Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ New classinfo & all is well ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, September 12, 2007

All is well..
Soo yeah, I'm home & safe from the hospital and things went much better than I expected. No real pains so far - but I'm still eating those prescribed little pills regulary cause I don't really want to find out wheter I'm supposed to be in pains or not ;p

Got to read Digital Camera World while at the hosp - I think it's becoming my fave mag while reading at the hosp along with the stacked up mags of CKs that I save for these trips. I know people keep saying how CK has lost it's quality, but I still think & feel I got inspired by the summermags to scrap. That's good no? Anyways, some links to share from the photomag - their issue was mostly about B&W which was pretty interesting - and Virtual Photographer 2.0 won their "Editors choice" when it came to B&W actions for photoshop - it's an oldie but apparently a goldie, so here's the link for those who are new to this: Virtual Photographer 2.0. Other free B&W actions includes: B/W conversion and Cybia BW-Plus. Feel free to head over to their downloadsection on the web for more actions, frames, backgrounds etc. :)

I've scrapped since I came home - but can't show you stuff yet as they both were for future Pencillines-sketches - but hm I can show you some peeks can't I? Yeah. Think I'll do so ;) It's kinda boring doing posts withouts pictures of some kind imo :) And tbqh....I sorta think the detailshots are way prettier than the whole picture of the layouts...*blush*

And! Classinfo! Yay! :)
As for now I'll be teaching classes at Stavanger and Ålesund in October and Ål in November addition to some classes locally in Bergen. Contemplating to fit in Oslo too - but I don't really know - all the other cities are like, weekend/weeklong trips so I really dunno if I can do another weekendtrip away from the kids...but hm. We'll see. There will be beginners classes, advanced classes and workshops stretching over a whole weekend and even a whole week (Ål). Let me know if you're interested in more info :)

So long for now :)

Oppdatert kursinfo! :)

Stavanger 5.oktober-7.oktober: Under Papirfesten kommer jeg til å holde et eget kurs; "Detaljer med dimensjoner" lørdag klokken 11.00-12.30. I tillegg kommer Kerry Lynn og Ingunn sine kurs - også de på lørdagen - til å bli tilrettelagt for døve. I tillegg til kursene blir helgen full av masse morsomme scrappeaktiviteter & greier - gleder meg masse! Har akkurat satt sammen kurspakken min i samarbeid med Oddbjørg og Scrappejungelen og venter spent på den i posten - må jo forberede meg til dette kurset og ha noen eksempler å vise frem liksom ;) Kan definitivt love at dette blir litt av en digg kurspakke!! :D
Kontakt enten Papirfesten direkte her eller spør gjerne meg om mer info via email.

Nytt: Ålesund 26.-28. oktober: En hel helg med bare scrapping! Vi begynner med nybegynnerkurset på fredag hvor dere får vite alt dere trenger å vite om scrapbooking og prøve dere på noen layouter, før vi fortsetter med både minialbum- og teknikkurs på lørdagen og avslutter med free-for-all scrapping på søndagen der vi gjør ferdig eventuelle uferdige prosjekter. Kontakt enten Helle eller meg for mer info.

Ellers blir det scrappekurs igjen under Kunst og håndverksuken iår som ifjor på Ål folkehøyskole 19-23. november - der er det begrenset med plass så skynd dere med å kontakte Ål for påmelding og mer kursinfo. Det blir muligheter for både å scrappe og lage forskjellige gaveideer til jul :)

Og så har vi de lokale kursene her i Bergen; 19. september, 3. oktober og 17. oktober. Igjen: ta kontakt om dere ønsker å vite mer :)

Sånn - det var ukas reklamebit fra meg ;)

1 lovely comment to '~~ New classinfo & all is well ~~'

  1. tessa Said,'> 9:17 AM

    ååååååååååååå så kult at du kommer til ålesund!! Er det på familieminner treffet???


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-