Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Some photos ~~

Posted by Ania On Saturday, April 07, 2007
I am having fun! Really!
Last one is an rotten egg!
Not much to say about today, just wanted to upload some pictures from yesterday - we took the kids & the youngest nephew to an indoor playground. Yes. They had fun. Lots of fun. Heh. More photos can be seen at my Flickrpage. I kinda decided it was fun to edit the photos, but that it wasn't fair to bug you all with my photos here on my blog. So I'll post some here and more at flickr. Ahh. Can't wait for my Cherry Arte papers to arrive. The middle picture would just be oh-so-perfect for Cosmic Energy, don't ya think? :D Wee!

Ps. Yo flickr-godesses! At what size should I resize pictures to for flickr?

Oh. I totally forgot. My top ten list of what makes me happy these days, in no particular order - courtesy of Jessica Sprague:

1. Actions. Photoshopactions. Makes lousy photographers like me seem like pros! (almost :p). They are so much fun to play around with, change the layers and opacity and add some curves and whatnots....and a simple action becomes fully customized to your needs. I'm addicted!
2. Time. Time to edit my photos. Time to play around with actions. Time to scrap.
3. My Nikon d70s. My 50mm 1.4 nikkor lens. Muchos love!
4. Sleep. Being allowed to sleep to 10-11am (thank you Simen!)
5. Browsing through photosites and blogs. Amazing. I love getting lost wandering from one photoblog to another.
6. Actually getting around to scrap! It takes longer and longer these days; I keep getting lost in front of my PC "just looking for a better picture" "just trying another action to see if it makes the photo better" "just soaking up all the amazing inspiration from scrap-&photoblogs gettin lost"
7. Colors! Vibrant colors! Colors that pop out and almost hurt your eyes because it's so vibrant!
8. Doing successful, painless and swift heroic instance-runs.
9. Noticing how these heroic instances are becoming less of a pita.
10. Kind, sweet, darlin' kids being nice allowing mommy to spend some alonetime doing any of the above!

Hm. Notice a pattern? Yep. I'm becoming more and more obsessed about photography and the post-processing of photos.

9 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Some photos ~~'

  1. Hege Said,'> 6:21 PM

    Du tar utrolig flotte bilder Ania. Det øverste var helt nydelig. Lærer gjerne noe om innstillingene du har brukt av deg;-)

    Håper du nyter fine dager i påsken!

    Klem Hege


  2. Anne Marit Said,'> 7:32 PM

    Hei ania :)
    Det øverste bildet var helt utrolig flott ! :) du er en dyktig fotograf ! :) Jeg liker også scrapbooksidene dine. Du er flink til å sette bildene i fokus og ikke overlesse sidene med masse unødvendig stæsj ;)


  3. Catrine Said,'> 7:37 PM

    FLotte bilder du har tatt! Ser ut til at barna hadde det moro! Gleder meg til å se disse scrappet! :)
    Fortsatt riktig god påske! *klem*


  4. Anonymous Said,'> 7:49 PM

    Okay, so I am very impressed with #s 1-7. But 8? My jaw was on the ground. Successful? Painless? HEROIC?! Holy crap. You are so awesome and I'm totally groveling right now. So, so impressed. (And my husband, who is in a 5-man arena team, won't go near heroic instances. :P).


  5. Kjersti Said,'> 10:01 PM

    for noen flotte bilder! Spesielt det av amalie :) Du blir bedre og bedre med kameraet ditt - og jeg digger jo også samme kamera og linse :) Fortsatt god påske!


  6. Kirsten Said,'> 10:31 PM

    Knallbra bilder! Du er jammen god på å leke med actions også :D Utrolig flott, gleder meg til å se de scrappet!


  7. Kathrine Said,'> 10:44 AM

    Skal jeg komme til Bergen en tur så kan vi ha litt fotokurs og lære hverandre alt vi vet? .. Ok da, litt feig fordeling kanskje men det hadde vært veldig gøy.


  8.'> 11:39 AM

    Så utrolig flotte bilder du har tatt!!! Gleder meg til å se de scrappet!!
    Fortsatt god påske!! :-)


  9. Anette S Said,'> 10:39 PM

    Jeg tror jeg skal lage meg en slik liste en dag jeg også, selv om fristen er gått ut på utfordringen! Men ikke i dag, i dag er ikke dagen... Utrolig kule bilder!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-