Now, I don't know how you do kids birthdays. That is, birthdays of the kids schoolmates and stuff? Around my part of Norway, the parents at the school/class normally try to agree upon a maximum amount when it comes to the value of the kids presents. And as long as the kids are young, they love presents that's stuff. You know, playthings and stuff. But then - to me it seems like there’s a change in preferences when the kids are around nine-ten (or maybe their parents gets more lazier? cough). Anyways,….the kids starts giving each other money instead, or even gift cards.
Although I personally think it's more fun to give toys or similar, I'll also admit that money or gift cards aren't that bad an idea. Especially when my own kids tend to fail to notify us parents in advance that they got a birthday invitation, and three out of four times, only notifies us the same day, giving us mayhaps one or two hours advance before the party starts. Kids!
Wow. That was a long winded explaination! Sorry! Let's move on to todays project – which’s a project for a Maya Road and Epiphanie blog thingie!
It's a box (duh).
And inside: Room for a short note (my kids usually don't write much - so the kraft journaling tags from Maya Road are the perfect little size for them :p) and room for money.
The box is an old card game box, one that's old and not used any more. But instead of throwing the box away when the game could not be used any more, I figured I'd alter it so it could become a stashed away birthday gift for the occasions of "uhm-say-you-have-had-the-invitation-in-your-bag-all-week-but-decide-to-let-us-know-one-hour-before-the-party-starts" examples :p It's much more fun to arrive with money inside a fun, decorated box instead of money in a plain evnelope, imho (although that has happened too :p). Nevertheless, I covered it w/gesso then wiped around the edges with smoke grey chalk ink.
The tag/moneyholder is quite easy to create - just cut a strip that's as wide as the box, but longer - then make folds&creases so it'll fit. I've used a circle punch to punch the folds then slit more room for the journaling tag and the money with a craft knife.
Cover the box with paper, and decorate the lid. I find the scallop frames chipboard set perfect for this purpose - the shapes are fun and the size is perfect for numbers (I used jonathan mini chipboard numbers here). The fun thing with the Epiphany Crafts epoxy tools is that you can create your very own epoxy shapes, giving "old" paper new uses and looks. Love this star one!
Plus, the scraps are fun to use too - it acts just like a regular paper punch!
Hope you liked this project! An inexpensive way to make "boring" gifts more fun and seem more thoughtful too *smile*
If you read this in time, there’s a giveaway going on the MR blog! Make sure to go read the details on his post.
Maya Road supplies:
Maya Mist - dark cornflower mist
Jonathan Mini Chipboard numbers
Twine cording - clementine orange
Scallop frames chipboard set
Kraft journaling tags
Oi, denne var kul! Og så smart!
Rart det med ungen og innbydelser, og det faktum at de har hatt den i en uke før de gir oss beskjed... Ja, ja, det skal vel kanskje være sånn? :)
God helg!
Så flott box :) Du er en supermamma altså!!