Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥



Posted by Ania On Thursday, May 31, 2007 5 lovely comments

Spent pretty much the whole day w/o Inet because I didn't think the hotel had wireless network (it says in the papers I got that you had to pay for the use of their internet-PCs...and I coudln't find any network in my room). Well guess what. There's a wireless network if you stay at the groundfloor. Hrmf. They better update their printed info to include that :p So. Sneaking in some hours on the net before I head back to my room to get some sleep for tomorrow. See yas :)

Can't add a post without adding a layout; here's one of my faves from this rounds M-game; I made the backgroundpaper (almost) all by myself - I'm a hybridscrapper! (The background is made in Photoshop w/ some very cool grungebrushes and printed upon a grid SR paper).

5 lovely comments

~~ It's that time again... ~~

Posted by Ania On Thursday, May 31, 2007 13 lovely comments

*sigh* okay. So it's that time again. Back to the hospital. I gotta admit - once I saw the letter in my mailbox. The newly appointed date for my 2nd surgery. My heart sank rockbottom. I kinda felt numb for a moment. I thought I was mentally prepared for this - having gone through it once knowing what I'd face....but naa... bleh. Jeje. One's gotta do what one's gotta do no? So. Tomorrow I'm gonna hit the hospital, sit down and wait patiently for a couple of hours, hopefully get a bed at the Hospital Hotel & on friday I'm gonna go through another surgery & when it's over I'm gonna stay at the hospital for a week or so until I'm recovered. So with this in mind I created my second One Little Word layout - their new word was "STOP". I sure feel like yelling that now but bleh. Better suck it up and hope time will fly so it'll be over soon...

Anyways. /whinemode off & don't worry, you won't get rid of me that easily - I've got a laptop and am so gonna hog that wireless network at the hospital (LOVE IT!) whenever I can to try beat the boredom called Waiting Time/Recovery. And I brought some books (and a mag -- missing at least two more mags!! I KNOW I saved these mags specifically for the hospital but bleh, they're gone now bleh bleh). And while at the hospital I plan on working on some writing assignments. And I get to sleep a lot! I love to sleep! :p

And - the other layout; $$$ - Ingunn challenged me to lift Keishas beautiful layout. Now, I love Keishas delicate style (EVERYTHING she touches turns into little delicate cards and layouts and...things!) and I knew I wouldn't be able to do it justice, so I did my own version. With moving houses & painting our new house the money sure flies FAST....bleh! So this bill is just one of numerous bills I've got because we needed more paint & stuff. Look. It even got its own little wings cause it's supposed to symbolize the money that flies ;p

Jaja. Nytt sykehusbesøk imorgen -- ny operasjon og nytt opphold vekke. Heldigvis har jeg fått låne laptopen til min snille svigermor, så jeg kommer til å surfe masse fra sykehusets trådløse nett! Hurra for trådløse nett! Bildene på LO nr 2 er hentet fra siste sykehusopphold. Jepp. Ser frem til dette. Not. Jeje.

Men! Har dere sett?? Nytt forum fra Papirloftet; Papirprat! Stikk innom da vel og last opp minst 10 LO'er i galleriet for en sjanse til å vinne 500kr i gavekort fra Papirloftet (siste frist 31. mai!!) eller bli med på skissekonkrransen der du kan vinne en av de nye, lekre MM albumene med scallopede kanter!

Snakker om konkurranser - imorgen er fristen for den aller siste M-måneden på Minneriket; har vært kjempeflink og lastet opp hele 6 bidrag jeg og hastet meg til å bli med på 17.mai konkurransen :D Gydas skissekonkurranse rakk jeg dessverre ikke for denne gangen, men gleder meg til å se og stemme på alle bidragene når den er over om.....4 dager! :)

Leggetid! Lang kjedelig dag imorgen! :p

13 lovely comments

~~ My Super Fun Day ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, May 28, 2007 15 lovely comments
Where's the dino? (photo: Eli)

Soooo I had the most superfun day with Eli and Ellen and their kids - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS FUN SESSION GIRLS!! (oh, and Eli's hubby tagged along aswell - wee - somebody to take pictures of all the three of us! :D) I can oh so recommend doing a photosession with some scrappingsistas - it's just...SUPERFUN!

Sooo without much further ado....some of the random faves from today -- a lot of pictures was taken; 246 (Ellen), 299 (me) and a whoppin' 413 (Eli) so I've got a number of faves to show. Can't wait until weds when we'll exchange CD's with the complete pictures!

Ania, Eli, Ellen (photo: Torgeir)
Linselus! (photo: Eli)
You don't wanna meet'em in a dark alley! (photo: Eli)
Cheese! (photo: Ellen)
Wohoo! (she's jumpin') (photo: ania)
Aaaaaaand lets jump! - Eli's fam (photo: Ania)
Linselus! (photo: Ania)
Hiho girls! (photo: Ania)
Dreamy..(Photo: Ania)
This is how we were today (photo: Ania)
Gettin' ready to jump (photo: Ania)
JUMP! (photo: Ania)

15 lovely comments
A lift of Kjersti Bakken from Papirgleder. These pictures makes me happy. Applegreen wall. Yay! And - as promised - some pictures of the process called "refresh our new home". Yeap. That's me workin' the paintin'! Still not done - the ceiling needs to be painted more - plus we just did 1/3 of the ceciling - but the walls and windows & stuff are done. YAY!

Now. Better hit bed. Have made sure the batteries to the cam is reloaded and stuff. Looking forward for tomorrow - photosession! YAY!

Som lovet; her er noen bilder av det vi holder på med for tiden; nemlig det å male stua vår. Dette er 1/3 av stua vår ca; den delen med tekstiltapet. Den andre delen består av trepanel som allerede er malt med sånn gjennomsiktig hvitmaling. Anyways; tekstiltapeten var sånn sandbrun-beige-gul - og måtte bukke under for Lys Antikk. Karmene og verandadøren fikk noen strøk med Eggehvit maling, og taket er blitt grunnet en gang - tar nok en runde til imorgen og så får vi kjøpe ordentlig takmaling på tirsdag - har ikke helt bestemt meg for hva slags hvitfarge taket får enda. Eggehvit kanskje, sånn som på karmene. Jeje.

Hege; RAW format er liksom råformatet bildene skytes i. Vanligvis velger man å få de ut i JPG format, og da blir de litt veldig komprimert (RAW filene er sånn gjennomsnittelig på ca 5.5mb mens JPGfilene i beste kvalitet ca 2-2.5mb). Så det er snakk om en masse detaljer og informasjon som bevares i RAW filene - og som gjør at man kan justere disse bildene en masse uten at det går utover bildets kvalitet sånn som justering i JPG filene ofte kan gjøre. Ulempen er at filene tar stor plass og man må alltid redigere bildene og så save de i jpg etterpå (hos meg blir jpgfilene ofte på ca 1mb etter redigering fra rawformatet da)...så man bruker en masse tid på hvert enkelt bilde liksom. Men - jeg er fornøyd med valgmulighetene RAW gir en - særlig når man ikke er så flink og kameraet avogtil tar litt feil av lysmålingen (eller du glemmer å bytte fra dagslys-settings til innelyssettings på kameraet om du setter det manuelt) og til en viss grad på bilder der eksponeringen er helt gal - sånne ting gjør liksom ikke så veldig mye med RAW filer for du kan fortsatt rette opp sånt i Photoshop etterpå med bedre hell enn om bildene hadde vært i JPG kvalitet... i de verste tilfellene liksom. Jeg er veldig glad i å overeksponere bildene mine noe for tiden - og det er enkelt å gjøre det pent med RAW synes jeg. Hm. Gjentar jeg meg selv nå? Uansett. Til nå har jeg redigert RAW filene i Elements for i CS2 så overstyrer Nikon-addon'en tydeligvis CS2 sitt eget RAWprogram...og Nikongreia suger i forhold til det PS kan tilby og jeg er for lat til å slå det av....og det funker fint i Elements såh..

Jaja. Burde legge meg nå for jeg forvirrer folk enda mer med mitt amatørprat; imorgen blir det forhåpentligvis en liten fotosession i byen med Ellen og Eli om været tillater - håper og regner med det! Så med litt flaks er jeg hjemme igjen imorgen ettermiddag med en masse kule, flotte bilder av oss og gutta våre! :) *gleder seg*

8 lovely comments

~~ Scrapping mojo ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, May 25, 2007 11 lovely comments

Ahh.....even though we're not entirely done moving (well, we've moved and starting to settle down - but still in the middle of painting some of walls & stuff) I'm starting to feel more energy returning to me - and my scrapping mojo along with it. Yay! Completed five layouts yesterday & today! Hooray! 4 to the M-game at Minneriket, and one for the One Little Word challenge - the challenge word was "GO". So. Here's my take, yay. Adding a lil closeup of the pic + details - adore the pic - he was following her all around the garden (of the old house) pretending to be her dog. So cute. I know he'll be there for her, always.

Anyways. Random inspirations found lately; Focus on Photography gives very nice tips for photographing vacations. I suspect the text might be a bit old as it keeps refeering to film all the time, but nevertheless, good tips never grows old no? Then we got MetroDad - totally LOVE lurking around in his blog - he's so eloquent, he's a sharp observer and I just simply like the way he writes - entertaining and often very funny. The latest post cracks me up (he missed the Scrapbooking Mom though!!). What more? Well...apart from lurking around in random photographerblogs (esp kiddie+weddingphotographers) I also found this one - cool! Yes - it's all real - no photoshoping - just careful coregraphy w/breakdancers.

Now. Bedtime. My resolutions are going quite nicely. Simen even made a comment that he'll voluntarily join me to IKEA if I manage to keep no 3 for a month! YAY! EASYPEASY baby - looking forward to the whole-day-at-IKEA trip in a month ;)

Ohwell. Encosing some pictures of the kiddos playing in their bedroom before bedtime; look I've got such a cool wall!! It's applegreen! Such a lovely color! (Yeah, Adrian loves making faces and poses these days). Oh. And I took them in the RAW-format playing around. It's such a genious format - the only drawback being that you really really have to edit every picture manually - not gonna bother doin' that for the everyday-use, but it's nice & handy for "important" pictures kinda. Yeah I know. Slightly diff. temperature on these 2 first & the latter pictures. The latter is more correct when it comes to the actual wall-color tho :)

WOhoo! Idag har jeg faktisk scrappet sånn ca 5 LO'er både igår og idag - og det tok ikke så mye tid liksom, det gikk helt fint sånn innimellom alt det andre jeg holder på med for tiden :) Er nokså ferdig med å flytte; fotografen var oppe og tok bilder igår og imorgen kommer takstmannen. Så i løpet av neste uke er nok prospektet ute og så blir det visning....yey! Vi har blitt ganske så husvarme her og (ikke så rart da, Simens barndomshjem) ting går ganske bra for tiden her.....prosjektet mitt med å male stua fikk en litt rocky start pga feil råd (ALDRI ALDRI ALDRI stol blindt på "fagfolk" i malerbutikken!!!! Sukk at jeg aldri lærer på det punktet!! Minst tredje gangen jeg har brent meg på "råd" fra sånne som en faktisk egentlig liksom skal kunne stole på kan sine such luck tho...:( ) men det går bra nå - mye lettere å male nå med riktig maling og sånn og jeg gleder meg til å bli ferdig med dette prosjektet ;p

Bildene ovenfor er fra en fotosession før leggetid nede på barnerommet - den ene veggen ble jo malt eplegrønn og er bare så knallkul *fnis* Og når Adrian i tillegg er i gjøglerhumøret for tiden og poserer velvillig med masse tilgjorte fjes og Amalie ofte hermer etter så blir det bare masse gøy og kos når vi skal ha fotosession sånn som dette her *happy* :) Testa litt med å ta bilder i RAW format her forresten, og må si det er et genialt format altså! Veldig kult å kunne justere lystemperaturen så enkelt i ettertid *uten* tap av detaljer og grelt resultat og gjøre generelle justeringer og ja..ha alle detaljene intakt still liksom. Yey! Det kjipe er jo at sånt må gjøres for absolutt alle filene i RAW format før en lagrer de i vanlig .jpg og sånn, så det kommer ikke til å bli noe jeg gjør ofte altså greit å vite til "viktige" bilder og situasjoner der jeg er usikker på lyset og sånn..ellerno...:) (okok...forholdene var ideelle her da jeg tok bildene da, med tripod og eksternå teste RAW i random "hverdagssituasjoner" liksom ja...sånn bare for å sjekke.)

Hmhmhm..var det noe mer nå Leggetid I guess :) Imorgen må jeg jo åpne for takstmannen og så må jeg male videre og så rydde littegranne etterpå i og med at vi skal være barnevakt for noen unger her :)

11 lovely comments

~~ One more for the road.. ~~

Posted by Ania On Sunday, May 20, 2007 9 lovely comments

Remember what I said yesterday about Amalie? Today she surprised me some while eating her breakfast. She said; "Mommy, look (and she points at where to look), cat (while doing the sign), meow". She found a new pattern and recognized the cat. Aw bless. She's a bit behind with her spoken language, but I'm not too worried (she just turned two) - Adrian was (imo) extremely slow - he didn't speak in sentences/somewhat fluent until he was three and a half - before that he mostly said one word only and pointed at things. Now? He's a little chatterbox, understanding complex jokes that the grownups makes, taking things he pondered about two or three days ago a step further showing that he really continued thinking and pondering about these things in the meantime and always asks a lot and knows where to find the answer ("why don't we check the internet?" - that kid has got a lot of faith in the Internet :p). Anyways. Amalie. The personnel in the kindergarten told us how happy they were that she knows some sign-language, and when she's not able to express what she wants - they sign instead of her getting frustrated. Apparently it works out great and her tantrums (told you she's a little diva - but to be fair - her tantrums are always shortlived cause she knows she's not getting anywhere with that kind of behaviour and she usually gives in - at least to us) have almost ceased. Yay.

Ohwell. Nuff babybraggin'.

Now. My new life. New car, new house, new routines! Yeap - I've decided it's about time to be more responsible and stuff, starting with small, basic things like
  1. Always change the oil regulary (can you believe I didn't KNOW about that half a year ago!? I thought the oil was to be reapplied all the time whenever we saw the warning about low oil, not completely replaced. Jeez. No wonder our old car went downhill fast *blush*)
  2. I'm so gonna wax and polish the car! It's our new baby and needs to be taken care of...and I'm so gonna do that! Once I know what to buy and anyone?
  3. Always clean up the kitchen before bedtime. I'm such a mess in the kitchen (and elsewere too). But not anymore! I think. I'll try. I give this two weeks anyways.
  4. Same thing with the bathroom (did I mention? We've got a tub now! YAY for bathtubs!)
  5. Always do the beds.
  6. Hm. I better quit this list before Simen reads this and either a) rofls at me or b) uses this against me in the future! Hm. Afterthought. He's prob gonna do c) both!
Oh. I scrapped yesterday! Yay! Couldn't resist so I gave in. It's mom with the kids! Yay! She stayed with us for a week to help us with the move & stuff. Love the cute Sassafrass papers. Not too fond of the backgroundpaper, but not sure what other color I shoulda picked. Ohwell. Now. Need to wrap up the Norwegian text then I'm gonna wash the walls in the livingroom so it's ready to get painted next week then I'm hopefully gonna squeeze in some time to check around at other peoples blogs - it's been too long and I wanna know what's up with you guys (*waves*) :)

Ahh. Amalie var så søt imorges da vi satt ved bordet og spiste frokost; hun så en katt i et mønster og sa; "Mamma, se (peke) katt (samtidig som hun gjorde tegnet for katt) - mjau (mens hun fortsatte å gjøre tegnet for katt). Aww. Tror det kanskje er nærmeste hun har kommet en skikkelig setning - hun babler masse (en hører på tonefallet at det skal være setninger og fortellinger og sånn) men jo..tror dette er det nærmeste jeg har fått med meg en hel setning. Liksom.

Jaja. Nok babybarneskryt. Her er en LO jeg rakk å gjøre igår - deilig etter en lang-lang pause. Diggbare Sassafrasspapirer!! Idag er planen å vaske veggene i stua slik at de er klare for å bli malt på en eller annen gang denne uken (forhåpentligvis imorgen??), og så håper jeg å få litt tid til å kikke innom bloggene jeg pleier å hilse på - er alt for lenge siden nå - men jeg har liksom hatt en unnskyldning da liksom *smile* Forhåpentligvis blir det bedre tid til sånt om ikke alt for lenge!! :) Ha en fortsatt god helg alle sammen!!

9 lovely comments

~~ statusrapport; amalie ~~

Posted by Ania On Saturday, May 19, 2007 4 lovely comments
I love my little sweetiepie. The way her enthusiasm is so overwhelming when she runs towards us or sees something she like. The way she bargains when she wants her shoes on but not on the "right" foot (she's always right mind you, it's just us who doesn't know better). When she does something she knows is wrong and yet she still does it while having her eyes firmly set on us. The way her hair, when let down, frames her little cute face - I think it's a squareshaped face..but when she smiles it looks like it's heartshaped (I have no clue on faces and shapes). The way she says "yes!" or "hi!" in a firm, exclamating (sp?) voice. And likewise, the slight quiver in her voice when saying "nononono". The way she tiptoes (little ballerina-to-be :) ) when running/walking. The sweet "brr" sound when saying "brrrum" (winnie-the-pooh) and signing it at the same time. The way she brushes her hair away from the eyes.

Lille søte jentungen min! Hun vokser så fort for tiden, og selvsikkerheten hennes øker for hver dag som går (ok, hun ser litt usikker ut på bildet her da, men :p). Det er ganske mange små ting som gjør at hun er ganske så bedårende sånn helt objektivt sett. Sånn som måten hun lyser opp når hun skal løpe bort til enten meg eller pappa'n sin. Måten hun proklamerer "hei!" eller "ja!" på - veldig bestemt, med utropstegn og ganske lystbetont. Måten håret hennes, når det er utslått, rammer inn ansiktet hennes på. Eller måten hestehalene - en fra hver side av hodet - dingler når hun løper. Når hun gjør noe hun vet hun ikke har lov til rett foran øynene på oss - det skjelmske smilet mens hun har blikket fast festet mot oss - som om hun vil utfordre oss. Den utrolige søte lyden hun lager når hun sier "brrrum" (Ole Brumm) med dirrende lepper og trykk på "brrr" samtidig som hun gjør tegnet til Ole Brumm). Oh yes. Vi ser divafaktene. Vi ser en liten tøffing som tåler en god del støyt godt hjulpet av storebror. Vi ser at hun tør det meste fordi hun ikke skjønner at ting har konsekvenser. Får hun en støyt kommer det gjerne et lite, overrasket "au!" fra henne og så er det glemt og på'n igjen - alltid i hundreogti. Og så har hun begynt å nynne og mumle for seg selv når hun er alene for tiden - da vet vi hun er ganske fornøyd og opptatt med sitt. Lille sweetiepie!~

4 lovely comments

~~ Happy national day & stuff ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, May 18, 2007 2 lovely comments
Amalie "enjoying" the parade..
Amalie having fun with the boxes
The left part of our livingroom (nope, not our piano)
Yesterday was the national day of Norway. The celebration of the constitution and stuff. And - as our house is among the bigger ones in the family that means we get to house the relatives and stuff. Wohoo. Everybody knew we were in the middle of moving, so they brought food and stuff so we didn't have to do that much. And we had an excuse for stuff not really looking like they're supposed to as we were in the middle of getting settled down. Now. The adventages to get to host the relatives is; food. We get to keep it when it's over. Yay. Got enough cake for another fortnight. The disadventages. Well. We gotta clean the house in advance. And we get to do the dishes & clean the house when it's over. And we get to find crumbs of cake in the bathroom, the office and in the attic. Yay for kids.

Ohwell. Things are at least moving forward here - we're about to wrap up the last things from the old house moving everything out by tomorrow. The cleaning maids are gonna fix the house on tuesday, and the photographer is coming on weds to take pictures so we can get the pictures out & sell the house. I'm making a list over things we need to do and buy for this new house - hopefully we'll be able to start painting the livingroom next week when we're totally done with the old house. I *will* put up more pictures soon, I promise. Just ....everything's still chaos here, not all of mother-in-law's furnitures are gone yet, and we've still got to paint the livingroom & stuff. And I'm SO looking forward to get to scrap again. Hopefully this weekend..? *crossing fingers*

Håper alle har hatt en riktig fin 17. mai!
"Fordelen" med å ha et litt større hus er at man automatisk blir "godkjent" til å ha familie på besøk. Helt greit egentlig - bortsett fra all ryddingen i forkant og etterpå ;) Men - man får beholde kakene og sånt så jeg burde ikke klage - ungene har snopet til seg kake i hele dag (*blush*) og det er fortsatt masse kake igjen :) Rømmegrøt og spekeskinke er det fortsatt en del av og, yay!

Vi begynner å "se lyset" når det gjelder å få ut ting & tang fra gammelhuset - regner med å få ut alt bortsett fra det som skal stå til fotografering/visning iløpet av ikveld og så ta noen turer ut på dynga med resten imorgen. På tirsdag kommer det noen vaskedamer (YAY!) som skal vaske ned huset, og på onsdag kommer leilighetsfotografen. Spennende! Når vi er helt ferdig med gammelhuset er det også på tide å begynne på det nye huset; male tak og vegger i stua og ikke minst shoppe småting - lamper og kurver og div. oppbevaringsgreier - gleder meg sånn!! :) Ser også frem til å kunne få litt overskudd til å begynne å scrappe igjen - sukk :) La meg klokken 21 igår kveld - så sliten er jeg for nå blir det snart bedre håper jeg :)

2 lovely comments

~~ Last night in the old house ~~

Posted by Ania On Sunday, May 13, 2007 8 lovely comments
Just moved in! (2002)
Our new office...pre-painting (pc & scrappingroom!)
Amalie "helping" out like kids only can! (our new livingroom - mother in law is moving)
Gross...trying to de-ice our old freezer :p (thank god for the big freezer in the new house :P)
Me cleaning & demonting the Expedit. (Adrian's the photographer & the cam is the mobile - not a good combo :p)
The inner garden in our old house (2002)

Yesterday/this night was the last night in the old house. The bed will be moved down today, as will the computers & the rest of my scrapping-stuff. Scary! The productivity has been low the last few days because of the move...but I'm trying to wrap up a lift for the PG-contest. It's just so. Boring. Plain. *sigh* Just don't have the time to dwelve further into this, have to finish it today and upload it so I won't miss this round. Even though it wouldn't matter with this layout. Ohwell. Wonder if I can upload just in case and then upload another layout if I manage to do another one before the deadline. *ponder*

Jeje. Uhm. *lost* oh. yeah. Haven't uploaded my pictures from the camera yet, but here's some from when we just had moved into this house back in 2002 and some from the cleaning&packing taken with my mobile. There's an excisting network in the new house (it's my mother in law's - she's moving out and we're moving in :p), so hopefully I'll be back on the net during tonight.

Oh. And. HEROES! Ohmigod. It's SO good. New ep tomorrow! Almost can't wait! (thank god for the net & stuff :P)

Siste natten i det gamle huset er tilbrakt. Idag flytter vi senga, dataene og resten av scrappesakene mine nedover. Har heldigvis nett der nede, så vi skal nok greie å koble til PC'ene og sånn i løpet av kvelden :) Her kommer en liten miks av nye og gamle bilder..synes poster uten bilder er litt kjedelige, så... =)

8 lovely comments

~~ Update ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9 lovely comments

Still packing, still trying to sneak away some scrapping time in panic that MY stuff will be the next to be packed, still painting in the new house. Oh. Did I mention mom's coming over for a few days aswell? She's gonna watch the kids some while we others move and stuff :) Been working on a VERY VERY COOL minialbum the last few days whenever I've got time. Haven't decided what to do with it yet - and it's not finished as I've only added two rooms (it's about our new house and our preparations - painting, new furniture etc) in it yet. I'll show a sneakpeak though *smirk* It's very layered and I'm using a lot of yummy MME transparencies. YEY! Anyways. No new layouts since NSD, so I'll show some from the M game in April instead. Need to jet now - wrap up some shopping before fetchin' mom at the airport!

Ikke så mye nytt her egentlig -bortsett fra at vi fortsatt holder på med flytting etc - har fortsatt ikke pakket ned scrappesakene mine så jeg sniker til meg en liten stund foran pulten når jeg kan :p Holder på med et lite minialbum ang. selve flyttingen og det nye huset - og selv om jeg ikke er ferdig enda (den blir til mens vi flytter liksom =) ) så må jeg nesten få lov til å si at dette blir virkelig bra..!! Lag på lag og transparenter og sånn kul Kristina Contes-stil :) Liten sneakpeak: er jo ikke ferdig og har ikke helt bestemt meg for hva jeg gjør med albumet etterpå heller =) Har ikke scrappet noe skikkelig siden NSD - så viser M-game LO'ene for april istedetfor. Må løpe - shoppe madrasser til de nye barnesengene før jeg henter mamma på flyplassen! (og oi, Jysk ligger tilfeldigvis ved siden av Hobbykroken gitt *smile*)

9 lovely comments

~~ More? Yes more! ~~

Posted by Ania On Sunday, May 06, 2007 9 lovely comments
Heh. Tbh I dunno what I think about the lettersize one, but ohwell, I adore this picture of the kiddo so I'll prob scrap it once more anyways. Woke up this morning and saw more challenges on the RdG blog - dunno if the deadline's over or not but ohwell. It's nice to feel inspired! And! My very first 12x6!! It's such a cute format - I'll definately explore it more! I combined this one with the RdG challenge & the ScrapJack one - jackin' Stephanie Howell :) Old old pictures - all the way back to 1996!! Me, my sis & a friend having fun with a webcam! :D The pictures are ofc in such a bad bad quality - which makes them perfect for small pictures like this :) And hey. I resisted using my very last MM-flower on the lettersizelayout. Last flower! Eek! :)

9 lovely comments

~~ Just so I won't forget.. ~~

Posted by Ania On Sunday, May 06, 2007 3 lovely comments

My take on the MM sketch. Love the papers & the embies (notice the clever rubonplacement... haa...LOVE that rubon-book from Making Memories....flourishes & icons....pure eyecandy and a joy to just flip thru!) And oh, the title reads "U & I" cause I'm a total cheapass right now and saving my chipboardalphas....hence......this very short title (thanks for the help Dinna =) ). And yes! Am totally in LOVE with these flowers from MM. Been using it on my four last layouts. Only have two left. SO. NEED. MORE! :) Lucky me - Hobbykroken wanted to take these flowers (& more!!) in their store after seeing my cry for help at Minneriket - hopefully they'll get them in stock by next week. So. Must. Have!
And joy. Scrapped me and my beloved. Yay! I love my kids & totally adore them & stuff but it really does feel good scrapping US once in a while too ;) (in a few years he'll forgive me for scrapping pictures of him I'm sure *smoochies*)

Anyways. Off to bed now - tomorrow's ( a new day and we finished painting the childrens room yesterday - got a closet to stuff into that room tomorrow plus more I'm sure! Oh. Note to self. Take pictures of the bed for Em's challenge. Laters ~~

3 lovely comments

NSD fun

Posted by Ania On Saturday, May 05, 2007 4 lovely comments

Made this in like 30min to join RdG's challenge. (why do the cool ones always have to be 2hours only?? Grr. Just came home from painting the childrens room in our new home. Paint all over me so figured I'd paint some on the layout = gooooood idea when you're in a hurry!! *rolls eyes* Oh..the glittery part of the paint doesn't show, bleh. Cba fixin it now tho :p)

Ohwell. Need to scoot.....some people are supposedly waitin for me in WoW :p No more NSD-lovin' from me until maybe late tonight...:p

Oh yah. In honor of RdG - used some RdG papers :) LOVE these intense colors....YUM!
Ciao....hopefully I'll be able to scrap more later tonight *crosses fingers*

4 lovely comments

~~ Cute kid thursday! ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, May 04, 2007 9 lovely comments

Wee!! Amalie's todays cute kid at Goodyblog! I like browsing around at various blogs, Goodyblog is one of the non-scrapbooking/photographyblogs that I stop by every now and then. Coudln't miss this chance to show her off *smile*

I also usually drop by this blog - I like her random thoughts and her pictures (she's good at just taking random pictures...not necessarily technically good, just...takes pictures for the sake of taking them..I like that..)...and well, today her words really did strike true;

What are you good at, and what do you enjoy doing? That is the thread to untangle.
We can be good at something, yet not enjoy doing it. On the other hand, we can enjoy doing something that we are not very good at.
The thread to untangle, is the one that will tie a bow around your mind and heart.

Well, I sure as hell know that I do enjoy scrapbooking and photographing. I'd rather enjoy it than being good at it and yet not enjoy it. However. I'd wouldn't mind both please thankyouverymuch *smile* =)

Ohwell. Finished a layout & did another one today. Yay! Just had to scrap these pictures of the kids - and I couldn't chose which ones to ditch. Hence this doublespread. The title reads; "Will you grow faster now?" And then I saw this challenge at Nisas blog - lift one of her layouts at Those Were The Days. Yay. I adore Nisas style, and I simply loved this layout of her ever since I saw it for the first time a while ago, so I just totally grabbed the chance to lift her. It's maybe not that visible at the smaller pictures, but they kinda show how Amalie goes from crybaby (prob didn't get what she wanted) to becoming fascinated of the television forgetting to mere seconds. How typical :)

OH!! AND!!!! TODAY!!!! BIG BOX!!! *gasps for air* okok. I sent an email to Making Memories politely complaining about one of their tools, and in return they offered to send me a box of goodies. And WOW. What a box!! I even got to make a "wishlist" - such an awesome customerservice!! Thank you so much MM! Wow! These tagpunchers are great!! And the so so so supercute!! (notice I used it on my Nisa-layout?? :) ) And the pebblebrads....adorable.....and the rubons...yummy!! And yes. Heh. LOVE Scenic Route =)

Hihihi....sjekk ut Amalie som denne ukens Cute Kid thursday hos Goodyblog og ikke minst DEN kule pakken jeg fikk fra MM idag...!!! Det lønner seg å klage høflig hos folk som skjønner hvordan de skal behandle kunder - diggdiggdiggpakke!!!

Ellers har jeg faktisk rukket å gjøre ferdig to LO'er idag - yay! :) En dobbel-LO med noen bilder jeg bare MÅTTE scrappe med en gang (tusen takk for hjelpen til tittelen Gyda!!!) og en lift av Nisa - en av scrappeheltene mine :) Nå må jeg straks legge meg - går alt som det skal så kan svigermor flytte sakene sine inn i den nye leiligheten imorgen - og da blir det litt mer intensiv flytting på oss i helgen. Og hvis ikke imorgen så iallefall neste uke! :)

9 lovely comments
    -Get off the cross we need the wood-