Spent all day at home w/Amalie, who was sick - well - she's coughing a bit and have rosey-rosey cheeks, but otherwise she's her usual self. She loves everything pwincess these days, as well as wabbits, so she was kept entertained playing "Josefine" on the pc, watching youtube-clips of Pingu and watching "Sleeping Beauty" and "Snow White" on dvd. Oh, and we baked too - ofcourse. Nothing's like fresh baked lunch hm?
Finished reading "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" by John Boyne for Adrian, after having heard about the book from Tracie. Albeit I found a few passages slightly hm, clumsily (annoying "pedagogic" repeat-stuff), in the end it's quite moving. Although. I have to admit I haven't read the middle-parts as I've been away for a while :p I liked the Norwegian translation ("Røveren" - Fury, Alt-Trist - Out-With). And well. Adrian seemed to like the book, or well, he loves being read to in general....but when asked if he liked the book he shook his head. He didn't like it because of the ending (I kinda explained that one to him - they're killed in one of these "showers" in Auschwitz). He seemed to like "The Wolves in the Wall" by Neil Gaiman too, and laughed at the ending, but when asked if he wanted to re-read it he shook his head - it's a bit too scary he admitted. Hrm. I'm such a bad mother for putting him through such books? He is after all a bit sensitive...ohwell...we'll see how Amalie handles these books when she grows up =)
Anyhoooooow..........am itching to share some new scrappy stuff -- am working diligently on the BG December kit..putting the finishing touches to the last layout atm actually... but in the meantime....I tried out for a PageMaps sketch call, but didn't get picked up so I'll show it here instead. Love to combine 12x12 and 8x8 from the same line- very cool! :) The papers, chipboard and rubon are from Fancy Pants "the Daily Grind", the journalinpad from MM and the transparency from Hambly. Love these photos :)
Oh. And normally I don't really respond to "blog-candies". Company ones maybe, but otherwise, naa. BUT. This one is for a good cause and I do want to do a shout-out for Salte aka Linda..... she's shed 30kgs so far (66lbs)!!! WAY TO GO, I am so happy and proud of you!!!!!! You and people like you are nothing short but amazing and I totally admire and respect your will and determination (hand out some please :p)! *cheers* *big hugs*
Check out the Luxe Holiday Card ideas - with focus on being frugal. Nice! And speaking of holidays - don't forget that the Bad Girls Christmas Workshop is still open -- 22 amazing classes available with just one (or uh, two or three at least :P) click! :D And Norwegians - this time there's like, 4 classes out of 22 made by Norwegians so do check it out and show us some support! :D
Okes. Got a Hambly project I'm dying to share w/you, so check back soon :)
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Det er satt opp et ekstra kurs til "It's in the box" på Hobbykroken lørdag 6. desember klokken 15.30-18.30 (2. desember er fullt). Kurset koster 300kr. Mer info her - mail Hobbykroken på post@hobbykroken.no eller ring 55015829 for påmelding.
Håper vi sees...tudelidu :)
1 lovely comments
Lots and lots of photos incoming.....just skip & hop if you like ;p
In short: a summary of my last 2 weeks when away travelling & teaching in Oslo & Ålesund :)
Right. Was in Oslo from 13th to 20th...
Kjørte søs til danskebåten på fredag....(og henta henne igjen søndag kveld)
Møtte Anette S på Fru Hagen før Marit Larsen konserten...♥♥
Nøt to timer med Marit Larsen ♥♥♥♥
Hadde litt kurs på Bia..
Anette, Kine, meg :)
Anette, Camilla (sjekk det kule smykket hennes!!), meg og Kine :)
Fikk denne superNYDELIGE cookieposen fra Kine..med de deiligste cookiene oppi!!!! YUMM!!!!!!! Kine, du ruler!!! :D Rett og slett!!! ♥♥
Se bare så kul hun er da :D Sjekk den kule lommeboka :D ♥♥
Noen glade vinnere fra Prima-kursene på Bia (skjønner ikke hvorfor jeg må med på bildene men Prima sier så såååå :P) :D
Traff Mari helt tilfeldigvis på flyplassen da jeg skulle til Ålesund :D
(og på flyet ble jeg spurt om alder for jeg satt rett ved nødutgangen og barn har ikke lov til å sitte der og flyvertinnen så på meg med et bekymret blikk......og traff på en hyggelig jente med flyskrekk som ikke ble beroliget av at kapteinen nevnte at vi hadde sommerdekk og fulle tanker i tilfelle vi ble nødt til å sirkle over Ålesund før vi kunne lande igjen...)
Familieminner, Ålesund - 21.-24.
Første kurs i Ålesund...:D
Noen bilder fra fotokurset jeg holdt...
De døve damene fra Ålesund :)
(ok, en tolk med, men hun var med som deltaker :) )
Noen vinnere fra Familieminner, Ålesund :D
Hm hva kan jeg si? Slitsomt? Ja. Gøy? Ja!!
TUSEN TAKK til alle sammen som kom og var med på kurs- har mange flere bilder - men akk så lite plass *fnis* De fleste av dere har vel gått lei av å se på denne posten nå og greier sååå :P
Nå har jeg "bare" to kurs igjen - her i Bergen - på Hobbykroken - kurset 2. desember er fullt, men det er satt opp et ekstrakurs 6. desember - og vi lager tre layouts som passer inn i en ramme fra IKEA :)
Idag har jeg prøvd å "catche up" på div. email mm, gjort litt klesvask og sånn og ellers slappet litt av. Nå er det en del deadlines som gjelder, catchup på blogfronten, litt wow-spilling ("åtte levels til og jeg er like mange levels som deg mamma!" sitat Adrian - og "mm du må få ræva i gir nå" sitat Simen) og ikke minst - snart JULEBORD med scrappedamene på lørdag!!! WHEEEEEEEEE :D
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Okay this is totally a sceduled one as I don't have access to the net atm (yikes). (I do have access to my gmail though :) )
I hope I am reading a lot (Hi Neil Gaiman!) and scrapping a lot too (hi Bad Girls Dec&Jan kits!).
I also hope the classes are going well here in Ålesund where I am at for the moment being and that I don't oversleep for the early classes. *smile*
Love this layout because of the colors.
Love this because of the little story. Amalie is in the age where stickers are WHEEEEEE so she went totally wild over the retro Hambly-stickers we got in one of the DT-boxes. Stickers all over, her little book that I made her for this specifically, hers, dads and mine arms, the floor in the living-room and the floor in her bedroom (still some stuck there :p). You can see some of the stickers on the upper page, under the frame-transparency.
Have a nice sunday :)
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The taxi is coming in
I predict.......lots and lots and lots of coffee tomorrow.....and I don't even really drink coffee (only fancy-schmancy moccas)!!
If I keep yawning...it's me, NOT YOU!!!! **apologises in advance**
Oh, also - Hobbykroken added a class w/my shadowbox-class Dec 2nd - excellent class for Christmas. Kinda filled up fast (love you gals :) ). Still entitled to think it's scary cause if you're not happy with it I bet I'll get to know that at every crop after this one!! ;P
Bad Girls Kits have had their Pre Workshop Classes posted every day since 15th -- today (well, later today) marks the real Workshop and my class is the first one out methinks. I am SO SORRY that I won't be around to answer any questions etc -- won't have Internet this whole weekend (it's ok, Ive got my BG kits, a collection of short stories by Roald Dahl and Neil Gaimans Fragile Things to entertain me this weekend. And the ladies at my classes ofcourse :D)
I am feeling really daring (must be the lack of sleep) so I'll post a piccie of my project now....what's a few hours?? And besides, I need something scrappy to show on this blog (bet you're tired of watching me ramble about classes and stuff already :p) Maybe it'll get you wanting to do this class...it's free ;)
Or stay awake??
Oh by the way! Luxe Designs is doing a Virtual Warehouse Sale thingie :D
Check this out for more info :) (well, when flickr is done w/its mainentance - image not avail atm :p)
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BUT! I am so pumped right now I just have to share!!
LOVED meeting all the nice, lovely ladies tonight at my class, LOVED finally getting to say hi to Kine (and totally LOVED her "C is for Cookie" bag containing - duh - cookies!! for me!!! :D YUMMY cookies too!) (ok, Anette too but I kinda met her already on friday when I was too early for the Marit Larsen concert (which, by the way - TOTALLY ROCKED, looooooove Marit Larsen!!! Did lots and lots of photos during the concert -- will share a few later on :D) and as she (anette :p) lived like, next door to the concert venue we met up for a lil tea/mocca/beer & chat before I had to go to the concert :D), loved meeting Fatima and Kirsten again & Camilla whom Im pretty positve Ive met before but can't recall where or if I really did or not (you know, avatars can make you think youve seen or met someone before even if you havent met irl :P) :P And all the new & nice ladies (I guess some of them maybe are online too but I am not sure who they are if so...blush)
AND! When I got home I got two totally cool emails waiting for me from Scrapbook Trends, requesting two of my projects for their April-issue - YAY!! *happy* :D (Oh, and Im pubbed in the ST December magazine, hm, wonder if that one is out yet or not, hmmmm)
Right. Luxe Designs is having another one of their Lazy Luxe bloggiveaway - >check this post out for a chance for 40$ worth of Luxe products :D
Also, on a more serious note: This fire in California is affecting a LOT of lives right now. And it's all like, fine and dandy until someone you know are/might be affected. >Bad Girls kits boss Wendy Rago and her family are one of those who have been preparing for a possible evacuation - scary scary - right now I have no idea if she and her family have evacuated or not - I hope not.
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Håper dette hjelper! :)
It's in the box
Her lager vi tre forskjellige lekre layouts spesielt med tanke på å plassere de i en 9x9" eller 12x12" ramme i ettertid. Vi kommer til å lage disse i tre forskjellige stiler – romantisk, tøft og elegant. Supert til veggene i stua eller som gaveide til jul!
Nb; ramme medfølger ikke.
Kurset holdes på Bikuben i Strømmen tirsdag 18. november kl 18-21 og Familieminner i Ålesund søndag 23. november 11-14 :)
Sånn!! Siste kursbabbel fra meg, lover!!! Nå skal det ikke komme noe kursbabbel annet enn post-kurs-postene med bilder og sånn!! *smile* :D
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Sketch #111 w/ Sarah Jane Dowsett!! :D Head over here to see her fabby sketch & layout, and the other girls lovely layouts!! :D
My little cutiepie.
I love taking such shots of the kids. Pretty shots. But also kinda hard to "connect" shots as in, uh, hard to scrap something (to me!) meaningful about. Like, if you look at this photo it doesn't really tell you much apart from how cute my little girl is *smirk*, but it's actually taken in Vigelandsparken in Oslo :p These days I want the layout to be about something concrete kinda - to tell more than just how pretty she is (and pretty she is! *grin*). Then it dawned on me - Amalie has two kindergarten-songs she's fond of and likes to sing here at home. I need to scrap them before she forgets them - that way we still have the lyrics here and get to show her when she's bigger what kind of songs she liked when she was little. Score :) And I have another song for another photo like this, yay :)
Love these Fancy Pants products - it's mostly older products, like the prettyprettypretty rose-paper (oh how I love this one) and the pretty flower-rubons..the beautiful blue paper is from the birthday-line, love this one too - the blue hue is gorg and the backside is funny in a beautiful way too (again - darn doublesided papers :p). Added this frame-transparency over the photo (5x7") w/white glitterflowers too, and used chipboard from uh, the daily grind I think. Flowers (glitterified with stickles) and transparency-tape from Prima :)
Tomorrow's my first class at Bikuben - eeks. Be nice :)
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Kjapp kursupdate:
Det er fortsatt plass på kursene mine neste uke hos Bikuben :) Mandagens kurs var egentlig fullt men nå er det lagt noen flere plasser til den :) Og det er også plass på minialbum-kursene (en på tirsdag og en på onsdag) og shadowbox-kurset tirsdag kveld (mitt favoritt-kurs kanskje - det har vært litt forvirring ang dette kurset, så jeg prøver å forklare litt bedre her: Vi lager layouts som kan plasseres i en litt dyp ramme (shadowboks). Så egentlig er dette også et layout-kurs :) Og vi lager tre slike layouter her! :) (bare litt finere kanskje siden vi anstrenger oss for å gjøre det fint og pent sånn at vi kan vise det til hele verden ;) Hm. Ikke at de andre layoutkurset ikke er like fint, haha. Er. Right. *smirk*). Kjempekjekk gaveide til jul!! :D
Første kurs hos Familieminner i Ålesund er også fullt - men jeg holder også kurs på søndagen og mandagen og det er fortsatt muligheter til å være med her :) Sees snart? :)
Also, the first class in Ålesund (friday) is also sold out; but here there's also available spaces in the other classes (sunday and monday) :)
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WOTLK arrived yesterday.
The long awaited expansion to World of Warcraft.
We quit WoW like, in the spring or so. Tried Age of Conan and Warhammer Online some, didn't really catch our interest (although I must admit I enjoyed PVP way more in Warhammer than I do in WoW. I totally suck at PKing in wow :( ) Anyways. Came back to WoW a few weeks ago in preparation for Wrath Of the Lich King. And yesterday, the game arrived. Adrian was totally happy as seen on the piccies :p He got up at 6.30am this morning just to play the game before school. Heh. He thinks that death-knights are the coolest thing ever, since he gets to start one at level 55 and not 1, which makes this the highest toon he's played ever (apart from mine/my husbands characters). Oh yeah, he's happy about that for sure :p
And me? Well. It's kinda typically that the expansion launced last midnight now that I am leaving home for almost 2 weeks. Yay. Guess my husband's gotta level us up without me :p
Oh also, we kinda revieved Aurora Polaris, our guild from EverQuest. Mal even went ahead and registered aurora-polaris.com (some nitwit got aurorapolaris.com after we dropped that domain, grr) & made us a forum - if you by some tiny weeny chance were involved with AP or WAP in the good ole days - do drop by :) (Fat chance any of you guys are reading this blog but ey still a tiny chance I guess :p)
Right. Off to Oslo.
Concert tomorrow, visiting grandma on saturday and well, classes next week. YAY!
See ya around :)
BTW!!! OMG!!!! Dexter!!!!!!! Just learned from Danielle Thompson that the guy playing Dexter (Michael C Hall....swoon) is dating the girl playing Deb in real life...who's like, his sister in the show....OMG *faint* lol.
Just. Had to share. *cough*
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The newest "Vi Scrapper" is hitting the shelves these days and to my (pleasant) surprise one of my photos/projects is on the cover. Cool. Made a whole lot of Advent-calendars for this issue for the calendar-article and I'm glad all the closeup/detail-shots paid off (darn bad lightning) - I just sent in a lot of photos cause I couldn't decide and thought I'd rather push the "problem" to my editors :p Yey. Love how these little brown bags with mostly 3dnypapir turned out - and see? Scallops? Kinda can't get rid of'em yet :) I hear it's a good issue - the feedback's been great, and I'm looking forward to recieve it in the mail soon (maybe today?) - esp to the "art of writing" - article by Kine (she's da bomb when it comes to this!) and to learn more about the amazing Janine Langer (love that girl! :) ) - the international scrapper in the magazine this time - YAY! :D
Adrian went to this Student-evening at School yesterday - his very first, just an arrangement by the pupils - for the pupils of 2nd-4th grade. He was pretty excited and I was like, aw, my little boy ....where's my camera!! :p
The kids were allowed to bring some money for the event - they had gotten a price-list in advance and he was pretty adamant that he was gonna buy himself a lollipop - that was what he was looking forward to the most. Adding; "And I'm gonna buy two because I don't think I'll be able to finish the lollipop so that means Amalie will see the lollipop when I get home and (she'll) want one too!" Aw. Thinkin ahead, caring and preparing. Yey :)
Here he's trying to block my view w/his hand (the dark shade in the middle of the photo) ;p
And here he's telling me he's ready to go! :p
And one last shot before he went off :p
It went well - he had fun - but - the lollipops were nowhere to be seen and he was a bit disappointed about that. BUT he had chocolate and hot dog and coke - and went off to a sleepover. Jeje. My little big boy.
And Amalie?
I just learned a new side of her.
She's been reading her Disney Princesses-magazine in bed for a while now. And last night -
*Amalie pointing at a Princesses horse and carriage toy-AD in the magazine*
"Amalie wants. Buy tomorrow?"
"Hm that's nice Amalie. You may put it on your Wish List for Christmas. That means you *might* get it for Christmas."
"Daddy say he'll buy. Tomorrow!"
"Uh. Hm. We'll see about that. Maybe for Christmas."
Upon asking my husband later that night he had no idea what she was talking about. Right.
*embraces for a lifetime of.... pesky purchase-requests*
"Amalie vil ha! Kjøpe imorgen?"
"Nei, men du kan ønske deg det til jul. Kanskje du får det da. Men ikke nå."
"Pappa si vi kjøpe. Imorgen!"
"Nei Amalie. Sett det på ønskelista til jul så får vi se hva som skjer."
Ser ut til at Amalie har skjønt at leker er noe man kan kjøpe - og aller helst NÅ. Og den aller første tingen hun ønsker seg er en hest-og-vogn til Disney Prinsessene (hun har Snøhvit). Har heldigvis vært forskånet for "kjøpepress" fra henne hittil men ---
Og det at hun straks prøvde seg på at "pappa hadde sagt ja"?????? Duh.....han visste ingenting om dette da jeg spurte ham senere. Hrm. Enda en ting til vi må ta opp med henne ja :p
Ellers var det elevkveld for 2.-4. klasse igår og Adrian gledet seg kjempemasse til den. *sukk* Store lille gutten min!! Og etter den så dro han til en klassekompis for overnattingsbesøk - de hadde snakket om det lenge og mast og mast. Jaja!
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Soooo I was so excited for this weeks Pencil-Lines cause its guest is one of my scrappy heroines - you know, when you start out you're in such awe over scrapbookers who's like, impossibly amazing and stuff?? Cecilie Lundstad is one of them....she was one of the big ones back then and she still is :) So anyways, finally got to meet her back in the fall and well, when she was gonna guest Pencil-Lines I thought it would be like, cool to scrap this picture of us together :p Only,
And well, the layout - pulled out this (yes I have to link, I thought the hue was amazingly cool and Im still sad I had to cut in that paper and not use the backside) amazing Prima-paper I really didn't know I had, from 2007 - god I love that paper! Totally loved the hue of the backside, but decided to use the front which fit with the sketch. Ahwell - the downside of double-patterned papers :p Other stuff includes uh Hambly and some glimmer mist :p
Alright, on to something else;
Bad Girls Christmas Workshop at the message board.
OH yeah. It's that time of the year.
And this time it's bigger and badder than ever - with 22 FREE classes throughout and lots of fun and stuff starting Nov 14th all the way to Nov 23rd! Nice eh? :) And - go on and visit the message board now - the supply lists for the first classes have already been posted - and more to come :)
There's also a Blog Candy for those of you who'd like help spreading the word: all you need to know is in this post. And as a little thank you gift there will be one lucky winner walking away with a whoppin' 50$ gift certificate to the Bad Girls Store. Yeah! :)
Right. Off to Oslo in just a few days, got quite a bit to wrap up before so but getting there.
Oh by the way - those of you who have attended my classes - email me and let me know and I'll set you up with the private class-blog(s) I have made for these if you haven't gotten an invitation yet. Consider that an extra bonus ;) About to attend a class of mine? I'll let you know the details in the classes - see ya there :)
Hmhmhm. I don't think Ive forgotten anything as for now so. See yas :)
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that holds cards. More cards and details can be found here.
Friday Five Faves!
- Feathers! Ohyeah. Lovesit. I suppose you could credit that to people like Artsymama and Carole Wingert and the likes, but for me my fascination for feathers started when Eli used one in a wicked cool layout of hers along w/a bookcover and stuff a good while ago. It's been on my mind for quite some time and a few days ago I craved in and bought myself some feathers. YEY. I'll show some stuff w/that shortly :)
- Rangers!! Oh yey. I got an idea for a new class, a technique-based one, I can't wait to develop that idea into a fullfledged class - hopefully it'll be doable :) And their new white crackle paint is too wicked cool and their Ink Applicator a must. Why did I wait so long to get one??? Thank you Rangers!!
- Um, can I go with Hambly again?? Cause. Really. Their papers are just so cool. Shame it's not easy to get the papers here in Norway - Hambly in Norway is like, transparencies and rubons :(
- Fog! I'd love to get this straight. The photographing of this that is. I'll see if I can share some more photos soon, but ugh, mine looks so....dull..
- My kids playing together. Four years separates my children. Yet they play together so beautifully (and pretty wildly too). Yes. Adrian is starting to know when he can make Amalie cry and do that for fun (with words - like telling her no she's not a girl and keep insisting until she cries out of desperation :p Or by withholding a toy or thing she wants. Sometimes this backfires as she reacts by hitting him and then he starts to cry :p Still working with her re. the hitting and with him re. consequences of his actions - aka why did she hit him in the first place :p). But still he is the evercaring and protecting bigbrother to her, and playing with her a lot. Watching them interact together...sigh...I really hope this will last..
I had the most sweetest moment last night: watching both kids erupt in wild cheers, hands in their air and jumping up and down when I told them I'd make them waffles for nightfood. *aw*
And then my husband decided he wanted to make this chocolate-sauce he's been talking about for ages, so he and Amalie left to the grocerystore to buy icecream and sugar (as I used the last of the sugar in the house on the waffles). Cool. Turned out yummy too.
Hønemor challenged me to do this 7 truths about myself. Right. Have done some of these before but hey, it's cool to be able to talk more about yourself and have a legal excuse to do so uh? I think.....:p
So here goes...
- My stupid skin makes the most ugly scars. Ugh. Even the docs who promised me nicer scars for some re-opstuff were surprised by how ugly my scars turned out to be. *sigh*
- I can rehearse long, deep and witty conversations in my head and all that's coming out from my mouth is a stupid "uh" or "yeah"...
- Hm. I am not ready to reveal the most embarassing moments from when I was a child. Funny. It shouldn't matter by now but it's still kinda vivid and strong - the feeling of embarassement. So. No. Way.
- After several hours I had to do an emergency C-section with my oldest kid. I didn't really have the time to be afraid back then, I was too exhausted and it all happened so fast once they went for the C-sect.. - but I have to admit I do wonder at times what would have happened if they didn't rush to do this C-section all of a sudden...I later learned it was more serious than I realized back then.
- When I was little I used to pinch my sister and she'd go mad, hitting me and stuff -- drawing my parents attention and getting yelled at because all they saw was her fighting innocent little me.....(in fact, we used to fight a lot...physical fighting..I've never seen my kids do that...apart from Amalie hitting Adrian occasionally and Adrian retreating crying - but like 99% of the time they're the bestest friends...:p) Oh and we're good friends now me and my sis haha :)
- I get annoyed at scenes in movies where people usually always tug their duvets tightly around themselves or walk around in pyjamas after sex. Like, um, who does that?? And uh, you've just had sex with the other person in the bed/room, still you're like, afraid to show yourself naked to him/her? :p (I know I know....I'm allowed to snort at that tho!!)
- I have the amazing (??) ability that I'm able to sleep for 14-15 hours straight if allowed..(darn those kids :p)
Psst! Lazy Luxe Blogger strikes again...giveaway!!
Psps! How come I'm only able to email a very few of you who take the time to comment? Sometimes I like to reply to your comments by emailing you, but it's not possible on most? :( Thank you for all your comments though! :)
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- A Hambly-layout - me turning 29 and all. Big thing and stuff ya know. Or something like that (I *did* forget about it when I told Pelle I was 28 this past weekend..then a minute later went UHM no wait, I'm 29 :P) Loooove this Sassafras-paper!!!! :D
- Note to self: buy a new craft-knife (as they
stoleremoved my old one at the airport *cough*) - Yay I finally made it!! *dances* After taking a break from submitting to the Scenic Route monthly challenges I decided to submit again and made it this time, YAY :D Me happy!! :D
- I can't decide. I have finally come to the conclusion that Amalie needs a tutu (a bit late - darn - imagine all the cool photos I could have taken w/her in a tutu from babyhood->now..ohwell). But which one?? This skirt only or this more expensive but a bit longer skirt- or this with a body??
In other news - my classes at Bikuben in Oslo/Strømmen have been finalized -- here's the time&dates - each class costs 350NOK:
Mandag 17. november kl. 18 – 21. Layout kurs ”lag på lag i samlet spann!
Tirsdag 18. november kl. 14 – 17. Minialbum kurs. ”Liten, søt og tøff”
Tirsdag 18. november kl. 18 – 21. Shadowbox kurs. ”It’s in the box”
Onsdag 19. November kl. 18 – 21. Minialbum kurs ”Liten, søt og tøff”
I am especially looking forward to the shadowbox-class - "It's in the box" - I think it's one of my favorite classes ever. Love pretty shadowboxes - and such wonderful Christmas-presents (we'll make three templates)!! And during the minialbum-class this past weekend I realized that yeah, I really like this class too - I guess it'll be my second favorite class *smile*
Hope to see a few of you around there at Bikuben!! :) And if you're interested in attending - please email ellen@bikuben.com :)
Kursene hos Bikuben er endelig klare -- det blir to kurs med minialbumene (både på dags-og kveldstid - vi lager to minialbum fra bunnen av), og et kurs med layoutene (to layouts her og) og et med shadowboxer (tre mal til shadowboxer). Sistnevnte er nok favoritten min - gleder meg kjempemasse til å holde den. Digger hvor pent disse blir til egen hjemmebruk/julegavebruk - dette har vært et fast innslag hos meg selv i løpet av de siste to årene :) Og jeg tenker at etter kursene på Bikuben og Familieminner så kommer jeg nok til å retire dette kurset - so here's your chance ;)
Om du er interessert i mer info/påmelding - bare email ellen@bikuben.com :)
16 lovely comments
It feels like it was just summer and vacation and all, and now we're in our last month before Dreaded December.......eeeks!!
I've started on the Christmas-pressies (gotta love etsy!), but in such a slow slow slow rate which prob means that despite some pressies being fixed I'll be stressing this Christmas too....
New month means new Bad Girl layouts, and this time we got a beautiful vintage-ish kit. I've gotta add a disclaimer though, cause the kit, despite being so gorgeous and lovely - I daresay isn't "me" - so I don't feel like I've done this kit the justice it so deserves!! There are many scrappers whom I adore and whose "main"style is vintage - and I simply lovelovelove what they do with such papers and colors - so I am a bit sad that I'm not able to do that kind of magic that they do with such kit - I did want to do this kit justice too! So please keep that in mind while looking at my stuff - I did my best hehe :p And do check out the other girls too :D
This one bears some explaination methinks :) You see, we were in Austria last summer visiting some friends from WoW, and they were into live RPG aswell - as in playing out roleplayingstuff in live settings - so very cool. I've read about such camps where you do that - sounds so freakin cool! Anyways. As part of their hobby they had this HUGE arsenal of weapons in soft foam. So realistic-looking and so cool! Everything from HUGE axes to broadswords (Amalie looked cute dragging one around - it was bigger than her lol) and butcherknife (Diablo anyone? LOL) and tiny throwing daggers and lots more. Fun fun! Anyways. Adrian really liked this one :) Adrian and Amalie were the only children there but the grownups had so much fun too - lots of chasing and duels and stuff all evening at this BBQ :)
Papir i Hjertet, the store which I taught at this past weekend, are moving their store (wasn't finished when I arrived, they'll move Dec 1st instead) and I made them a card congratulating with the move and all. "Papir i Hjertet" means something like "Paper in the Heart" - hence the heart instead of H :) Lovelovelove this flocked paper from 7gypsies and the cute card from Melissa Frances cardset, and the butterfly rocks! Lots and lots of Glimmer MIst put to good use here by the way..
Don't ask me where she got that from, but suddenly she started to do the complete "Mwah" pose with hands and pout and sound and all. Hm. Guess it's a girl-thing?? She's also into princesses these days, hm. I kinda prefer her to be the kind of tomboy she's been until now, but ohwell..:p
My favorite layout from this bunch. Went total curl-o-mania on this one, funfun. Lots of subtle Glimmer Mist here, lovesit. And two of my three favorite people in the world is present here. YAY.
Ps. For the Americans out there - good luck today. Go Vote. No matter which candidate - make yourself heard! *smile*
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