at the hospital, so here's hoping that I'll 1. get to borrow a laptop before tomorrow 2. be okay enough to be on the net during the next few days. Picture me raiding/playing WoW from the hospital-bed? Hah. Hope all these mags won't make me itch to scrap while at the hospital, cause that'd so suck. I already hate the thought of leaving the scrapping-table now after the long break I've already had at the holidays. Jeje.

While I'm gone. Here's some layouts I found lying around when trying to count my 2006 layouts. Synnøve: I really tried. But it's too many. I think the number must be around 190-200?My main-LO cat for 2006 has 180ish objects. I don't scan all of my layouts (but pretty much like 95% of them haha. Some of the double-spreads are scanned twice tho.). And then there's quite a few LO's in other cats I haven't bothered counting. So I'm not quite sure. But here's a few I haven't shown here on my blog before. There. That should do for a week? :p I even saved one-two layouts ok for the next time I'll be gone this long from my blog. Haha. I'm such a blog-nerd :p

-Love & kisses

Blir borte en uke ca. Send meg en tanke der jeg ligger på sykehuset da vel :p

7 lovely comments

~~ Woah just look at this!! ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, January 03, 2007 0 lovely comments

I'm close to speechless. Through the games (mmorpgs) we've been playing through the years we've been so lucky having friends from all over the world, many of them of the very nice and kind type. We've gotten tons of help, advices, sometimes small and (big and) cute gifts....quite recently a second wabbit from our swedish friends and now this...which arrived today.... Selina sent us this HUGE and HEAVY box all the way from Austria. Inside was a wooden box with three flasks of wine (one white and two red) and jelly/jam from his uncles winery/farm. How cool is that?!? And how can we possible open the wines to taste them cause it's such a wonderful gift I don't dare empty :D You guys are simply the best!! I'm really touched and pleasantly surprised :D Love you guys much! :) :) xoxo

0 lovely comments

~~ o.O First post! ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, January 03, 2007 1 lovely comments

Well alright. As you can see I got so totally inspired by Ingunn (smultringunn) and her layout about her NY resolutions that I decided to make me my own too! I love the colors of the Carnival collection of Crate Paper - so bright, so hopeful, so cheery, so LOVELY! Regarding my resolutions: well, I got so inspired that I'm actually breaking one or two atm - being more nice with Simen (aka spending more time with him) and going to bed early. It's 2am and I just had to finish this one :p BUT - I'm keeping the promise to scrap more and shop less. Well. The first part at least. Scrap more to do shopping justice, right? I've finished three layouts today. One which was started yesterday (god it's so nice scrapping again! after like one and a half week of break or something like that), and two which was started and finished today. Yay. Can't say the two others were as nice as this once (which I actually like - there's even room for one or two more resolutions at top!), but at least I did scrap! Yay!

Anyways. Had a wonderful New Year - thanks to the many cool and nice people celebrating it with us, and thanks to Simens mom letting us slip away to celebrate this night with others without our children (we spent the dinner and evening with them tho ofcourse :) ). Here's some pictures taken with my cam, and I'm afraid more people have pictures aswell but I'm not gonna show them. The pictures aren't that interesting btw - only for those attending I guess. We spent the evening with 7 swedes, one austrian and 30-40 local people, most of them playing the same game as us - WoW. Such a great way to start off the year! I even spoke English pretty much all night. I'm so friggin amazed at myself. I think people understood me too :p

Ahh -- har hatt en kjempeknall nyttårsaften med stor fest for en god del WoW spillere, blant annet en håndfull svensker og en fra Østerrike og :) Super kveld/natt!! Kom meg ikke hjem før i femtiden :) Stakkars Simen måtte være igjen og låse lokalet, så han kom ikke før i sekstiden - og så gikk han hjem fra lokalet mens jeg fikk sitte på med noen andre. Snille Simen :)

Har forresten blitt *så* inspirert til å lage en LO etter å ha sett Ingunn's nyttårsforsettelser-LO. Så her er min take på samme tema :D Digger Carnival-fargene - så spunky og fresh og liksom litt passende til en sånn optimistisk liste...for ja - den er litt veldig optimistisk på enkelte punkter :P *cough* Har ellers faktisk laget tre LO'er idag - men to av de var til Minnerikets skissekonkurranse, så... :) Planen er å scrappe en del imorgen også, for nå har jeg jo hatt en laaaang (og litt ufrivillig) pause - så det er godt å komme igang igjen :) Og så får jeg nok ikke muligheten igjen på en liten stund heller, så må benytte tiden jeg har ;)

Ellers - Kine - kjolen er kjøpt på ebay *fnis* Digger den...så fiiiin.....litt vel kroppsnær da, men det er en av tingene jeg liksom skal fikse litt på i 2007..........(in my dreams :p).

Må ellers få nevne at jeg digger min "Designing with 2007" som jeg fikk til jul av Siri på Papirloftet....virkelig kjekt med en greie som gir en små tips/ideer for hver dag - ikke nødvendigvis revolusjonerende, men ofte veldig greie ideer/detaljer en kanskje har glemt. Jeg er av den typen som ofte bestemmer meg for at "ok, denne gangen vil jeg scrappe noe med XXX teknikk" eller merke eller tema eller noe sånt, og prøve å gjennomføre det - så sånt synes jeg er veldig kjekt å få input om :) Vurderer litt å være med på "Designing with..." opplegget på Lifetimemoments - vinneren får nemlig være med på et "Designing with" prosjekt som gjestedesigner! Ikke det at det er noen sjans da, men det virker som et ganske artig opplegg da :)

1 lovely comments
    -Get off the cross we need the wood-