Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~ ugh ~

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, August 08, 2006
SUPERsplash - også for voksne damer!

Sooo I was planning to write about why I scrapbook -- I mean, if you toss out a question "why do you scrapbook" people come up with all kind of serious answers like "to preserve the memories of the past to the future" and "to showcase the everydaylife" and something "larger-than-oneself" kind of answer, but in reality and all honesty, I scrap simply because I totally enjoy it, the whole process of taking pictures just for the sake of taking them, looking at them on the PC, editing & modifying, printing, pondering about setups and papers and colors and style and just enjoy the whole process throughoutly just because it gives me such great personal fun and all that --- then suddenly shit hit the fan and all -- the pictures I was gonna scrap just didn't wanna cooperate, and for the first time ever I almost threw the layout in the garbagebin was like watching a nightmare slowly unfold in front of me with me watching myself do the stupid choices and moves and knowing it's just wrongwrongwrong and still I coudln't stop myself or the feeling of the stomach turning over and over and.......oh jeez...I'm lost aren't I.....I'm really deep deeeep into this innocent-hobby-turned-lifestyle-thing.'s just a passing moment, this stupid 'everything-goes-wrong' phase in least I hope so =) And it's the first time I demonted a LO totally to start from scratch......did I mention? AND! To make matters worse...I managed to cut it in 8x11"...not 8.5x11" *sigh* alright :p

*fit over*

But really. I scrap because I love it. I think I scrap too much sometimes, because it's not always there is a real story to tell kinda...but still..can't help it...want...must.....scrap!

And oh! I've got a huuuuge order on Papirloftet incoming now -- Sassafrass Lass & some of the cool Poppet stuff! YAY! *cant wait!* And I see that the new Scenic Route is enroute aswell.....*sooo neeeed Cape Town!!* And lol, I was checking out the papers at amillion today and thought "Woah, AMM have seriously renewed themselves! Must have! they even got a line called bohemia just like MME!" and after watching like two collections it dawned on me that I *was* looking at MME not AMM *blush*


Btw did you know? LOL :)

Ohwell....some old layouts once again....a sketch and a scraplift :) The one running at the layout with the big wave and all is my mom, haha ....I think it's pretty cool that she wanted to play along aswell :)

Se mamma, jeg har fanget VERDENS MINSTE KRABBE!

Jaja, orker ikke å skrive så fryktelig mye på norsk akkurat nå, men -- kan si såpass at jeg møtte veggen totalt da jeg forsøkte å scrappe litt idag (bleh!) og det var et lite hyggelig møte for å si det sånn :(

Ellers viser jeg nok en gang to gamle LO'er til -- laget etter henholdsvis en skisse og en scraplift. Liker selv den første -- der er mamma med på leken -- "gamle" damen på over 60 (glad i deg mamma!!!!) sa ikke nei til å leke med storbølgen på Tusenfryd....det synes jeg var kjempegøy :)

Føler meg litt sånn......mååå scrappe......bruke opp ark.......samtidig som jeg går rundt og venter på den nye Papirloftpakka mi...masssse ark...yummy!!! *dance* :)

3 intriguing feedbacks to '~ ugh ~'

  1. Kathrine Said,'> 10:49 AM

    Hmm.. jeg scrapper også fordi jeg liker det, ellers ville jeg vel sldri funnet på å gjøre det. Men det hadde ikke betydd like mye å scrappe om andre liksom, selv om jeg kunne tatt bildene og alle de scrappetekniske tingene. Dimensjonen som prosesser, tanker og små minner gir er nok ganske avgjørende for min scrappetrivsel. Kjedelig med sperre da, Ania! Håper den er slutt allerede.


  2. _Kine Said,'> 10:50 AM

    Haha, Chuck Norris-bru er helt fantastisk da!
    Jeg møter stadig "scrappeveggen" jeg også. Noen ganger tror jeg jeg blir litt manisk med "må lage fine ting, hele tiden"-greia.

    Fine layouter! Likte den nederste spesielt godt =)


  3. Unknown Said,'> 2:58 PM

    Opp med hodet, Ania!
    Noen ganger går alt skeis for meg også, og jeg har aller mest lyst til å kaste hele layouten..... har faktisk mange halvferdige layouter. layouter jeg ikke har vært fornøyd med dere og da, og har lagt de til side, for å finne de frem igjen senere. Noe som aldri skjer!!!
    Har blitt flinkere til å gjøre ferdig LO mens jeg holder på med de.
    Den viktigste grunnen til at de fleste scrapper er vel fordi man syns det er moro. Selv om det selvfølgelig er en viktig dokumentasjon for kommende generasjoner!

    Layoutene dine er kjempeflott, likte den øverste veldig godt... :o)


    Ha en fortsatt fin scrappedag!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-