Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ My little cutiepie ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Working on some layouts for Papirfesten - just had to show you these photos of my mischievous little cutiepie ;)

Yesterday morning she woke me up with her hands full of soap..... tealygreenish soap. Wtf? We don't have any soap of that color I thought. Turned out that she woke up early, went up to my scrappingtable, "played" some with my Nick van Bantock "prussian blue" stamppad which was within range and figured out she needed to wash her hands - so she went down, poured lots of soap onto her hands and then she wasn't able to open the waterbatterythingie so she woke me up for some help. Riiight! She was pretty proud of herself too! (cue Simen: "Ahh so that's what it takes to force you to get up so fast at this hour - a chance for some photos!")

The latter is just a photo I took the other day - think it turned out great - the pouted mouth is just her saying "woof woof" - she loves pretending she's a lil doggie these days :)

Ahwell - back to scrapping - am multitasking - working on two layouts at the same time ;p

Ps! The sneakpeeks at Bad Girls for the Octoberkit have begun -- check it out! The Product of the Month will be available soon and rumor says that the tape shown will also be available in the store so you can order these from there regardless of wheter you have a subscription or not!

Psps! HOORAY for Papirloftet!!! "Newcomer of the year" when it comes to netstores in Norway! Wow! How incredible cool is that - a scrapbookstore being the winner of that?? Yeah! Apparently they've been secretly tested on several criterias ever since April - and deemed the best! Yay!

Amalie vekka meg igår morges med "hjelpe meg" - uhm - eeh?? Hendene hun strakte frem var helt blågrønne og klissete.....ook! Det viste seg at hun hadde sneket seg opp på scrappebordet og lekt med min "preussian blue" stempelpute og deretter bestemt seg for at hun måtte vaske hendene. Såpe greier hun helt fint å ta, men å slå på vannet på badet er det litt verre med - og det var her hun fant ut det var nyttig å informere mamma'n sin om krumspringet hennes. Tsktsk. Hun var stolt og i godt humør da, så jeg måtte seffers ta noen bilder ;) Lille søte jenta mi! ♥

(Simens kommentar? "Så det er dette som skal til for å få deg opp med en gang om morgenen, ja.." - jeg må vekkes både en og to og tre ganger før jeg motvillig står opp ;p)

Ps. Hurra for Papirloftet!! Vinneren av "Årets nykommer" i Postens nettbutikkåring! Noe så utrolig bra - og masse kul reklame! Sjekk feks her, her eller her - pluss div. radio og tv-intervjuer. Yay! De har blitt testet i all hemmelighet siden april på flere kriterier - bl.a. over 80 kriterier bare på forbrukervennlighet - og skåret jevnt over veldig høyt.

7 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ My little cutiepie ~~'

  1. banglamarie Said,'> 1:32 AM

    hi hi søte Amalie :)


  2. Camilla G Said,'> 4:44 AM

    Så stor hun ser ut på "såpebildet"
    Liten skjønning det der:) Hadde hun greid å unngå å i masse på vei til badet?

    Skjønner ikke hvordan du greier multitaskingen, men det er du god til!


  3. Kathrine Said,'> 8:56 AM

    haha - så søte dere er begge to


  4.'> 2:23 PM

    Så herlig :)


  5. ellen s. Said,'> 4:55 PM

    she is so cute...why are they so adorable when the are being devilish?


  6. Lilo Said,'> 5:35 PM

    Jättefina foton! Du fotograferar så bra!!!


  7. iris Said,'> 3:55 AM

    She IS such a cutie pie!!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-