Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


I had a jolly good time ( sounds so fun to say that. Jolly good!) yesterday with Eli, driving around (women & driving ;) ) treasurehunting at Fretex. Didn't find as much as we'd like to but still came home with a few goodies :) It's fascinating to see (and ruin :p) a damn good craftmanship eh. It was a nice trip and I had fun - thanks Eli! :) I will post some more photos once I get the go from her ;) The photo above was taken by Eli btw :)

I also dropped by the hospital, recieved some less amusing news (Oh yes - looks like another infection incoming :( ) and have to return to the hosp on monday again. Good news is that the so-called expert that my doc has been relying on since the infections started (a swede nonetheless) will be visiting the hospital on monday and I'm gonna meet up with him. I assume it's good anyways. I'm sick and tired of postponing & delaying stuff and really hope this won't affect the last wrapup-stuff I still have left with the hospital! Ohwell.

Today we're gonna head down to watch another basketgame then drop by mother in law to eat dinner & cake and like, celebrate her birthday. Check out this lovely gift I got her (and my mom) from Etsy!! It's a twosided pendant with drawings from both Adrian and Amalie on it. I'm not quite sure wheter my mom has recieved hers yet - she should get it by today or on monday - crossing fingers she won't read this blog before then (she's the one buggin' me about writing in Norwegian too so she can actually read what I'm sayin :p). Anyways. Analiese, the woman who made these necklaces for me, is the sweetest gal and offers such a cool gift for grandparents and stuff.

Alright. Over to scrappy things.
Made this layout for Scrappedugnad - Martha Bonneau has this cool challenge about using multiple fonts and cutting out patterns. Now, strictly speaking I didn't cut out any patterns on this layout - instead I opted to use my Tinkering Ink alpha-diecut-sheet - placed the alphas on this paper to make a fun background for this layout. The ABC-circle is homemade too. Don't forget to check out the RAK aswell - where you can win a complete kit! Yay!

And!! Want to be a guestdesigner for Pencil-Lines and have your own sketch featured?? Check out this cool new contest!! This will be fun! :D

Ok, tenkte jeg skulle skrive noen ord på norsk her og men ser nå jeg ikke får tid -- må løpe for å rekke basketkampen til gubben! :D

1 lovely comment to '~~ Old books, fun and not so fun things and yeah, some scrappy things aswell and isn't long titles so so so cool? ~~'

  1. Eli Said,'> 4:13 PM

    Jepp - det var moro; både å peke, prate, le, leite og finne ;) :) Primadonnanykker på meg skjønner jeg - bildene må godkjennes først *knis* Må ta oss en ny tur en dag og bare fotografere. Var kult oppe på toppen av parkeringshuset og nede i undergangen feks! Har hatt en liten fotosession i dag - så som så resultat men noe brukandes ble det jo. Må scrappes! Kos deg på basketkamp og hils damen med det fiiine navnet! ;) Klem, E


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-