Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ My initials ~~

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ooo this one was funny. Funny because people keep commenting on my name. My full name that is. I've got a whoppin six initials. Yep. I used to have sister has four...I used to taunt her because of that - and now I've gotten six. All thanks to Simen & our marriage ofc :p Why? I dunno. Mom's got three names - one surname, one middle and one lastname. Dad's got two. Or well, he added another middlename some years ago. Anyways. People always comment on my name once they get to know all of them. Some people think it's funny to memorize them all aswell. (A sure hit at some parties for some reason) Heh. My initials are AJCNSL. And here's my card for this week; a collage of distressed paperpieces, some chipboard & a handcut feltflower w/a pearl in the middle.

Ukas utfordring fra Emily var initialer. Våre initialer. Jeg har seks navn i navnet mitt. Seks initialer. Navnet mitt har alltid vakt litt oppmerksomhet såsnart folk har fått snusen i hele navnet mitt - det er visst artig med seks navn. For noen har det også gått sport i å huske alle navnene mine riktig. Heh. Da jeg og søs var små så "kranglet" vi og jeg ertet henne med at jeg hadde fem navn - ett mer enn henne. Nå har jeg seks, fordi mitt gamle etternavn ble skjøvet til mellomnavn da jeg giftet meg.

Takk for gårsdagens kommentarer - interessant å se at jeg visstnok er en digital purist. Godt å skjønne at det ER helt iorden å redigere bilder for å gjøre de bedre. Finere. Forhåpentligvis. Skal iallefall eksperimentere mer og sånn tror jeg :)

23 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ My initials ~~'

  1.'> 5:31 PM

    man that is a LOT of initials!!! least you are unique! cool card!


  2. Marjolein Said,'> 5:49 PM

    I like this, boy, lot initials, but it looks cool on the card!


  3. Jen Said,'> 5:59 PM

    Wow...I've known people with 4 initials, but never as many as you have!

    Great card, love the collage of papers as the back ground. Very cool!


  4. Anette S Said,'> 6:13 PM

    Gledet meg til å se alle initialene dine, ja! Du har nok av de! Superkult kort! Gotta love them Heidi Swapp Chipboards!


  5. Anonymous Said,'> 8:58 PM

    Stilig kort. Ja det er ganske unikt med 6 initialer. :-)


  6.'> 9:03 PM

    Stakk innom for å takke for den enkle forklaringen jeg fant på siden din, så jeg klarte å fikse meg heading.
    Du har så mange flotte og fargerike LOer at jeg blir bare sittende på å gape. :)


  7. valerie Said,'> 9:34 PM

    cool card love the amount of initials


  8. Unknown Said,'> 9:42 PM

    Jeg trodde jeg hadde langt navn jeg.... men i forhold til navnet ditt blir det nesten kort... LOL

    Flott artkort... :-)

    Ha en scrappende flott kveld...


  9. Anonymous Said,'> 10:32 PM

    and my eldest son thought he was hard done by with 5 :D my daughter has 4..but 6 takes the cake :D


  10. Unknown Said,'> 10:40 PM

    Wow, lots of initial, awesome card!


  11. Anonymous Said,'> 12:20 AM

    Superfint kort!! Gillar tekninken med tidningspapper i bakgrunden!


  12. Catrine Said,'> 12:32 AM

    Supert kort du har laget! Artig å se alle initialene dine på en gang sånn - det er mange ja.:P Jeg er jo kjedelig med mine tre, hihi.


  13.'> 8:09 AM

    WOW, what a long name makes for a real cool card!!!


  14. Kathrine Said,'> 8:11 AM

    Knis - du har virkelig mange navn.
    Husker at jeg ble litt blown away første gang jeg så hele navnet ditt. Heter ikke du bare Ania liksom?

    Utrolig kule bilder under her! Du blir bare flinkere og flinkere!


  15.'> 10:18 AM

    Hi hi... jammen hadde du mange navn ja....selv har jeg fire,og har syntes det var mange...hi hi!!!
    Kult kort,morsom ide!!!
    Super forklaring du hadde på blog. Nå skal jeg kanskje få laget meg en header jeg også!!! Takk og takk!! :)


  16. banglamarie Said,'> 12:13 PM

    OH mange!!! Må skikkelig ha tungen beint i munnen når en skal få med seg alle navnene;
    Ania holder lenge for meg. Er bare en Ania jeg vet om :)hi, hi

    Flott kort!!


  17. Anonymous Said,'> 5:39 PM

    Love the card. I think it is pretty dang cool that you have so many initials. Thanks so much for the congrats.


  18. Lizzy Said,'> 6:20 AM

    Oh, I LOVE your blog! Your work is amazing--so original and inspiring. And your card for this week's prompt rocks. I used to have 5 initials, but now it's down to 4... Boohooo!


  19. Rita Said,'> 11:15 AM

    SEKS navn *måpe* Utrolig stilig kort du har laget. Digger stilen din! :)


  20. Nina Said,'> 11:58 AM

    Hei blog-mentoren min, hihi!
    Tusen takk for hjelp i oppstarten.
    En flott blog du har...
    Skikkelig stilig kort.
    Mange initialer; du er kanskje kongelig? Hihi!


  21.'> 2:49 PM

    wow!!!! That is awesome!!!!


  22.'> 7:52 AM

    What fun! Love the colors behind your initials and the doodle border.


  23. A.S.K.-P. Said,'> 8:52 PM

    VERY COOL! And I thought trying to fir 4 & a hyphen on my card was a challenge! LOL GREAT card!



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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-