Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


Just a quick note..on this devillish nice day =)

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just popping in before Desperate Housewives to post two pictures -- one of me and my beloved sis (funny eh - I think I appreciate her more and more the older we get..prob a funny perk of being older :P) which my niece took today, and our subway-tickets - note the *so* gonna save these and scrap them!!

Hm....doesnt seem like I'm able to upload pictures to blogger for the moment being, for some reason.....weird..and DH is beginning in 3 minutes.....ohwell, gonna upload this bit so I won't forget and try figure out the picture thing after DH :S

Ugh...apparantly there's troubles with & uploading of pictures - from the Blogger Help Group it seems like I'm not the only one having troubles....bleh....I'll add the pictures another time then :(

Edit at 11.52pm:'s working's the picture & the tickets....=)

4 intriguing feedbacks to 'Just a quick note..on this devillish nice day =)'

  1. banglamarie Said,'> 12:31 AM

    Kul dato. Har ikke lagt merke til datoen i dag før nå. Ser det godt når det står sånn :) gøy å scrappe sånne ting!

    Så kule sider du lager! STOR FAN!!! Liker godt {disser}-siden din! Så utrolig herlig bilde og flotte tekstbokser!

    Ha en fin dag!



  2. banglamarie Said,'> 12:45 AM

    Nå har jeg oppdatert bloggen min. Har tenkt på det lenge, men ikke gjort noe med det. Så nå står du på link-listen min. :)


  3. Unknown Said,'> 9:20 AM

    Morsomt med de bilettene, smart tenkt.... :)

    Utrolig fint bilde av dere.


  4. Lene S Said,'> 9:24 PM

    He-hey! Så kult med datoene på billettene :o) Så fint bilde av søsteren din og deg...sikkert godt å ha en søster!

    (Og jeg har også lagt deg til linklista;o))

    Lene :o)


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-