Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Woho! ~~

Posted by Ania On Sunday, April 29, 2007

I've scrapped three layouts today!! Yay! Isn't typical. The thought of being without my stuff & to not be able to scrap for a week or two scares the heck outta me and forces me to scrap whenever I'm able. Yay. Made one for the Scenic Route monthly challenge (but kinda read the deadline wrong - was just thinking I had the whole April...) and another for a challenge about the perfect kit/favorite stuff. I love mixing products and I've had this kind of layout in my mind for a very long time, so it was cool finally being able to scrap this one. Besides. I'm trying to multitask here; been saving these scraps for so long that it's finally good to be able to throw them away now that I've used them in the layout I was intending to make "someday"....:) Oh. And the third one is for the M-game(and a combined DW challenge) so I can't show it yet.

Oh. I also hear that they actually featured three of my layouts in the new Norwegian mag "Vi Scrapper". Cool! Can't wait to see the mag myself - Dinna was so nice & agreed to buy it for me while in Oslo :) Yey. Updated the slider too. Wow. :p

Ahh.. tanken på den forekommende "null-scrapping"-perioden skremmer meg litt - så mye at jeg faktisk har scrappet tre LO'er idag...! Yay! En til en SR-utfordring, en til en annen og en til the M-game! Damn I'm so good! *smile*

Ohwell - filmtid! Ciao! :)

6 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Woho! ~~'

  1. Heidi Said,'> 11:59 PM

    Jupps...du er publisert du Ania...og det i den FØRSTE bladet til "Vi scrapper". Gratulerer så mye!!!!!
    jeg har sett det glemte faktisk helt å kjøpe det på messa...*dåne*...
    Så nå må jeg vel nesten bare satse på å vinne treknings konkurransen i The M game..he, he


  2. Kirsten Said,'> 11:46 PM

    Men gosj, så kul den favoritt-LOen er! Det var en knallbra ide, sannelig min hatt, må liftes en dag!
    God pakkedag *fnis*


  3. Catrine Said,'> 12:10 PM

    Utrolig kul favoritt LO! Og den andre er jo bare kjempesøt!
    Høres ut som du /harfår det travelt fremover. Men spennende med hussalg og flytting da! Moro!
    Ha en flott 1.mai! *klem*


  4. Linn Said,'> 9:16 AM

    Ikke rart dine LOer ble publisert i bladet da, de er jo lekre!! Og takk for bidraget til blogge-artikkelen også!!!

    Vi er helt avhengige av hjelp skal bladet bli så bra som mulig, så det er vi veldig takknemlige for!

    Lykke til framover med flytting osv.


  5. Kathrine Said,'> 5:44 PM

    Utrolig flotte LOer Ania!


  6. Anonymous Said,'> 2:43 PM

    very great Los!

    {ThE fReNcH tOuCh}


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-