Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


Posted by Ania On Monday, August 14, 2006

Whew. What an evening. Sooo I got inspired (or rather, challenged :P) to do this challenge by Amy Howe: Mix Basic Grey & Chatterbox equally on a layout. (Do enter -- you can win some CB stuff if you agree to pay the shipping.) Yep. Mix BG and CB together. Mind-boggling isnt? Do they actually mix?? Well. Apparantly it's kinda possible. LOL. Interesting challenge. But I gotta admit -- I was (and still am actually) full of prejudice. BG and CB. *shakes head* LOL. But it was fun trying to actually combine them! :D (Patterned cardstock & hand cut flower embellishments: CB, other patterned paper + mat: BG Oh baby boy! - and the paper the journaling is written on is CB aswell)

Anyways. *faint* Don't try and write a title directly on the patterned paper if you're not even sure it's a good idea in advance. Thank god I had a coordinating piece of cardstock I could glue upon the horrible writing. Then I figured my new Heidi Swapp chipletters (LOVE THEM!!! LOVE!!! HOw come I didn't know about these before? NEED MORE!) would be nice instead -- and found out that it had both upper and lower case a bit too late -- ohwell -- the mix of UC and LC turned out cool :P

Finished my LSS round#2 layout -- and it turned out okayish -- just that...youre sorta supposed to step it up a notch for round 2 -- and I believe I'll fail to do exactly that. Freestyle just isn't my table, although it's fun to dabble with it for a bit :) It'll be exciting to check out the entries and see who'll make it though :D

Jeje. University "starts" tomorrow. Kinda. At least I'm gonna return there to finish stuff and stuff. About gddtime...

Ps. Want cool, free fonts? Go here and type LETTERING in the code field to recieve two free & *cool* fonts made by Elsie Flannigan and Danielle Donaldson. Fab! :)

Kathrine tipset om denne konkurransen: Miks Basic Grey og Chatterbox likt på en LO. Gosj. Det går jo ikke an da liksom -- men -- på en eller annen måte gikk det allikevel :D Amy Howe trekker ut noen vinnere som får Chatterboxstuff tilsendt -- du dekker bare porto. Frist på fredag -- bli med! :)

Er ellers ferdig med LSS LO'en min -- men gosj....den ble ok, småartig, men -- i runde 2 er det jo liksom iallefall om å gjøre å gjøre seg bemerket, og da tror jeg nok denne faller sørgelig igjennom...menmen...fikk da iallefall scrappet de bildene!! :)

PS. Alfabetet jeg har brukt på "husbygger"-LO'en heter "Green Tea" av Fontwerks (designet av Tia Bennett :) Kjøpte den på amillion, men de har visst ikke flere inne igjen - den finnes hos lifetime, som jeg har linket til, men der var den atskillig dyrere enn det jeg kjøpte den for altså. Mener ganske bestemt min kosta 18-22$.

3 intriguing feedbacks to ' '

  1. banglamarie Said,'> 1:22 AM

    Så herlig side. Denne oppgaven klarte du med glans. Heia heia.



  2. Kathrine Said,'> 1:40 AM

    Enig med Marie! Denne ble kjempefin! Lykke til på universitetet imorgen!


  3. Unknown Said,'> 11:56 AM

    WOW, den ble rett og slett rålkeker. En kjempfin match. Skulle gjerne vært med, men nå har jeg så mye annet jeg må få gjort ferdig, så jeg må begrense meg litt. Har ikke fått begynnt på LSS utfordringen ennå heller, den skal jeg gjøre i kveld. Gleder meg til det, og jeg vet sånn noenlunde hvordan jeg skal ha den.

    Ha en fortsatt fin scrappedag!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-