Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Scenic Route Lovin'!! ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, April 13, 2007

Ahhh....I just simply LOVE LOVE LOVE Scenic Route!! Can you tell?! So pretty much my pp-fave manufacturer hands down. I'm so bad at combining challenges these days - so here's a 'pure-SR-joy' layout of our kids + youngest nephew playin together - calling them the three muskateers cause they're like, runnin around all together playing, even Amalie...heh...she hangs around the big guys..and they're letting her...most of the time at least :) The second one is my contribute to the Fiskateers-scrapliftthingie - I was so lucky having my own sketch/layout being drawn along with two others, and the next challenge was to scraplift either of us...and as I loved Mayas sketch I thought I'd give it a try :) Kinda flipped the sketch upside-down.

And oh!! It was brought to my attention that I actually did make top ten at LifetimeMoments Designing with 2007 for March... I really really missed that one, had a glance on the list the other day on their forum and thought top ten for me this month (kinda managed to make the list for Jan and Feb so it'd be fun to make it a 3rd time kinda)...even spoke to Kathrine that bleh didn't make the list this time. Then the newsletter arrived and I just skipped that part as I had seen the list before...then Sydney brought to my attention on Minneriket that I did make it afterall. I'm such a ditz. Cool! Adding that layout to this post as I haven't posted it here before I's made after one of Gydas superb sketches :)

Oh. Me and Simen are in one of our movieperiods. Borrowed lotsa movies from a friend and spend our spare time watching them together. I love watchin' movies with Simen. It's been a while I gotta admit - when TBC launched we just became so busy with leveling up then doing raidage and instances in the that we got most of the instances and the raiding-content under our belt (at least until we start with the new raidinginstances) we've become more effective and thus got more spare time. Hence spending time to watch movies lately. (Non WoW-players - just ignore the gibberish above :p) Been watching Babel (very fascinating and well-made), Letters from Iwo Jima and Flags of our Fathers (war is a horrible doubt about that.... interesting movies though and funny thing - Clint Eastwood directed both movies simultaneously - one Japaneese movie with the Japaneese point of view, and one American one with the American/alliance point of view. Ambitious much? Sure. But he did a great job as usual.) And tonight....we just watched....Shortbus. I dunno what to say about that movie. Really. Guess you'll just have to look for yourself - on your own responsibility. However. If you can look past the....uhm... sorta weird things eh...being done.... it's actually a very very good movie. A movie about relationships and people...real people...being exposed...emotionally...I really liked that movie -- bar some scenes...ugh! Fascinatingly gross. Heh. But I do recommend it.

Hm. Have a feeling I forgot something I wanted to mention here, but it's now like, 2am so I better jet to bed now :) Need to make sure everythings set for Saturdays class in Stavanger. Wee. Flying down early morning and taking an eveningflight back home. :)

Tre layouter denne gangen; to med de nye *LOVE* Scenic Route-papirene jeg nettopp fikk i posten - sukk...Scenic lovelovelove!! Og en gammel en - som ble laget til Gydas skisseutfordring og som ble fluet med en DW2007oppgave og som faktisk kom med på topp-ti for mars..yay! Gikk egentlig glipp av akkurat det der; så kjapt gjennom lista på forumet til Lifetime Moments og registrerte bare at bleh, kom ikke med på lista denne mnd...jeje... men så var jeg visst der allikevel *blush* Anyways. Hm. Min aller første stående dobbel!! Wee! Laget etter en skisse fra en Maya på Fiskateersbloggen. Likte skissen og da jeg tok disse bildene visste jeg at de passet perfekt til denne :)

Sent nå - må fikse ting og tang og gjøre alt klart til lørdagens scrappekurs i Stavanger + gjøre ferdig noen kort på bestilling før jeg reiser.

Ps. Har hatt den linkepreviewgreia her en stund nå; hva synes dere egentlig om den. Er den irriterende? Burde jeg fjerne den? Hmm. Jeg er usikker, den er litt irriterende der den ikke skal benyttes (men den brukes på absolutt alle linkene i bloggen uansett - er enten alt eller ikkeno), men den er grei der det er meningen det skal være link da....til eksterne ting..hmm..

4 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Scenic Route Lovin'!! ~~'

  1. Unknown Said,'> 8:43 AM

    Flotte LO'er..., jeg har også veldig sansen for disse nye Scenic Route papirene og har brukt de på flere layouter i det siste...

    Blir helt "sjokkert" når jeg leser at du har gått glipp av en utfordring...*gnis*... trodde du fikk med deg alle.... he-he.. Jeg er stum av beundring over scrappetempoet ditt, og hvordan du hele tiden holder deg oppdatert på det som skjeer rundt omkring i denne store scrappeverdenen... :-)

    Ønsker deg en scrappende god weekend... :-)


  2. Ellen* Said,'> 9:49 AM

    Åh - jeg eeeelsker SR, jeg også!! Gleder meg til pakken fra PL kommer idag, gitt!!:o)Da skal det scrappes!
    Flotte LO'er alle tre! Og grattis med "heder og ære" på LTM!
    Ha en fin fredag!!


  3. Anonymous Said,'> 10:16 AM

    SR ruler!!! Gleder meg til å få arkene i hus. En herlig LO du fikk med på top 10 listen, må jo bare flire av bildene...he-he. Var dette 3.gang på topp 10?? Oi, det har jeg ikke fått med meg, utrolig gøy da.
    Men så er du så flink, velfortjent :-)

    Ønsker deg en god helg!


  4. Linn Said,'> 6:23 PM

    HERLIGE LOer!! Digger stilen din, altså - her kommer det jo flotte LOer som perler på en snor! Hm, skulle ønske jeg var like produktiv, men blir altfor lite tid til å sette seg ned. Ang SR så er jeg også helt enig med deg!

    GRATTIS med top ten da, kult!!! Og ellers får du ha en strålende helg.


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-