Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ MyStory (and a shitload of photos)~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, November 03, 2008
Kinda made Linda pull over and stop (THANKS!!!) just so I could stress-photograph this scenery before rushing to the store......:p

Some things I learned this weekend:
  • If the taxi hasn't shown up after 5 minutes, call. Don't wait until it's been 15 minutes. Especially not if you're gonna hit the airport...(I'm ok, it's all good, the taxi drove to the wrong place and left after 15 minutes (coudln't he have doublechecked the street#??? duh) - luckily hadn't gotten far when the central got hold of him so he returned to the right place picking me up :p)
  • Make sure you don't pack your craft-knife in your craft-bag that you put inside your coffin in case you have to swap bags because of overweight. (Luckily the nice lady at the security-port was all understandable and let me keep my Basic Grey precision file set despite them being more pointy than knitting-thingies which kinda isn't allowed either :p) And thank god it was just a cheap craft-knife from Clas Ohlson and not some expensive brand-knife either :p
  • I'm thankful for nice weather. Especially when I'm sitting in a very small plane for an hour. A small plane that like, shakes for nothing.
  • Norway really is a HUGE HUGE country with lots and lots of vast space where like no man lives at. (I knew that but every time I fly over the country I'm reminded of this fact. So.Much.Snow!)
  • Do doublecheck that your ticket's in your bag before leaving the store. Thank god for small airports with namelists and no real need for tickets :p
  • When you're gonna demostrate a technique - make sure you actually remember the technique yourself so you don't waste everybodys time having to fetch more cardstock cause you made almost everybody do the same mistake as you did while demoing *bluuuuuush!!!!!!!!*
  • Don't stay up laaaaaaate before leaving for a teaching-weekend. For some reason I was sososo exhausted all weekend so I was pretty much no fun in the evenings..wish I could have stayed until 3am and stuff for the crops buuuuut I needed my sleep!!! :p
  • I think people enjoyed my classes. At least the feedback's been nice so far - thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the classes! :D
I had such a lovely weekend at Papir i Hjertet in Porsgrunn despite the minor problems getting to the place ;p Lindas class was so inspirational and so great - I'm so totally in the mood of whippin out my gesso atm -- demoing Glimmer Mist is funfunfun (I *love* talking about Glimmer Mist haha) and my classes went well methinks *smile* Meeting Mona, Linda and Pelle again was lovely and great, helping out in the store with Therese and crap, I forgot her name again *blush* the brownhaired girl *blush* was fun (14 boxes opened & sorted & stacked to the store!!) and I'm so glad Monica and KjerstiKK was there too as that meant I had familiar & friendly faces among all the people kinda (and it was nice to get to know you more :) ), loved meeting new friends like Moni - so cool that she could do some sign-language, HegeALs Maia was like the kindest and cutest little angel ever (so sweet and so quiet letting mommy have her scrappingfun :p), Yasmin was cute and sweet and I look forward to my classes in Oslo with her working in the store & maybe even helping me+?? :) And yeah, just loved being there with all these ladies I *think* I know who might be but still am not quite sure ;p

Anyways. Shitload of photos - I'll just upload and if anyone prefers to remove anything lemme know ;p And oh, the photos are a bit mixed up from "all over" the weekend - cba to fix them atm :p Thanks to Linda helping me taking photos during my classes :)

And to the ladies (and man *wave Pelle*:D) of the weekend - thank you so much for the weekend and for being so nice w/me both during the weekend&the classes!!!! :D :D :D

Me and Pelle :)
We had a birthdaychild amongst us :)

Glimmermist!! (I think this is from saturday)
Lindas amazing cardclass!! :D
Lindas students :)
I totally forgot to ask for help photographing my Glimmer-Mist-demo, so I hijacked these nice ladies who stayed after the demo to stage some shots *blush* :D (Hey they stayed around for more GM-stuff soo why not take photos too :P)
Mona doing the random drawing for my minibook-class
Minibook-class...(Helle Alice to the left is an amazing glass-artist aswell- she made the jewellery Mona gave to me during the weekend! An owl nevertheless! :D)
I had to take a photo of me with the two Monicas of the weekend :)
Glimmer Mist dirt :)
Winner of the layout-class-drawing :)
Winner of the minibook-drawing :)
Linda, me and Mona :)
Me and Lula :)
The gorgeous little angel...
My hubby & kids fetching me at the airport :)
(ok, the photo's from the the colors :) )

9 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ MyStory (and a shitload of photos)~~'

  1. Trine Blix Said,'> 9:05 PM

    I love the way you tell your storie - what a wonderful use of language!

    It was really nice meeting you - and by the way: "The brown haired girl" is Hilde ;)


  2. Eli Said,'> 9:13 PM

    Så flott at helgen i Porsgrunn ble vellykket! Ikke at jeg trodde noe annet da ;) Kule bilder som alltid. Du skulle ha vært i Stavanger syns jeg da, men Trisha ble godt tatt vare på alikevel (av både den ene og andre) ;) Hun demonstrerte glimmermist hun også - og jammen kunne jeg lære henne noe. DET var litt tidig *fnis* Herlig dame!! Neste år!! Klem, E


  3. Ellen* Said,'> 9:13 PM

    Hehe - man lærer så lenge man lever:o)
    Så kult å se bilder (for en som ikke har vært verken her eller der). Hørtes litt slitsomt ut for deg, men jeg er sikker på at deltakerne koste seg!:o)
    Og ja - bildet fra Flesland var kult!


  4. HegeAL Said,'> 9:41 PM

    Nå må jeg bare benytte anledningen og takke for ei super helg med flotte og kule kurs fra deg! Du er jo bare skjønn! Og tusen takk for at du var min barnepike under Linda's kurs!!! Og tusen takk for herlige ord om min datter!!!
    Digger deg! (by the way....nå skal det handles glimmermist...*lol*)



  5. Lula Said,'> 9:57 PM

    Tuuuusen takk for en FLOTT helg Ania!!

    Det var så inspirerende å møte deg og ikke minst delta på dine kurs! Du har en ro over deg som jeg beundrer stort;) Jeg fikk så mye tips og råd, som jeg vil ta med meg videre;)Og du! Jeg er helt enig med Trine om at du har en egen morsom måte å beskrive ting på, med en humoristisk vri!! YOU ROCK!

    Håper vi sees igjen;)


  6. Unknown Said,'> 10:02 PM

    Så gøy og se bilder fra helgen. Ser ut til å ha hatt en strålende helg ja :)


  7. Salte Said,'> 10:45 PM

    Åååå så søte ord Ania *gledestårer*

    Tusen takk for en herlig helg, og for MASSE inspirasjon!



  8. Monica Said,'> 10:50 PM

    Ania - tusen takk for en super helg! Var så utrolig koselig å bli bedre kjent med deg og det var virkelig godt å se deg når jeg kom alene til butikken på fredagen, roen kom da. Tusen takk for et supert LO-kurs. Jeg elsker LOene jeg lagde. Og jeg digger deg!!
    Stor klem


  9. Helle Alice Said,'> 10:24 AM

    Tusen takk for en flott helg med Masse inspirasjon, og tusen takk for ros om smykket, håper du får mye glede av det :-)


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-